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Jazz POV
We come to a huge door, I walk up to it and push it, it comes open with ease. The bright blinding light makes me want to cry, we all got out if there alive, I take a step out and feel the floor fall from under me, I scream but I feel a hand take mine and catch me
"I got you" Yusei says, he pulls me back and I hug him. I hear a cackling from behind us, I turn around and see Setsuko smileing
"Did you really think it would be that easy? Shessomaru, I have a present for you" she smiles, two gaurd come out, one holding Akihiko, and the other dragging Aunt Rin. He growls and almost lunges, I stop him with a bark.
"Let them go" I slit at her
"Hmm how bout no" she smiles and her eyes flash.
"Look Jasmine this can end in two ways, one, we fight to the death, two you all walk out of here and I will never bother you again" she smiles
"Whats the catch?" I ask, she smiles
"That you stay here and become me next host, and should you choose the first option, I'm sure that Kagome wouldn't mind being my host, or Rin. Hmmm decisions, decisions" she smiles evilly, I growl
(No matter what I choose.... Someone will be lost) I take a shaky breath. Yusei grabs my arm
"You can't!" He yells, I kiss him
"Let them go" he yells again
"Wise, also stupid" she smiles, one by one they disspaered. Yusei grabs my arm again and holds me
"Please.... Don't leave me" he starts to cry. I hug him tight
"I-i love you" we kiss one final time.
"Ready Jasmine?" Setsuko smiles evilly. I take a shaky breath.
"Do your worst" we dissaper.

Yusei POV
"NO!" I hold my head I can still feel her lips against mine,
"Jazz....." I sniff, I shake my head
"No I refuse to let her go so easily!" I yell, I turn to everyone who is shaking there heads and wondering what happen.
"Where's Jazzy?" Kagome asks
"At Setsuko's castle....... She sacrificed herself for us..... And I refuse to let her do that!" I yell, Inuyahsa nods. He stands up and so does Shessomaru.
We all run out of the house. I jump on A-Un and we take off again.
(I refuse to let her take Jazz away from me)

Jasmine POV
I'm strappped to a table. I can feel the cold metal under my body, I have a thin gown on.
(Yusei.....) A single tear falls down my face
"Oh, I hope those tears arnt ment for him" Setsuko smiles as her henchmen walks around setting things up messing with knobs and wires. She's sitting in a chair. Looking pleased.
I look away. I don't want her ugly face to be the last thing I see. I want to see Yusei's face..... I want my mate to be the last thing I see.
"Ready ma'am" the henchmen says, she nods and he walks away. She sighs and relaxes.
"I can't wait to get into your body. Make me feel so much better!" She says with a cheery voice. I close my eyes and sigh
(My only regret was not seeing your face one last time my love) I feel my world go black.

(Yep.....stopping it right there. Sorry but you can thank starlight273 for telling me you guys want more, don't worry. A new chap will be posted asap. Thank you guys for loving this story, we've got a few more chapters in this. I thank you guys for your patience and your votes and your comments. I know I kinda left this story for a while..... A long while but I just kinda lost my love for this story. But now its back. I know this story is short but hey.....got you thinking and wanting more right? So thanks starlight273 for telling me that these lovely people wanted more. I'll see you guys atthe next chap) <3

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