Chapter One: Just Meeting You

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Staring at her reflection she couldn't help but keep messing with her hair, it's grown out down to her waist, hoping its the desirable look for the boy she loves. "I wonder if he'll like my hair," Amy giggles to herself combing her long hair, everything she did was all for Sonic.

She kept changing herself so he could like her, but all she got was him making fun of her for her different attempts to get his attention. This summer she decided to stay in, so she could try something unique, whether she picked it up, curled it, and straightened it, Sonic would always just laugh at her making her embarrassed in front of his friends.

Even though he gave her mixed messages, Amy couldn't help but keep loving him for the promise they made as kids to get married when they got older. Amy knew she was stubborn, she knew should have stopped many rejections ago but.. 

The way he's has been there for her and aids her whenever she needs help made her feel butterflies every time he's near. 

This entire time she locked herself up to let her hair grow, she didn't want to spoil the surprise of what she could look like, it took a lot of time and effort to make sure she looks good especially for high school! She has payed attention to her height and size and made sure to do self care to look more womanly knowing, Sonic would be tall and handsome! Just imagining it got her daydreaming.

They would be the hottest couple in the school! Everyone would be so jealous of her having the one and only Sonic!

"Ah! Snap out of it!" Amy smacked her cheeks trying to stay focused for the this new start! She took a deep breath and grabbed her bag heading out to school. 


Arriving to the bus in time she had to wait since it was a long line in, "I guess everyone's taking a bus today huh?" When she finally got inside she saw all her friends sitting together but no seats were open only the back seats. "..." She sighed disappointed sitting all the way in the back away from all her friends, but they didn't even notice her! Amy frowned disappointed hoping for a huge reunion especially since no ones seen other than Cream when she came to drop off stuff to her mother, but Cream didn't even notice her, she was too distracted on Tails. Amy couldn't be upset though she'd probably be the same with Sonic, though she was disappointed not to see Sonic on the bus.

He's probably trying to race the bus to school or to every stop. "Excuse me." Amy looked up to see a stranger, "U-um Hi?" He pointed to the seat next to her, "is this seat taken?" She shook her head hurrying to make room allowing him to sit. Amy couldn't help but take glances as the bus started moving, he was very handsome, she almost dared to say he was handsomer than Sonic, but she can't say that since she hasn't seen him yet!  She accepted the fact that someone random would sit next to her, but she didn't think it'd be someone like this?

Someone who gave a different aura out of everyone, she knows almost everyone on this bus but why hasn't she seen him before? Amy took another glance noticing he was reading, she leaned over trying to see the book until he shut it. "Ah-" She jumped back surprised realizing she was literally up against him trying to see the cover. "Is there something you need?" His deep toned voice send shivers down her spine, "uh, no- um. The book you're reading.." He held it up for her, seeing it was one of her favorites, "Eleanor and Park!? You like it too?!" She said hyped, he was taken aback from her sudden mood change. 

Making eye contact by accident she couldn't help but stare into his eyes, "uh.." a Deep shade of red that reminded her of roses. The dark swirl in them made him seem sad and lonely.. She couldn't describe it but his eyes said a story she was able to read out just by staring at them. "What is it?"  He broke eye contacted making her quickly scoot away from him. She couldn't explain it but the urge to pounce like she does for Sonic kicks in, Amy thought it's because she missed Sonic so much is only why! He definitely looks like him after all!

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