let us go 16

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Setsuko POv
After getting the whole family together, I wait for Jasmine to wake, she said she wanted to see her family and her lover, mine as well let her see them one last time.

Yusei POV
Ugh what happen, I was talking to Sango and I passed out, What's on my wrist, ugh,
I open my eyes to see a semi lit room, a few candels, I squint my eyes and see someone next to me, I look at my hands, there tied behind my back, I turn to the person next to me and see its Inuyasha, I take my foot and tap his arm, he opens his eye and slowly turns to me, I jump back, his eyes are glowing red, he starts to growl at me,
"Inuyasha its me Yusei" I say backing away, he growls and stares at me, I look around and see Kagome across from me,
"Kagome!" I say, she slowly looks up at me, her eyes are glowing red too, she growls and tries to crawl tword me but the chains stop her about a foot away from me, I look around some, more and see every one eles but it seems the all deamon's are going crazy, all there eyes are red and there all staring at a human, hungerly, I hear a cackling, I turn twords the sound, I see a woman wearing a purple kimono with a white flower pattern, she has blue hair, and orange eyes she stares at me,
"So Yusei I see you met the family, don't worry they won't attack, as long as i don't give them the command" she smiles
"What have you done to them" I say, struggling against the chains,
"Nothing really, just little awakenment, i just let their inner dog come out" she chuckles, snapping her finger, inuyahsa lunges at me and growls, I back as far away as I can, but I only gave about a half a foot distance, I hear Setsuko cackle,
"Oh ,Yusei don't worry there not any danger when their chained, just don't let them off their leash" she laughs,
"What do you want with us" I ask through gritted teeth, she stops laughing and glares at me,
"Well, I wanted revenge, on Jasmine and her family, but I geuss you got thrown into the picture, oh and yes I know this isn't the whole pack, iam going to get them later, but enjoy there company for now, oh and jazz says hi" she say with a wave of her hand, and with that she dissapers.
"SETSUKO" I yell, I hear growls and shuffling, I look twords Miroku and Sango, Sango is still knocked out but Miroku is face to face with inutashio,
"Miroku, don't be afraid" I say trying to avoid inuyahsa,
"Um, excuse me, I've got Shippo and Inutashio starring at me like iam dinner!! Do not tell me to stay calm" he says trying to back away from Shippo,
"No duh ,I got inuyahsa and Kagome looking at me, just wake Sango up" I say,
"No, if she's asleep then they won't touch her, and what did she mean, 'I'll get the rest of the pack later'" he says/asks,
"I don't know, but she said she wanted to get revenge on Jazz and her whole family, do you think that...." I get what she meant,
"Miroku we have to try and snap them out of it, I'll talk to Shessomaru, you talk to inutashio tell them there mates are in danger and kinda work your way from there" I say, turning to Shessomaru, who was infront of Sango,
"Shessomaru, Setsuko is going to get Rin and Akihiko, you need to snap out of it" he seemed to recognize their names but he didn't change, I can hear Miroku talk to inutashio, but he's haveing the same problem, I turn to Inuyasha,
"Inuyasha, Setsuko is going to hurt Kagome and Jazz, you need to snap out of it" same resultes, his ears perk up at their names but he dosent change, I lay my forehead on the ground, trying to think,
"Did you get anywhere" Miroku asks, I shake my head,
"Nope, just reconized there names, maybe if Shessomaru see's Rin and Akihiko he'll snap out of it" I say, the cold floor feels good on my head,
"I don't know, if that's the case then why isnt inuyahsa trying to break his chains" he asks staring at Inuyasha, I think about this for a minute,
"What if they are blinded, like they see us as prey, and there the hunters, or they see us as a threat to there mates, I don't know but could it be possible" I ask looking at him, he thinks on this for a minute,
"It's possible, we could be disgused as there worst enimes, there just trying to protect themselves, but why are there full deamon's out, why are there eyes glowing red" he asks looking to me for answers,
"Setsuko said she awakened there inner dog or something" I say scooting away from Inuyasha a little more, he growls and glares at me,
"What are we gonna do" Miroku asks,
"Stay calm, that's all we can do" I huff sitting as far away as I can. He nods and scoots closer to Sango, using his body to block her, jazz where are you.

Setsuko POV
After that little chat with Yusei I decide to go get the rest of the pack,
Hmm, who to get first, Rin and their brat, or Izayoi and the human brat, hmm,

Jazz POV
Ugh, what is her problem  can't she just leave me alone, gawsh,
I open my eyes to see a few odd candles around, I look to see a figure sitting a little ways away,
"Hello?" I call out, the figure's head snap tword me, its eyes are glowing red, it crawls twords me, growling, as it gets closer, I make out a head, there's .......little.....black........puppy.....ears
"Mom?" I say, she looks at me like iam dinner, she growls and tries to lunge at me but a chain stops her short,
"Mom, it me Jazz" I say, backing away,
"JAZZ" I hear someone yell,
"Who's there" I call out, backing away from mom,
"BABY ITS ME" Yusei yells, I start to cry,
"YUSEI, BABY" I yell, crying, I hear shuffling and chains rattling, I see another figure,
"I am here " he says, I look at him through blurry vision,
"I missed you so much" I cry,
"Baby calm down, OK if you calm down your mom won't attack you" he says, I nod and take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down,
"Ok, now scoot over to me slowly" he says looking straight at me, I nod and slowly scoot over to him, but I stop a foot short, I look at him,
"Yusei, where is Setsuko" I ask, trying to break my chains,
"She going to get lady Rin and Akihiko, and lady Izayoi and Haru(Sango and Miroku's son)" he says hanging his head, I growl, I back up to where my chains connect to the wall, and since my hands are behind my back, I grab the thing as best as I can and pull, but every time I move i vet tired, but I remember my dream and how Setsuko will kill everyone, my eyes turn blue, my face start to form onto the snout of a dog, good thing this room is tall enough for me, the chains break and I look down at Yusei  he has something in his eyes, I hope it's not fear, I bend my head down and nuzzle him, he smiles, and hugs my nose, I stick my tounge out a little and lick him, I then bend down and break his chains, he stands, and I grunt, I lean down and he gets in my back, I walk over to, uncle Miroku and Aunt Sango, I break there chains and they climb in my back, I turn around so iam faceing everyone else, I let out a low growl, and bark, they all cringe, I growl and bark again, they all back up against the wall, uncle Shessomaru, still is growling, gramps too, I walk up to gramps and whine, he looks at me and bows his head, I lick his cheek and walk over to uncle Shessomaru, I let out a whine and he barks at me, I let out a growl, he barks at me, I bark back, he growls again but sits against the wall, I feel Yusei Pat my head and scrath my ear, I turn to him and give him my, did-you-serousliy-just-do-that look and be laughs, I break everyone else chains and growl, they all nod, I change back into human me, and they all bow
"Jazz what's going on" Yusei asks
"We may be dogs, but deep down were wolves  and we always obey the pack leader" I say hugging him,
"Baby I missed you so much" I cry he hugs me tight,
"I missed you too" he says kissing me, we break apart and I growl, telling everyone to move, we all run, dad is looking for a way out, they should be back to normal once we get out of here, we run for what seems like hours, but eventually we come to a huge door.....
And a cliffhanger don't hate me or kill me. Hope you like :)

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