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My mother used to say, 'there is more depth in one's eyes than the ocean.'

My entire survival relied on my instincts and ability to read people, the eyes provided a synopsis and detail body language sometimes lacked.

The woman before me refused to meet my eye and although usually this was sign of respect, it stoked an alien anger in me. Her body language remained distant, half turned towards the exit as if she truly didn't want to be here at all. She pretended to fuss with the young boy, helping him settle into the seat beside his father and then gracefully sat in her own seat next to the young don across from Draco.

I squinted at her, her gaze remained trained away and downcast but her head wasn't bowing, her shoulders remain set back and her spine pin straight. I leaned back, setting a hand on the smooth fabric of the tablecloth.

This was the woman who was under the medias spotlight? Attention seemed like the last thing she wanted, yet she had bartered all of mine without even speaking.

"Don Bianchi, so sorry to keep you waiting." I blink, forcing myself to acknowledge the sudden approach. The woman is tall, aquamarine blue eyes with platinum blonde hair. Her features were obviously borrowed from her mother, a manicured hand pressed onto my bicep as she grin her figure leaning over in her tight sleeveless green dress. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you."

Clearing my throat I nod, offering no words as a response. From the side of my eye I watch her deflate slightly before perking up at her fathers words.

"Don, you've met my wife." Rene grins from her seat beside him offering a nervous curt nod, Draco offers her a respected nod in return and I sigh again through my nose. "My son, the future Don of this family Isaac, this is Nalani and then the reason I invited you for such far travels, my daughter Selene." The alien anger flickers like a lighter in my chest and the hand resting on the table curls into a fist, I want a fan of mystery's, it offered the element of an unknown outcome and Brian was only adding to the mystery of who Nalani was. She wasn't dressed like the help or a nanny, she seemed to sophisticated to get herself titled as a mistress of Brian Sacozi. The thought made bile slosh in the back of my throat.

Then his words really registered and I was starting to understand that he had expected me to marry the chirping woman beside me. I chuckled, nothing of humor uttering past my lips as I shook my head. Beside me Draco shuffled in his seat and cleared his throat.

"The don appreciates the invitation. Although as an extension of my don, I cant help but wonder what you could see in the need to arrange a marriage between the families. You have a heir." Draco gestures curtly to the boy sat across from his father, I smirk watching as Nalani declines the wine offered by one of the many staff.

"Isaac Is developing well into his title to become the next to run this family, however he wont be fit to take around in another decade. I wish to alleviate myself of some of my duties until he is of age. A marriage ensures just that." Brian explained, swallowing the last of his piss colored wine before waving his hand for more.

"You want me to babysit your responsibilities while you vacation on the shores?" I snorted, my tone flat with any humor or accusation but solid in its statement, Brian pauses. My head tilts at the flash in his eyes, the beast in me pacing and licking at his still blood stained teeth at the thought of a challenge.

"I would be grooming Isaac to take over completely in the mean time. I-"

"I apologize for my tardiness Don Sacozi, I had to attend to my father." The man cuts off the tension in the room as he bows his head in respect before moving quickly to the open seat beside Nalani. He reminds me of the boys in the magazines young girls gushed over, pretty and delicate. Almost like he was meant to be a girl.

"No apologies needed Angelo, we were just start to discuss business." The boy nods, gesturing with a flick of his wrist before his glass is filled with wine and I watch Nalani's nose crinkle as she leaned away slightly.

"Angelo is Ricardo Torres son, he is working to replace his father as underboss and acts as head of security over Nalani." Brian explains, I arch an eyebrow. Annoyance surfacing at the crypt in his words, once again, surrendering the only person at this table with whom I had an interest in.

"And who might you be? Miss Nalani." Her name is like silk and rolls off my tongue with an Italian accent. The direct question pulls her gaze my way, finally- russet, smoky quarts colored eyes that looked like liquid lava settled on me with a hooded gaze that seemed natural. My body was humming and I watched as her lips parted to speak with anticipation I had never felt before, like I was waiting for an angel to bestow a blessing upon me.

"I am Don Sacozi's eldest daughter. It is a curtesy to have you consider my sister for marriage." Her tone is melodic, like windchimes whistling in my ear or the soft drum of humming bird wings, but her response itself is robotic and rehearsed.
She resembled nothing of the two other woman, their skin was ghostly white in comparison to the soft amber glow of her skin. Their features to sharp and saturated in products, Nalani looked like she didn't belong with them at all.

"Enough formalities, please, eat. We've hired a private chef all the way from Sicily." Rene parrots her husbands words from earlier, seeming anxious to change the subject. I glance again at Draco who seems to be observing the whole situation with slight apprehension as well.

Half way through the meal, I feel Selene pressed her chest into the side of my arm and I pause mid bite of Caponata. "I was thinking if we are going to live in Sicily after the wedding, we should have it here." I turn, Selene is batting her lashes over her porcelain eyes, her smile is wide and what I'm guessing is supposed to be sultry.

"I never agreed to marry you." I swallow my food, watching the grin slink off her face and she leans back in her seat. A sheet of emotion is drawn over her face before it falls horrified.


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