You scared me ,8

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me and Jack get to the hospital in under 5 minutes I run to the front desk and ask for Yusei Fudo
" are you family" asks the nurse who has white hair and a cold expression like she's seen so much nothing affects her any more
" Yes" I huff, getting irritated because she's so slow,
"what's your relationship with the patient" she asks as she looks through some files, OK now she's pissing me off,
" I am his girlfriend " I reply through clenched teeth, about ready to start punching people
" room 342 second floor" she replies with a sigh.
Jack has caught up with me huffing for breath while he says.
" Crows...* huff*.. on ...his ..way" huffs jack.
" OK , I got the room number, go to room 342 on the second floor " I say as I dash to the elevator and slam my fist I to the # 2 button and impatiently wait for the stupid elevator to get to the stupid second floor. I am coming, Yusei, finally the elevators door opens and I rush into the corridor almost bumping into a nurse, who stares at me while I run looking for Yusei's room number. 340, 341, 342! I stop and look into the window to find Yusei sleeping in the hospital bed, and I smile. I then quietly open the door and slide into the room, quietly shutting the door behind me. that's when the dam breaks, I run over and lay my head by his hand and cry, I was trying to be brave but that's ship has sailed, I cry for what seems like forever and then I feel a hand on my head rubbing my right ear in between two fingers. I look up and find Yusei giving me a side ways smile,
" hey beautiful" he smiles but then cringes in pain
" YUSEI" I yelp I then run to the door to get the doctor, he comes in and ask what the problem is,
" my.....gut...hurts" he wheezes out as he grips my hand in pain, the doctor then gently lifts up Yusei's shirt and i can see bruises in a certain area on his gut, the doctor then calls in some nurses and they tell me to step back, I do but not very far, so he can still see me
" Internal bleeding" asks a nurse with a a purple smock thingy on.
" most likely but if it is, its small but let's go in and fix it" says the doctor and he and the nurses push Yusei bed into the hallway and start going down different hallways while I follow close behind so if Yusei needs me I am there.
" Jazz..." whispers Yusei
" I an right here" I say while I grip his hand and run at the same time gosh I hate the smell of these places, the nurse tells me to step away from Yusei and I reluctantly do, they then push him I to a room labeled surgery, but before they do he sends me a mind message saying I'll be OK, I love you, he says as they shut the doors cutting my way to him, I start to freakout a little bit and pace, but then I remember the guys and how they still think that Yusei is in his first room. I decided to stick with that so I don't burst through those doors and get thrown out of the hospital, I then speed walk back to Yusei's original room to find them standing in front of the door.
"Crow, Jack" I say they both rush over to me and start asking question
" OK one at a time, Crow you first" I say a little annoyed
" where's Yusei" he asks with a rushing tone
" Surgery, he has a small internal bleeder but the doctor says he'll pull through" I say swiftly, they both sigh with relief that it wasn't something more serious
" I think we can all go in the waiting room" I say tiredly
" ok "they say in unison as I try and calmly walk to the waiting room, my animal instincts are kicking in, I have to calm down, he's gonna be OK, I repeat that in my mind for a few moments while we wait for the doctor in the wating room, I HATE the smell of hospital's, I groan
" are you OK jazz" asks Crow, he's always been like an older, goofy brother
"Yeah, just trying to keep myself calm" I sigh,Crow then pokes my shoulder
" what Crow" I growl I was in no mood to play games,
" do u wanna play 20 questions " he asks, he's probably trying to keep me calm,
"Sure" I say, Jack then joins in, and we play for a little while, which helps me keep calm, until I see the doctor come in and walks over to me,
" Yusei's doing fine, he's sleeping now" he breaths with a sigh, gosh thank goodness, I start to cry again,
" can we go see him" asks Jack
"Sure but let him sleep" the doctor says over his shoulder as he walk in the other direction
"Room, 444, by the way" says the doctor I then start fast walking to the room and the guys have to jog to keep up with me,
Here we go room 444, I peek onside the room to see if he's awake,nope dang it, I gently open the door and then tell the guys to wait outside a minute, I walk over and sit in the chair that's next to the bed and I take his hand and kiss it, which causes him to stir
" Yusei" I whisper.
" hey baby" he mumbles sleepy, I throw my arms around him, being careful of his wound, and sob a little into his shoulder,
"You are grounded Mr. You scared me half to death" I say breaking our hug
" sorry jazzy" he says as he sits up. I motion for the guys to come in and they quietly do, probably scared of me, I laugh they come in and ask Yusei what happen and he replied
" I don't remember" he says with curiosity, I give a look and then a nurse comes in and says,
" visiting hours are up, please leave" she says and walk out of the room,
"There's no way I am leaving" I pout but wait I don't have too, I concentrate really hard and use my miko powers to form a shadow clone of my self, I then tell the guys my plan and they nod,
" well come see you tomorrow Yusei" crow says over his shoulder, Jack just nods and they leave with my clone I then get the sense of someone coming and quickly hid in the bathroom, its the doctor,
" how you feeling" he ask Yusei
"Fine, but I can't remember anything about the crash" he says
" oh, but that's OK you should remember in a few days" he says as I hear the click of the pen.
"Well you better get some sleep I'll see you in the morning" the doctor says as he walks out the door, shutting it behind him. I then open the door and find Yusei sitting up still, I walk over and crawl into bed with him, my head on his chest and my left arm over his upper stomach, I am careful of to bum his wound be sure with all the training I've had I've learned you never bump them or move them,
"Jazz" mummers Yusei
" yes baby" I say into his chest
" you can't leave me tonight, I am scared" he says tightening his hold on me,
I move a little so I am leaning on my elbows,
" I am not going anywhere, you are mine and even my dad won't take me away, like we always say, I am forever your as you are forever mine" I nuzzle his nose and crawl under the cover so I can get warm and lay my head on his chest listing to his heart beat,
" jazz I never want you to leave me"
" and I never will " we kiss passionately and he falls asleep in seconds I lay there for a minute and wonder when we can go home, but I'll sleep now and hopefully we'll get answers tomorrow.

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