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Heaven and hell are a choice a way, it was a mantra my mother used to recite to my father each day, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. My father's response was always the same, a slight tip of his head a grunt burping past his lips as he sipped his drink. It was always whiskey.

My mother loved my father like one loves a broken mirror, she looked past the shattered cracks of my father and accepted the distorted image for what it was. While my father tolerated my mother, she was a impalpable terms of conditions to a business deal he had no choice to accept.

I watched my mother fall out of love or what I considered more of an infatuation and more into misery as life went on. I watched my mother love every crack in my father image while he neglected her almost entirely.

I think myself gracious to be an only child. My mother was as nurturing as she could be, my fathers training aside. I was to be the next don, my father would allot no time for a chance to be weak, even if it meant spending time with my mother.

But things are different now.

"Figlio, are you listening to me?" I blinked, rubbing at my eyes as I turn away from the ocean, the sun glimmering reflection almost blinding.

"Yes mama, I plan to return home soon." She hums and I can hear the gears turning in her head.

"You still have not told me your plans, I know this marriage is arranged but I can't say I am impressed with what I've seen of the girl so far." She tuts and I smirk, picturing my mother shaking her head at her magazines.

"Did you know Brian had another daughter? From his marriage before." I glance at my watch, clicking my mother to speaker as I adjust my cufflinks.

"No, I cant say that I do. But then again if Rene turned her nose up anymore, it'd be upside down. Tell me, is this girl anything like her sister?" I roll my eyes, smiling at my phone although I know she cant see me, my mother loved gossip- especially if it was something she could hear about before anyone else.

"No. She's nothing like anyone I've ever met." I answer, my mind drifting to the woman I had been thinking about the moment I set eyes on her. "Her name is Nalani, Brian's eldest daughter from his first marriage." Wispy curls and siren alluring hazel  eyes dance in my memory.

"Well Figlio, it seems to me you have already made a decision." My mothers tone is one of endearment and I imagine if I was Infront of her she'd hold my face in her hands and kiss my cheeks with a fondness only a mother can have.

"I have lunch with Brian in half an hour." I respond with a sigh, dealing with Brian was almost as insufferable as dealing with Selene was. The woman was constantly calling my phone and texting offers of dates on her families yacht or another ridiculous venture to showcase the amount of money they had.

"Enjoy, you are in the islands your future wife calls home. I suggest you get acquainted with the culture there, she will appreciate it when she has to move to Italy. and do tell Draco to give his poor mother a call- it wouldn't kill him." I chuckle at her flat tone, she was right of course. It would be something my wife could appreciate and Draco could bother to call our mother more often.

"I will, I have to go now mama."

"I love you, Figlio."

"And I, you mama." I murmur, the sound of the call ending as I slip on my shoe. My mothers words sit on my shoulders, it seems to me you have already made a decision. - Had I?

Of course I have.

I would rather spend my days figuring out what makes Nalani tick, what makes that stoic gaze slip, the switch to turn off the robotic words that pour from her mouth and I would spend my nights listening to her compos endless symphonies, then I'd replace the cello between her legs with my mouth, listening to the sounds she made when It was my turn to create endless symphonies.

Selene was a fucking nightmare to the dreams I was having of a woman who would hardly look me in the eyes.

I guess that is the curse of most mafia men, we crave most what we are denied.

"Bienvenido don Bianchi, el señor lo espera en el patio." The waiter speaks  rapidly, then raises his eyebrows in expectation. (Welcome Don Bianchi, Sir is waiting on the patio.)

Draco clears his throat, "Nosotros no hablamos mucho español. English, please." I cock a brow at his sudden talent of speaking spanish but he only shrugs it off. (We don't speak much spanish.)

"My apologies, please follow me."

There patio is mostly empty, expect for the round table in the middle. Brian and two other men, one I recognize from the dinner, the other I don't but he offers me a curt respectful nod as our eyes meet.

"Bianchi! It's great to see you." Brian exclaims, despite his obvious enraged demeanor at dinner after my parting words he was now greeting me with a bright and wide grin. "You remember Angelo and this is his father Ricardo." I tip my head, shaking the offered hands.

"Good evening." The boy Angelo must look like his mother, the only resemblance I can find between him and Ricardo was their eye color.

"Please order all that you want, we have much to discuss." Brian gestured to the menu before me, leaning forward in his seat. "I have to say I've not seen Selene so interested in something." His words were void of any actual geniuses for his daughter's happiness, rather he looked at me with expectation.

Draco cleared his throat, abandoning his appetizer to address what this meeting is for.

"Don Bianchi will accept the proposal." Draco announces with a stone face, the words are not so much foreign to me, they had been used by Draco to accept hundreds of business negotiations.

Brian claps his hands together with a smile as he claps my back, "Great!-"

"With two conditions." I smirk at the fallen expression suddenly ghosting across Brian's face as I continue. "I will not simply take over your business just to hand it all back, when this is over and your son is named Don- I will keep any shares put into your company and forty percent of whats already established." Brian has no objections but his face is warming to that angry red color it was the other night at dinner.

"And I have no interest in a marriage with Selene." Draco hums beside me and panic seems to latch onto Brian and he sputters.

"What I do-" Draco grunts as if he has had enough of this, he speaks in a tone that could be mistaken as boredom but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes- he was enjoying this.

"Don Bianchi wishes to have this marriage arranged to Miss Nalani."

"You what?"

Unholy Matrimony (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now