your comeing home and mom and DAD, crap here we go 9.

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"When can he come home" I ask the doctor who had come in around 8:00(visiting hours started at 7).
" he can go home today" says the doctor looking at some papers on a clipboard.
"Sweet thanks doc" I say with a smile, the doctor just smirks and leaves. Yusei hasent woken up yet and I decide not to wake him up because he's so cute when he's sleeping ( fangirl squeal lol). Its about 12;00 when Jack and Crow come by,
" hey Jazz, when can Yusei come home" ask a very sleepy Crow, who looks like Jack just dragged here,
" what'd ya do Jack wake him up and throw him on his runner" I ask looking at Crow then to Jack
" kinda yes, because a certain someone's girlfriend came over and they stayed up all night " Jack says while rubbing his eyes
" so Rose is at the house" I ask kinda getting excited, out of the two girlfriend those two have, Rose is my like best freind,
" yes she is, so when does Yusei get to come home" Crow says trying to change the subject.
" when he wakes up" I say and with my hyped up hearing I hear a small chuckle escape Yusei's mouth, I then walk over to him and poke his face,
" how'd you know I was awake " he says while he opens one eye
" dog deamon remember" I say pointing to my ears,
"Right I forgot" he says as he sits up
"Careful" I say as I help him up, I help him put his shoes on and we walk to the front desk, thankfully its not the same lady From yesterday,
" Check out for Yusei Fudo" I say as he leans on the counter,
" one moment please" she says as she types something into the computer
"Alright you are free to go" she says with a smile
"Thank you" I say back with a smile I grab Yusei's arm to steady him and we walk to the runners, some how the guys got Yusei's runner here.
"Jazz I can't drive" he moans
" its OK I'll drive" I say as I hand him his helmet and put on mine,
"Are you sure" he asks as he gets on after me,
" of course I am sure I've learned from the best haven't I" I smugly reply he leans in and wraps his arms around my stomach
" I could get use to this " he says I give him a glare that says, whatch it, he laughs, l laugh.
We ride for about 10 minutes and then make it home, I slowly come to a stop and park the runner in the garage, and then help Yusei inside, and guess who was sitting on the couch looking all mad,
"DAD" I yelp almost dropping Yusei
" Jazzy, how you been" he asks
standing, I look at him in shock, why is he here and now of all times ,
" dad why are you here" I ask stepping infrot of Yusei

" I just wanted to come and see my baby girl, is that such a bad thing" he actually looked hurt, I sigh
" sit in the couch dad I am gonna help Yusei to bed real quick,ok "
"OK" he says as he sits back down
"Moms here too by the way" he says as he sits back on the old couch
" where" I ask
"In the bathroom" he replies solemnly
I nod my head and help Yusei up to bed, then I realize we've both haven't changed in what two days?
I walk over to the bedside dresser and look in the first drawer, there's some Pj shorts and some shirts I hand those to him and say
"Go take a shower, please" i say and kiss his nose
" can you join me" he asks jokingly
" my dads in the other room don't joke like that" I say trying to hide my laughter
" right, right sorry" he gets up kisses me and then walks into the bathroom I then walk down stairs and face my dad.

Yusei's POV
While I was taking my shower rubbing the smell of the hospital off me, my thought wonder to the crash how come I can't remember anything, I thought it was strange but I didn't go to deep into thought, I finished my shower, dried off and then decided to shave because my two day old beard was getting annoying. after shaving I put on some cleans clothes and then decided to go down stairs to tell Jazz the shower was open. I had forgotten about her dad. I walked down the stairs to see him sitting on the couch, I instantly tensed, he sensed it too, I knew because he smirked, Jazz turns around and walks over to me,
"Showers free" I say as she stands next to me,
" awesome, dad I am gonna shower do not kill Yusei" (Kagome came back and was sitting on the couch next to Inu),she says with a serious tone. I then sit on the smaller couch across from them and just whatch him look at me with something in his eyes, I know he dislikes me for some reason, but I don't care, I love Jazz, so he'll just have to put up with me. Jazz's mom then breaks the awkward silence,
" yusei are you alright I smell blood" she asks worriedly
" yes I am fine now, I had an accident yesterday and just got home " I say breathlessly,
"Oh my, I hope that nobody was hurt" she says with her hand over her heart
"Nope just some light damage" I say then I remember Jack and Crow, they seem to be in the kitchen with their girls, I waited for Jazz to come back.
And when she did I let out I sigh of relief, her hair was glossy with water and she smelled like honey and peaches, I love that smell she walks over wearing, a pair of Pj shorts( kinda like mine except hers where for girls and had love written on the leg, her color was black and mine was blue, mine where basketball shorts), she was also wearing a black tank top that was teasing me, which I couldn't do anything about because her dad was sitting right there
" so mom, dad what's up" asks Jazz as she brushed her hair, I end up taking the brush and doing it for her because I like to do this,
" we just whanted to come see our daughter at her new place" says her mom looking around the room,
" oh OK do you want anything" she asks
" for you to come home..." Her dad mumbles which makes Jazz growl and i give the death stare
"No dad" she says as she stands to go get her mom some water
"But...." Says her dad which earns him a smack on the head from her mom, I try hard not to laugh because I know he'll try to kill me, but I couldn't contain it I let out a small chuckle, he the glares at me and runs over so fast and pins me to the wall,
"INUYASHA" she yells as I scream in pain, I think my wound reopend
"DAD" Jazz yells as her mom gets him to drop me
" Inuyasha....SIT" she yells at him and he does a face plant, that I would of laughed at that my freaking wound reopened and it hurt so bad, Jazz runs over and lifts up my shirt

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