transfery arc club

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Barcode pov: welp here am I infron of the school new school I guess and not going to lie it look pretty good here

Macau pov: ok what you want to eat

Girl: ahmm burger and fries

Macau: that's i-* look at code* b-b-barcode

Girl: babe! Babe! Babeeeee!!!!

Macau: ah yeah go on first I will just get my book I left it

Girl: how about are date!?

Macau: I call you later* runn* barcode!!!

Barcode: wait did somebody scream my name *look around*

Macau: barcode!!

Barcode: sorry sir w- who are yo-

Macau: your back!?* Hug barcode*

Barcode: ahmm ahh sir

Macau: o-oh I forgot I'm Macau remember me

Barcode: I- also know you before

Macau mind: he also forgot about me but for now I will try my best to hide him whit phi Jeff

Barcode: ahh excuse mee..

Macau: ah yeah sorry we've met before to cafe you work on remember

Barcode: I have a work

Macau: y-yes  but it's closed remember

Barcode: ah.. yeah yeah i- I remember

Macau: so fresh man right

Barcode: yeah

Macau: what club

Barcode: architect

Macaumind: change plan let phi know him it will be hard ok

Barcode: do you know where is it

Macau: yes but anfurchunatly I can't go whit you I have so many things to do but go straight there and when you go straight you will see green sign say arc and Ms so turn there and there it is

Barcode: well thanks Macau

Macau: you remember me!

Barcode: thats what your name in your id

Macau: o-,oh ok I have to go now

Barcode: thanks and becare full

Macau: you two *shout*

Barcode: ok straight and and will see green sign and we arrive ok got it

Barcode pov I was walking to go to my club suddenly someone heat me accidentally

???: Oh sorry I wasn't looking I'm very sorry

Barcode: oh it's fine but next time watch where your going

???: Yeah I'm sorry by the way you know where's music club

Barcode: well I don't but my friend told me to go to arc and Ms so I think Ms meaning is music

??? Ok can I come whit you

Barcode: sure

???: Can I ask you a question how long have you been here ?

Barcode: oh I'm a transfery and fresh

???: So do I  I'm sinior Dow

Barcode: oh ok what instrument you play

???: Simple stuff like guitar drum

Barcode: really can you play it whit

???: yah maybe in weekend I can  I'm busy right now by the way what's your name

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