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I was learning very quickly, Nalani was a woman of duality. She could shed roles like a chameleon shifting colors.
My head tilted as I gazed down at her, wondering what other sides to her that would be revealed to me.

"You do not have to wear the ring now." She had been staring at the container hand in her box like it was Pandora's box itself or a nuclear bomb. A look I couldn't begin to read skittered across her face, I blinked and it was gone as fast as it came.

"Okay." Her voice was soft and distant as she set the ring box on the bench beside her. I squinted, running my hands across my jaw. I hadn't expected her to jump up and down in joy regarding our arranged marriage but her robotic response felt like she had dropped a lit match in my gut.
We were in the garden, she sat on the stone bench and I standing in between a wall of wild flowers and a fountain. It was clear Brian enjoyed spending his money on chivalrous things, it showed in his manicured lawn and sparkling house.

Not that I had any thing of less capacity back in Italy. My estate was massive in size but secluded and hidden in the shrub of the Parco Regionale dei Nebrodi from my bedroom I had a view of the Nebrodi mountains. A part of me was wondering if Nalani would appreciate such a view, it was the main reason I bought the house in the first place.

"You and I are the ones entering this marriage yet you have had the least to say in the matter." It wasn't a question it was a statement, a fact that I had laid out at her feet waiting for a response.

She seemed to think on it for a moment, choosing her words carefully as her eyes glazed over her surroundings, looking anywhere but me.
I wasn't sure if she was analytical or trying to find the words she thought I wanted to hear.

"Can I be honest?" My gaze dropped momentarily as her legs shifted in the sunlight as she turned to me. Almond shaped Hazel eyes looking up at with expectation and something so webbed I couldn't begin to unravel as heat spread through my body.
Her eyes truly looked like sunshine trapped in glass bottles that warmed up my entire body when she looked at me.

"With me, always." I answer sincerely, ducking my head.


"Sorry to interrupt." Like red hot lava swallowing anything in its path, my anger swayed over my body. His tone didn't sound sorry at all and my jaw ticked at the idea of having to deal with this boys petty infatuation with my wife. "Lani, your mentor is here for your lesson." The slit crack, the slither of opening of emotion in her eyes slammed shut and the stoic expression was veiled back over her face.

"Thanks you Angelo." She responded in a low tone, standing as she dusted herself. Although the boy had not moved an inch, my eyebrow arched as I regarded him.

His eyes narrowed as he placed his hands behind his back, seeming to physically stand his ground and the idea made the blood thirsty part of me grin in carnage. I was picturing the wild flowers that had sat so beautifully behind my wife splattered in his blood.

"I will be in shortly, please direct Ms. Keaton to the music room." She stood between us now, her body turned towards me as she spoke the words to him.
He seemed to bristle at this, shuffling in his spot for a moment and it made me smirk.
Fortunately, he is at least smart enough to listen and grumbles his way back inside and I'm back staring at the sunshine dancing in her otherwise empty eyes.

She tilted her head, a slight crinkle protruding in her eyebrow but didn't speak and I found myself wishing I could read her ever wandering mind. It was clear Nalani spent a lot of time in her head, despite her vague words.

"What are you thinking about?" I stepped closer to her, our chests a deep breath away from here I can smell the vanilla that I was starting to believe was a natural scent.
Our close proximity seemed to pull her out of her mind, clearing her throat she steps back. Turning to grab the box that she had yet to open, to look at her ring.

She looked around, as if our words weren't only be shared between us and maybe she was right. Instead of answering she shook her head softly, despite the screaming opposition her body language was screaming.

I breathed deeply through my nose, trying to reign in my temper. I was known for my composure, I was cold, calm and collected portraying to those around me, no matter how much I was burning up inside.

With Nalani the Vice grip I had on the reigns was slipping like my hands were slick, wet. In the midst of all my planning and scheming to do everything to spite my father and ensure my own survival in this life, I had dismissed the fact that although I had the disregarded the pressures that could be resting on her shoulders.
I had watched that very pressure push down on my own mother until she cracked like glass and I was left to help her reassemble the pieces.
A puzzle no child should have to cut their hands on to piece back together the remains of the only parent that truly cared for them.

There were men everywhere. Draco remained at the table but I could feel the eyes of Brian's men, there large figures casted shadows over the brushes of plants and it made my jaw tick in irritation.

"I will call you tonight." I leaned down towards the fuzz of her hair clouding her ear, let my teasing words hang in the air for a moment in a whisper between us and when I pulled back there was a pink dust lurking beneath the color of her cheeks and her eyes had widened the smallest fraction.

Unholy Matrimony (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now