who really are you

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*Few months later*
Barcode pov
I was taking shower when I heard some one calling me it's my brother telling me to eat cuz I have school I was about to take my school uniform when suddenly there's a box drop on the floor I picked it up and look at it there's picture that is written our 1s date suddenly I have ah headache

*Few months later*Barcode povI was taking shower when I heard some one calling me it's my brother telling me to eat cuz I have school I was about to take my school uniform when suddenly there's a box drop on the floor I picked it up and look at it...

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Apo: come on your going to be l- barcode! Are you ok *saw the picture*

Barcode: I'm ok it's just I'm having flash back but I don't know where is it I remember it but I never been in it

Mile:wh- ahh hey barcode can I ask you something

Barcode: sure phi

Mile: when you have this flash back or something do you see this man show *pic of jeff*

Mile: when you have this flash back or something do you see this man show *pic of jeff*

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Barcode: I don't but I do heard a voice calling me

Apo: well what did it say

Barcode: it's calling my name barcode barcode and this man had no face and just his feeding me something like....
Ah water melon

Mile: do you think it's
*Look at apo*

Apo: i-i don't know is that all you see

Barcode: noo in next one where on a Beach and his calling me allover again and he kiss me on my cheak
And that's it but if it really the guy your saying my boy.. friend then I so really have a boyfriend

Mile: you do and that flash back happened at the beach house this guy is the one who feed you that water melon and the guy who also keep calling you

Barcode: but there's one thing I want to know every time I wake up dreaming about it I have tears falling into my eyes

Apo: it's ok because your heart can fill
The emotion

Barcode: if that's the reason where is he

Apo: his in here in thiland

Barcode: then can I meet him

Mile: for now you can't

Barcode: wye?

Mile: because I told him you didn't make it

Barcode: wha- wye!

Mile: cuz I can't take seeing my brother hurt cuz you don't remember him!!!... I-im sorry

Apo: mile!!

Barcode: stop!!! His right phi if your in his place you would do exactly the same write but phi mile you know it will hurt him m-

Mile: *phone wring name jeff*
I- it's dad wait for second

Barcode: sure phi

Mile: hello jef-

Jeff: where is barcode

Mile: w-what are you talking his gone wri-

Jeff: I know the truth phi as long as I don't see him as long it will hurt me

Mile: what Truth who told you that

Jeff: just pls phi show him to me *cry*

Mile: I'm sorry Jeff but his still not ok

Jeff: so it's true then

Mile: ye- yes me and apo deside to hide him until he recovers

Jeff: ok but where are you guys wright now

Mile: I'm sorry but we can't tell you *hang up and turn off his phone*

Apo: what did he say

Mile: I think his wright I think we need to make them see each other you know it might help getting his memory back when his whit him

Apo: ok but how are we going to do that

Mile: only one thing I can think of is transfer him to Jeff school

Apo: his an architect wright so as my brother two

Mile: exactly but you guys need to live in your uncle house they can't know his in here

Apo: wye?

Mile: I don't know that's what dad said to me but it's better if we let
Them fegure out every thing by them self where not going to tell them that they going to the school

Apo: well that's alright look at *barcode* ahh code I have to tell you something

Barcode: what is phi

Apo : you need to go to new school

Barcode: wye phi

Cc: hi everyone that it for now and not gonna lie this long part of all actually so I guess that's I nought for to day by the way I use 691
Words today bye😘

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