the truth

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Jeff: noo where ok but you think 

Gulf: probably know

Jeff:I'm going to find him I'm talking to you later

Gulf: ok good luck

Jeff:hi excuse me did you know where's barcode

???: Oh barcode his in the library
He just leave 3mn ago

Jeff: oh thank you so much

???: Sure no problem man

Jeff: *went to the library*

Barcode pov: come on phi how do you find me every whare

Jeff:I know you know every thing can we talk while no one is here

Barcode: finee! I think it's really better if we listen to them for now because at this point i think something is on what do you mea-!

???: Ahhh sir is everything ok

Jeff: oh am I to laod I'm sorry

???: Ah no no but can I ask what's wrong

Barcode:  phi pls let me go *leave*

Jeff: barcodee?!!

???: Is everything alright sir

Jeff: yeah it's just I have problem whit my friend sorry for disturbing

???: No but sir....

Jeff: *tears drop*I know but I cant
I'm going I'm sorry so sorry

???: Want me to call you a cab

Jeff: no I will just call my brother

???:ok sir becareful

Jeff: *called mile* hello phi can you pls pick me up crying

Mile: is everything okk

Jeff: nooo!? *Crying*

*1hr later*

Mile: ok what's wrong...

Jeff: I have to go *cried*

Mile: then go

Jeff: but I haven't fix everything yet *cried*

Mile: see not every thing is easy to fix you have to go and fix this there you can't fix it all here yeah you can fix some but can't fix everything you have to go there waiting for you

Jeff: but I don't want to I still want to see him every day i can't live whit out him

Barcode: but you have to phi

Jeff: barcode!!!!* hug barcode *

Barcode: I'm ok phi and besides I will always be bi your side ok

Jeff: it's all there fault we shouldn't have gone true this I'm sorry *crying*

Barcode: it's fine I already forgive you and I know this the last time I will so you phi but I want you to know it's never your fault it will never be *cried* you have to go phi can you say to them that I love them no matter what

Jeff: pls don't leave me *crying*

Barcode: I'm sorry phii

Jeff: wh- what's happening

Barcode; bye phi

Jeff: *walk up * barcodee!!!

Mile: Jeff!!! Your awake
*Tears drop*

Jeff: w-,where's barcode where is he *cried*

Mile: Jeff he died remember tears drop

Jeff: no no his alive I talk to her I I don't know if it's yesterday

Mile: Jeff you been in a coma for 1 Year know

Jeff: w- what do you mean it's not a good joke phi where is he are you guys pranking me that's wye barcode is ignoring me right

Mile: Jeff barcode died that day  when he fall he didn't survived your the only one survived you fall into the
Luggage that's wye it didn't really affect you bad

Jeff: no no no noooooo!!!!! I already wake up and his alive tell them Macau
Wheres dad tell me wher- he is *crying*

Tong: he got arrested

Jeff: w-what do you mean

Tong: h-h

Mile: his the reason wye you guys got to an accident

Jeff: wh-what!

Mile: he plan that all along cuz he got scared

Jeff: o-of what?!!!

Mile: see barcode father is the real owner of the house the company everything are dad is just an inployi dad tried to kill Mr kann so we could get everything but anfurchunatly he realizes when you bring barcode to our house

Jeff pov: I remember it was all a dream I was in a coma that's wye I got into a coma because I can't handle my depression so I de side to jump off a building and phi mile told me his dead and it's all my fault because of what my father told mee just make me want to kill him so I did and I got so much guilt I tried to kill my

Cc: that the last part and I will do the other story now and I'm soso sorry for making this a bad anding  
And the plotwis and I just kinda get this anding and  when Jeff left barcode so I kinda did that but I felt so bad do you guys want me to make other anding but happy this time this was only a choice it's supposed to be happy anding I do have the original anding buts that happy anding 🤣😭😭😭

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