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I almost hadn't heard him at first, dismissed it as a fly buzzing past my ear but then he kept talking. I watch the vein pulsate in his forehead as he looked at Brian incredulously.
"With all due respect, this is the last thing Lani would want." The nickname rolled off his tongue so easily, I was never sadistic but I was suddenly wondering if a blade would slice through the jabbering muscle in his mouth just as easy.
The nickname had slipped off my own tongue just the night prior, her dressing room smelled like vanilla and cinnamon- she smelled like heaven wrapped in alluring sin. Everything in her room was neat and set in its place but there was nothing personal not a photo, a book or even a hairbrush, nothing to clue me in on anything about her.

There was a streak of emotions running through me that I couldn't explain, it made my chest hot and hands twitch with the urge to snap his neck.

"Angelo." Ricardo had spoke first, his gruff voice cracking the budding silence sliding his son a look that could only be a warning. "Excuse my son, it's just he has been not only been a protective asset in her life but a friend as well." Ricardo explained with a face void of any emotion and a level tone while Angelo lowered his head slightly but his jaw ticked as his father spoke.

"Quite frankly I have no care for his thoughts or feelings regarding the woman I'm proposing marriage too. In fact-" The chair beneath me creaks quietly as I lean forward, resting my arms on top of the table cloth as I narrowed my eyes at Angelo, the threat ready to leap off the tip of my tongue.

"You have a deal Don Bianchi, I will give you my eldest daughters hand in marriage. However, I do have a condition of my own." Brian seemed calm now, the panic that was there had vanished and I watched in a mix of confusion and annoyance as he cut into his chicken. His words pause the venom I was about to spit at his underboss's son, huffing through my nose, my brows lowered as I looked at the older don.

"Conditions?" I quirked an eyebrow, watching him shove chicken in his mouth as he nodded. Taking his time to answer as he sipped his wine, I breathed deeply. I had felt more annoyance conducting business with these men than I have in years.

"Yes, Nalani is my eldest daughter. My only request is you won't leave immediately after the wedding, you and Nalani will live here- on the island for at least six Months and then when you both go back to Italy, I will sign the shares off to you." I could feel Draco looking at me, gauging my reaction.

Terms and conditions weren't something I wasn't familiar with they were the fundamentals of business. They were just something I wasn't usually given or followed, I was a fucking Don, I take no order or conditions from no one.

Six months away from my home leaves a wide open window of opportunity for vulnerability to surface in my empire, despite my reputation preceding - there was always, always someone to toe the line before they got ballsy enough to cross over.

Then, my mothers words rendered in my thoughts, 'I suggest you get acquainted with the culture there, she will appreciate it when she has to move to Italy.' I cant say anyone else's thoughts let alone feelings ever occurred to me, especially if a decision I made effected them directly.

I was a don and I was cruel in many ways, but what type of man would I be if I was cruel to my wife?

"Hmm." I tilt my head, my neck cracking and I glance at Draco, he was the only other person I trusted more than myself. "Fine, I will remain here for six months after the wedding." I can feel Draco tense beside me but still, he drops his fork and stands as I stand.

Brian stands with a rather smug grin on his face, Ricardo stands silently while pulling his reluctant son up with him. "Excellent! There will be a grand celebration for this union."

I looked at Brian's out stretched hand, his pale blue eyes shimmering with glee. "The wedding will be a month from now. I will pick Nalani up tomorrow afternoon, I believe there is a conversation to be had between my wife and I." I gaze at Angelo as I finish my words, the annoyance painted over his features makes me smirk. With reluctance I shake Brian and Ricardo's hand, Angelo storming from the table ignoring his fathers calls.

Draco is silent until we get into the car, his posture tense and rigid. I sigh, waving a hand for him to get on with it. He glares at me before rolling up the privacy screen between the driver and us.

"Six fucking months in the Dominican Republic? I have a wife, I cant stay away from her for half a year let alone you're going to leave behind ongoing business for six months-" His tone is laced with anger and confusion as he waved his hands around.

"I wouldn't ask you to leave your wife, Draco. I will tie up any major loose ends before the wedding and after wards I will leave you in lead in my departure." Draco was and I weren't blood related but we were raised by the same woman, grew up under the same roof and If I wasn't don, he would be.

He closes his mouth, seeming to mule over my words and I pull my pack of cigarettes from my pocket as he responds. "Well that is better than me being down here for six months but I cant say I'm not concerned about whatever's planned in that twisted brain of yours." He smirked but his eyes showed a flash of genuine concern before it was gone.

I offer no response, swallowing a bellow of smoke as I stare at my phone. The lack of messages and missed calls making my lip purse around the cigarette and I take another long drag.

Unholy Matrimony (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now