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I sighed, stepping out of the building using my hand to shield the blaring sunlight I squinted past the space of my fingertip to look at the clouds.

I had shown him all the sites I thought he would find interesting, which were places my father would've taken him. Besides the market, I really could only offer the information from what I knew when I was a child. When my father spoke openly about his business, it wasn't until now I had realized how much had changed or how much I really hadn't known in the first place.

"Nani." I turn instinctively at the name, it rolls of his tongue like silk. "I have to fly back to Sicily tonight." He explains, his expression blank as his eyes scanned my face. He reminded me of the predatory animals I'd watch on the nature show, eyes that tracked your every move as it happened.

I almost asked, why, rolling my lips into my mouth when I felt the edges of them start to tug down in an inward frown. "Okay." I blink as his face hardens and his eyes dim with a darkness.

Wordless he opens the car door, his massive hand spreading across the small of my back in assistance does anything but, I shudder despite the burning heat it brings.

I flinched as the door slammed into the car as he yanked it shut. Muttering something in Italian, I watch his suit stretch over his taunt muscles as he clicks the privacy screen shut and I catch Draco's eyes as it shuts.

"Tell me why you love the market so much." Despite the order of his words, this was not posed as a question. Still it knocks me off my pivot and I find myself stumbling for an answer forcing my gaze away from his.
His actions didn't match his surprisingly steady tone, eyes heavy with irritation stare at me.
Swallowing thickly, I struggle to find an answer, one that would satisfy the sudden curiosity that made me uneasy and to keep as much of myself to myself as possible.
"Don't do that." He bites the words out like bricks, teeth clench and the leather of the seat strains against his grip, a small vein throbs in the side of his temple as he leans in "Don't be careful with your words with me."

There massive truck suddenly feels like three times smaller, the door digging into my back as I lean in the only open space left. The rest being ate of by his massive frame, his cologne is light, fresh but still overpowering, it makes my head feel light.

"You asked if you could be honest with me, yet every words out of your pretty mouth has sounded like a rehearsed line." I think I stop breathing all together, my stomach clenches at his words.

I had fed my father the same routine lines day in and day out for years, perfected the level of my tone and practiced keeping my neutral for hours in the mirror when I was a kid. It made interacting with his colleagues easier, I didn't speak unless spoken too and I never offered more than what was needed. 

Eyes as green as emeralds bounce around my face, like he was committing me to memory.

"My mother used to bring me here, it was the only time out of my fathers estate I had ever seen her smile. I come here when I start to forget what she looked like." My eyes were burning with unshed tears, the words spewing out of me in a rare- eclipse moment of vulnerability.

The hardness starts to melt from his face something flashing in his crystal eyes but its gone before I can analyze it. He doesn't move back, instead his large, warm hand grasp both mine in one of his. His thumb is smooth as it brushes over the surface of my skin, goosebumps arising up my arm despite my long sleeves.

I had never planned to take him to the market originally, it was rather a spur in the moment. When he asked me to show him my home, it was almost instinct. and then it rained down on me like cold acid rain who he was and what the bases of this relationship actually was- a business deal. So I showed him my fathers warehouses and formal business, falling effortlessly back into my the façade I spent my childhood perfecting.

Around this man, however, it felt like years spent molding myself into the perfect don's daughter was futile, he seemed to see right through the curtain.

I clear my throat, pulling both of us out of our thoughts. "Can I ask you a question?"
He nods once, eyes never leaving my face. "I know why you don't want to marry Selene, but why do you want to marry me? Selene is more than willing to change who she is for a marriage with you and I don't even know your first name." His reasoning for not wanting to marry Selene was fair but yet there were so many other women of the mafia who were under constant eyes of the media. Selene has talked about marrying a don since she was sixteen, this was a life she wanted.

"Because she's willing to change who she is for a marriage." He answers with a tone I cant decipher, eyes darkening. A gasp rips through me as his hand gripping the seat behind me move to grip my throat the other now gripping both my wrist, I stop breathing for moment as he squeezes the sides my neck slightly, my core clenching with the action makes my eyes widen slightly at my bodies reaction.

He hums deep in chest, moving until the bridge of his nose brushed mine, his lips a whisper away until I was sure he was breathing the churros and gum on my breath. My usual instinct to pull away is completely lost to me, it feels like my body is under his spell, his hold.

"Hmm so responsive." He murmurs lowly like he's speaking to himself but my body whimpers in response. If I was three shades lighter I'd be burning bright red like a cherry tomato, my silent prayers that the uncontrolled noise goes unnoticed is unheard by the carnal smirk that slides on to his face.

I shudder as he moves, leaning past my lips until his brush my ear. His teeth graze the skin rips another gasp from me and I find myself clutching his shouldering. Nails digging into the fabric of suit jacket. Whispering his name like a sacred secret spoken only between us.

My eyes are barely open when he pulls back, drunk off the smell of him, the feel of him as his hand squeezes again. A moan inwardly falling from my lips as my sex clutches and moisture starts to fill my underwear. "Say it." His eyes are s dark they look almost brown, his lips brushing mine as I pant and squirm, not sure when I got submerged underneath him in the back seat.

His name leaves my lips in another breathy moan I cant contain, "Aziel."

Unholy Matrimony (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now