just a normal day 10

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Sorry there's gonna be a big plot twist soon but I am still thinking on how to do it but there'll be a few normal chaps where nothing much happens but bear with me love you all. ;)

Yusei's POV
I am running through a thick forest, my whole self covered in blood, but its not mine, "YUSEI"
, JAZZ!!, I run to the sound of the voice and find jazz laying on the forest floor bleeding furiously
"Jazz, what, happen" I say as I put pressure on her wound
"Yusei, please don't leave me" she moans as she grips my arm
"I wont" I grunt as I take my shirt off to press on the wound
"Jazz? JAZZ, JAZZ!!!" she stopped breathing. then a dark figure come out and laughs like a mad man.
"Who are you" I say
"Your worst nightmare" she laughs then trows a ball of fire at me and it engulfs my body and all I hear is screams but I think there mine,
Jazz POV
I hear screaming coming from the room I throw open the bathroom door and find Yusei sitting up and screaming
"YUSEI" I scream and throw my arms around him trying to calm him down, but then the guys rush in with there girls behind them,
"What the hell is going on" says my dad, crap I forgot they were here,
I hold yusei close to my chest and let him calm down his breathing eventually slows till I know he's asleep, I lay him back down and cover him with the blanket,
"Jazz what happen" ask Jack with his British like voice
"I don't know, I was in the bathroom and then I heard screaming and ran in here and found him like this" I say as I stand up to face every one,
"At least he's calm now, probably just a bad dream" says Crow who had his arms around Rose the whole time,
"Jazz, you stay with him well be in the living room" says Jack taking Carly's hand,
"Don't you have to go to work,guys?"
I ask sitting on the bed
"No, its Sunday, remember" says Jack over his shoulder while walking down the stairs,
"Oh, right" I mumble as I go back under the covers and hold yusei close to my chest,
"I'll be right here, always" I mumble into his hair as his warm steady breathing, blows onto my chest, and I hear a grumbling and look down, great the one time I am hungry, I guess I'll go get food , I head down to the kitchen to get a bagel, and when I see the fridge its almost bare, well when he wakes up we'll go shopping, I grab a bagel and eat it while I walk back to the room. Yusei's still sleeping, so I finnsh my bagel and then go to the bathroom to take a shower, I turn the water on, clean my hair, and my body then step out, and dry off, I throw on a clean pair of clothes, which is a pair of sleeping shorts again, I need to get more clothes from my parents house, I throw on a clean shirt and brush my hair and my teeth. I then walk back into our room and find him sitting up, with a scared look in his eye,
"Yusei" I say as I walk over and throw my arms around him
"Jazz, thank goodness your OK"
"I am right here" I say as I rub circles on his back,
"I am sorry jazz"
"Don't be sorry, why don't you get dressed and we'll go grocery shopping OK"
"OK thanks jazz"he says as he gets up and gets dressed, when he's all ready to go we walk down the stairs and go to the runners and start Yusei's up,
" Jazz, I still can't drive" he says with a hand over his gut" oh that's right his wound still hurts,
"That's OK but will you be OK with walking and stuff" I ask
"Yeah, as long as I take it easy" he says as he straps his helmet on,
"Oh, we also have to go to my parents, I need more clothes" I say as I start up the runner
"OK" he says as he sits down
"Let's go to my parents first to get my clothes" I say as I pull out of the garage(oh BTW her parents left after the nightmare incident, so they should be home right about know)
"OK" he mumbles into my shirt, gosh what was that nightmare about that scared him this bad,
Yusei's POV

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