lost of my memories

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Barcode: ahmmm

Apo: barcode your awake!!

Barcode: where am I?

Apo: in hospital you have been in a come for months now finally woke up *cry*

Mile: hey barcode! Your awake

Barcode: who are you?

Mile:you don't remember me?

Barcode: what do you mean I never met you before and phi wye are you crying and wye am I here

Apo: you don't remember anything

Barcode: noo

Apo:* look at mile* you and Jeff have an car accident remember

Barcode: Jeff who's Jeff?

Mile: you don't remember my brother?

Barcode: I don't even know you? Phi who is he

Apo: barcode hi-his my boyfriend and his brother is your boyfriend

Barcode:I have a boyfriend phi  stop it if you want to tell me your gay

Every one went silent

Barcode: i- I'm sorry I can't remember anything

Mile:it's ok don't push your self at least now you know where not here to hurt you I'm your brother boyfriend do you remember me we use to go to the beach when your brother is not there and you fill like he dont care about you anymore remember

Barcode: I don't I really really don't but since my brother knows you I will trust you but I still don't know you

Apo: you don't remember anything at all?

Barcode: I can't I'm sorry

Apo: it's ok but how is this possible

Doctor: it's because he have amnesia
But as results of the test it will not last long maybe 3 to 2 Years he will remember everything and you guys are lucky because it's not that bad because it might get wors that he will never remember it but don't push her to remember let him remember it's ok to help him sometime but let's not stressed him for now let's just make him rest 

Apo: what do you think can help him

Doctor: well maybe picture or the place they went true

Apo: ahmm thanks doc

Doctor: I have to go I will come back if he need to eat or drink medicine *leave*

Mile:I think we should hide him for now

Apo: what do you mean?

Mile: we should tell Jeff she didn't make it until his memory come back

Apo: it will take him years to remember it

Mile: I don't want my brother to be hurt

Apo: but we should tell you dad

Mile: ahmm

Cc: ahhh in this ep we will focused whit him first and I made it yesterday but I did not published it hehehe I kinda slep and forgot to publish it well I use 435 worlds today

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