few months later

244 15 0

???: Hey my friend long time no see

Jeff: what are you doing in here!

???:oh I just arrived and your already like this to me

Jeff: what do you want company money house or something

???: whant to know I whant you
*Hold Jeff chess*

Jeff:* slap* it's your fault wye barcode broke up whit me before

???: When are you going to stop loving that stupid kidd!!

Jeff: never ever!!

???: Wye can't you love me once!!!

Jeff: it's because I don't date people who is so obsessed whit money

???: His dead forget about her

Jeff: wtf did you say

???:I said his dead so ac-

Jeff:* punch* shut your fucking mouth before I kill you and leave my house

???: Wye do freaking love him so much

Jeff: because he loves me truly he dont love me because I'm famous I'm rich he loves all his heart and you never made me felt all of that

???: Well I can do it now

Jeff: I sai-

Mile: he said yo leave him alone*punch*

Jeff: p mile* cry*

Mile: don't worry I'm here now I make sure no one will go to your site again

Jeff: thank you phi

Mile: that's what brother fo rights anyway how are you doing

Jeff:filling well I guess but his always stay in mind

Mile: it's because love make us crazy sometimes

Jeff: yah at same time love hurts us

Mile: I know but you need to move I'm sure barcode don't like seeing you like this

Jeff: you think he can see me??

Mile: ofc he didn't leave here point at his heart that means he never left you his every where you can't just see him

Jeff: thanks phi ilove you

Mile: always welcome

Tong: oyyyy pls can I join

Jeff: come here

Mr korn pov: seeing my family this happy I hope it never and but I'm sorry Jeff if you know the truth it will not be good for you but for now yo have to feel pain firs

Ta: how long do we have to keep him this

Mr: when it's the right time

Ta: you know what's going to happen right

Mr korn: yup and Im prepared of it

Cc: thanks fo supporting me pls I only right what my mind made 🥺😘

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