Chapter Seven: A Hand in Love

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Rouge was sitting at the bleachers watching Knuckles practice in the football field, her eyes roaming his entire form like she was undressing him with her eyes. "Earth to Rouge~" Rouge's attention broke turning her gaze to Sally who was sitting with her cliche's. Cosmo was messing with her camera, Antoine Sally's best friend was on his phone scrolling through the media while Bunnie was doing her nails. "What is it?" Rouge said with a sigh, she was only hear for the intel she never liked hanging around Sally or anyone from the school but they were all close to the ugandan she was interested in. 

"Have you heard about Amy being a two timer?" Bunnie said blowing her nails lightly, "what?" Rouge rolled her eyes knowing this was all bullshit. "Yeah she got physical with me in the classroom when I confronted her.." Sally spoke up everyones attention turned to her seeing the nasty bruise on her shoulder it looked as if there was worse bruise on her back. "Wait that was from Amy?!" Rouge said sitting up quickly staring at the bruise, she was more in shock of why Shadow didn't say anything about this. "Yeah, I really wanted to talk about everything she said in the hallway and got mad when I asked if it was all true, then told me how much she still loved Sonic and wanted to make him jealous by dating Shadow.." Sally sniffled, her eyes began to get watery setting her friends on edge yet Rouge didn't budge she kept trying to process this information wondering if it was true or false. 

Though a part of Rouge knows it's most likely fake she can't help but believe it, Amy has always been crazy for Sonic and never once gave up on him what if she's trying another method to get his love? Rouge growled lowly Cosmo noticed and grinned as she wrote all this information down secretly on her notepad. "Alright I'ma head out!" Cosmo said in a hurry, Sally lowered her head hiding her grin knowing what Cosmo's next article was going to be about.

Meanwhile though with Shadow, he was sitting awkwardly on Amy's bed. "Here my mom got us juice." Amy said handing him a glass of orange juice, he hesitated because he hates orange juice but was gonna drink it anyway, "thank you." He said nervously, it feels brand new to him to be in her room like this, he's seen it before but it's different now, all the things that resembled what Sonic's interest were. Posters on her gone leaving little bit of tape and poster corners stuck on the wall, her shelves were more empty and allot of makeup products was in the trashcan next to her vanity. "I'm sorry-" they both talked over each other, "no you go-" again they talked over each other.

"Haha.. I don't even know why you're apologizing." Shadow said gripping the cup, he stared at the orange juice inside watching the small ripples while he worried if she was apologizing for something serious, "...Well, I was apologizing because I uh, I ruined our date." She said not really sure why she wanted to apologize to him back she felt like she should since she met up with Sonic and called Shadow scary, she regretted it but what can she say? She didn't want to tell Shadow that she saw her crush and told him she found him scary that'd be super weird right? Yeah no way.

"No you didn't! I did, I shouldn't have gotten so angry, I just.. I was worried that she hurt you and the thought of her hurting you in any way just- sigh.." Shadow rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "can I be honest with you?" Shadow asked turning to face her more, she tensed up seeing his eyes looking so pure in the moment, his head was lowered and his eyes just showed sadness that needed to be heard, "yeah.. Talk to me.." She said awkwardly.

Shadow took a moment before sighing, "I once knew someone who was very dear to me, she had the same thing happen to her before." Shadow said keeping his gaze to Amy's hand, he didn't want to look at her face right now because he kept thinking she'd keep that scared expression she had in that classroom. "She sadly was bullied allot, I was young so I didn't know about it, she was already in highschool and I was barely starting Middle school. I really looked up to her and she took care of me since I was kid." Amy tilted her head confused on where this was going, why is he talking as if she's not-

Amy felt her body stiffen realizing where this story could be going, "she was so kind and she always smiled no matter what and tried her best to fit in but no matter it just- it got too much and on my birthday.. She went to school but forgot her lunch so I came to give it to her at her school and at the window," he paused the memory flooding in his mind like a nightmare he gulped before continuing, "she was sitting right out," Amy covered her mouth, "yeah and as you can image... She was gone. For the last second I saw her smiling at me and the next she was just gone." Shadow said sighing heavily he relaxed his body which made him spill a bit of the orange juice.

"Oh shit-" they both panicked breaking the tension for a moment to clean up, he set the glass down at her vanity looking up at the mirror seeing her standing behind him her face, her eyes were teary and she stared at him with such longing. "I'm sorry for your loss.." She said finally walking up to him and hugging him from behind. She held onto him tightly feeling if she were to let go he'd just fall apart.

"...It was long ago, I just didn't want it to happen again and I just- freaked out on Sally. Thinking as if she was the reason why.." Shadow said not feeling sad but relieved that Amy understood, he didn't know why she seemed sadden it really didn't hurt him anymore but he was happy to feel her worry and care in this hug. 

In their moment it got interrupted by Amy's mom barging in, "I made cookies!" She said with a smile but paused seeing them hugging it out at the vanity, "oops- I'll just let you get it later-"


The two laughed and after some time it felt like things went back to normal, Shadow finally took his leave allowing Amy to giggle to herself from how cute he was, she was glad it wasn't something more to him that was dangerous he's just a bit over protective but she'll work with it, she kicked her feet thinking of how well he got along with her mom, the wedding bells ringing in her head made her twist in turn. "Amy! You have school tomorrow sleep!" Amy's mom yelled out not able to sleep from Amy's squeals from her room. 

Ah, what a night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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