AND of the flash back

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Apo: you need to cuz my work is so far if we stay here

Barcode: where are we going to stay then

Apo: in are uncle house

Barcode: u..uncle?

Apo: y- you don't remember him?

Barcode: n-no

Apo : oh don't mind it uncle is t-the name of of are house owner

Barcode: what?

Apo: just pack your bag ok

Barcode: o-ok phi

Barcode pov: wye is my brother acting weird when I said I don't remember the guy name uncle?
I mean who will name her child that
Well I started packing all my stuff and I heard I'm going to this school name world of art and music

Cc: sorry i don't know what to name the school hehe anyway comment what you think name of the school should be anyway back to the story

Barcode: kinda wird name of a school

Apo: are you done packing

Barcode: almost but I have pack books also

Apo: ok take your time I will be down stairs if you need me

Barcode: ok phi and anyway where's phi mile at? I didn't see him since this morning.

Apo: he bought something

Barcode: ahm ok

Apo: I'm going now

Barcode: ahmm anyway what book should I bring looking at the file of anime book

Barcode: I didn't know that I have lot of anime and bl books welp I haven't forgot you guys well I haven't read this yet but have lot of parts I will just bring the season 1to12

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Barcode: I didn't know that I have lot of anime and bl books welp I haven't forgot you guys well I haven't read this yet but have lot of parts I will just bring the season 1to12

Apo: bro are you done yet *scream*

Barcode: yesss *shout back*

Apo: ok come on we might arrive late if you take so long *scream*

Barcode: yah yah what ever
*Saying while going down stairs*

Apo:Go put stuff out side mile is waiting for you

Barcode:okie dokie
*out and go to there car*

Mile: hi cod got everything you need

Barcode: yes phi

Mile: let me help you
*Put barcode bag on trunk*

Barcode: thank you phi

Mile: welcome go inside while we wait for your brother

Barcode: can I ask you something

Mile:yes sure what is is

Barcode: the guy you guys keep tilling me wye can't I meet him

Mile: you can and you will soon

Barcode: well I-i fill bad *sad town*

Mile: hey wye?

Barcode: it's just his my boyfriend I should remember him and I forgot him  I'm ediot

Mile: it's not your fault don't blame your self it's no one fault

Barcode: I guess thanks phi

Mile: welcome* pat code head*

Cc: hello everyone one I'm really sorry if it's really short but people might not really understand but this happen 2 years ago  I'm just telling you guys what is happening to code that pass years if his alive or not it's like ah flash back of both character life so I will and it here for know I will post tonight so yah I hope you guys like byee!!! Wait ahhh I forgot to tell you guys when it's barcode first day of class that's not flash back anymore

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