my perfect life for a while 7

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Its about 12:30 when I wake up again I feel around for the warmth I crave but its not there I open my eyes a little and look at Yusei's pillow, and there's a note I open the little envelope and read.
Dear, my beautiful jazzy,
I got a call to fix a duel runner and then I got to help and old friend of mine fix up his duel runner. Of course I got the call at the same time but hey, I didn't want to wake you so I figured I leave you this note to tell you I should be back around 7:00 maybe earlier I wish I didn't have to leave but I need the money so hopefully your not too mad. Just kidding babe, but Jack will probably be home all day unless him and Carly go on a date or he has to work, but I don't know. So if you need anything ask Jack or give me a call I'll have my phone on me all day, and there's some books in the living room just make your self comfy. I'll see you around 7:00 and I'll miss you every minute.
Love you,
I smile at the letter I then get to the task of unpacking I go to the bathroom connected to Yusei's room and put my hair brush on the counter with my toothbrush and other stuff I put my..... um..... monthly supplies in the self under the sink and close the tiny door I then put my shampoo and other stuff in the shower and that takes care of the bathroom stuff. I then go and put away my clothes there's an empty drawer in the bedside dresser which on the back of the note said
The second drawer on the bedside dresser is for you if you need more space just take my stuff out of the first drawer and put it the closet. But do not go into the third drawer that's my private stuff ok. Love you again baby cya later.
Now I just wanna look in that drawer but I'll respect his privacy. I put all my stuff in the second drawer and I put my money in my pillow I have about 800 dollars in cash from my birthdays and other holidays but I'll only use that for emergency's probably gonna need to get more clothes. I lean my sword so'un against the wall closets to the bed so I can reach it in an instant. Well that's about everything, I then walk down the the living room to go read a book. I then see Jack and Carly sitting on the couch reading, I walk over to the bookcase and look through the collection. Some books are on mechanics others are action,drama,distopic worlds, crazy love stories, I pick up a book called Attack on Titan and flip through the paged and fond out it's an manga I put it back, don't feel like that today I grab another book called the Hunger Games and flip through that one this one looks good I walk over to the smaller couch and sit down and start reading. Carly give me a weird glances and Jack just continues to read and snuggle with Carly( apperantly they started cuddiling when I was picking out my book). I read for about 30-40 minutes and then I start getting irritated, Carly keeps giving me these weird looks and I am sick of it,
" Carly " I say as calmly as I can
"Yes" she replies jumpily as if I scared her
" is there something on my face" I ask eyeing her
" no" she says without looking at me
" OK good, so would you stop giving me weird looks " I say with attitude as I stand up with the book and go back to Yusei's room and flop on the bed. I try and listen to their conversation because I know its about me.
" why where you staring at her " ask Jack sounding irritated
" shes half demon with freaking dog ears and a white stripe in her black hair how do you not stare" ask Carly with her annoying attitude that only Jack can stand
" look she's Yusei's girlfriend and they love each other she's also hard to get along with at first and she doesn't like it when people stare at her and make her feel like a freak, so please for me just try to get along" jack says which makes me happy because he stood up for me even though he doesn't like me that much.
" alright but only for you" says Carly and I can tell they're kissing which makes me tune out of the conversation, I then sit on the bed and continue to read for like an hour untill I hear the door open and I get excited but then I look at the alarm clock next to the bed and it says its on 5:00. Dang it, Crow must be home then I say as I slide off the bed and go down stairs to say hi to Crow, but I am not meeted my Crow I am meeted by a police officer who gives me a look and then walks over to me.
" Are you Jasmine" asks the officer
" y...yes" I squeak oh gosh what happend i get the feeling something bad happend
" Yusei asked for you he's at the Jade hospital a few miles from here" the officer replies with no emotion
" oh my gosh, is he alright" I ask trying to hold back my tears
" he got into an accident, but the docters say it nothing serious and he'll pull through" he replies with still no emotion
" oh gosh, Jack can you take me there " I ask as I pulled on my shoes and jacket still trying to hold back tears
" yes, Jazz I will" he says as he pulls on his shows and jacket, he then kisses Carly on the lips and says
"I'll be right back"
" OK" she replies Jack then runs to his runner and starts the engine I hop on after him and we speed off to the hospital.
" don't worry Yusei I am coming" I huff as I hang on to Jack.

OwO ciffhanger I hate these but its like 12:25 am and I have school in the morning so I'll post this and start the next chapter tomorrow. And since summers coming up I'll have more post for you guys so don't hate me. Inuyasha and Kagome will hopefully make an appearens next chap because I know you guys love them ( mostly inuyasha lol) so have a good night or morning or whatever you have love y'all thanks for reading.
-shikonjewel out

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