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Build: ok and where here wye dont we just stay here

Jeff: we can't I need to take care of the house

Build: you have so many body guard

Jeff: you know how strong they are not even my body guard can handle them

Build: wye don't you train them

Jeff: there all I'n a training

Build: oh that's wye ok

Jenny:brother *hug Jeff*

Jeff: hey my little cute princess
*Pick Jenny up*

Ta: you little peace of

Ta pov: I was about to say something but Jeff look me deeply in my soul

Ta: peace of pie wye didn't you tell me your bringing him here* whisper*

Jeff: wye would. You say yes if I said it

Ta: I mean i-

Jeff: see princess go to brother build first me and your cousin will talk

Jenny: yes sir *smile*

Jeff: *pat Jenny head* you know my weakness don't you*smile* ok go now

Jenny:* run to go to build*

Build: oh hi there little girl

Ta: you already know it didn't you your face told it

Jeff: do you know where he is right now

Ta: no but it say to the letter there in us I got all the letters

Jeff: show me it

Ta: I can't

Jeff: wye!

Ta: I don't want you to be hurt

Jeff: as long as I don't see her as long I will get hurt !! I don't care if he forgot me as long as I know his alive I'm happy!!!!

Jenny: phi is phi Jeff and p Macau fighting

Build: no there just talking just play or watch something I will just go to them don't leave the car ok

Jenny: ahmm

Cc: sorry if it's not that good that's what came out my mind😭🥺 thanks for the people who reads my book and pls can you vote my story people will read more thanks everyone I know it's short I don't have anytime right now but I will post every day bye!!!

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