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Jeff:dad how long have you been there

Mr korn: long enough  to see everything* walk to the brothers*I
Wish that this will not and hug* Jeff*
It will be ok sun I promise

Jeff:it's just so hard waking up in the morning his not here whit me

Mr korn:I know and I'm not going to lie I can't leave that kid in my mind two but don't think that your the only one that's been hurt every one those
But we choose to move on because we know barcode don't want us to see like and ofc you two

Jeff : thanks everyone

2years later

Jeff: dad I'm going to school now

Mr korn: ok becareful

Jeff: hmmm

Jenny: brother where are you going

Jeff: hey princess it's so early wye are you awake

Mr korn: well she smell the pancakes you know he hast big nose

Jenny: that's nottt truee!! Anyway where are you going

Jeff: I'm going to school

Jenny: what school?

Jeff: university

Jenny: can I come plsss!!

Jeff: sorry princess not today

Jenny: but I don't have anyone to play whit me

Jeff: ahh well you want to go to your cousin house

Jenny: yesss!

Jeff: ok get ready be faster I will be late

Jenny: *run upstairs* okkkkk!!!!?

Mr korn: she is just like your mom

Jeff: just like him

Her mom died 1 Year ago giving birth to his little sister jenny but I didn't put his mother on a story cuz I'm lazy 🤣 back to the storey

Jenny: I'm back let's go

Jeff: what's in here

Jenny: bunche of toys

Jeff: ok come on went outside and got to his car ok get in now


*Few minutes later*

Jeff:Here we are go give this to to him
*Give box cupcake* surprised him

Jenny: ok buy phi

Jeff: Ahmm well let's wait for him to call  *arrived at university*

Girl: Jeff!!!!!! Marry me

Girl: Jeff will you be my boyfriend!!!

Girl: can you kiss me!!!

Girl: let's to to my house!!!!

Build: well just the same girls drooling to you *giggle*

Jeff: tsk waisting there time

Build: you say so

Cc: ok every one I'm sorry I don't post yesterday but ok here the first of the story will be focused in Jeff first but in ep 9 you guys will know what really happened to barcode if his alive or not probably it's more on like we focus on Jeff life but in ep:12 to 13 will focus both of them and I hope you like it you bye now😘🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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