Chapter Three: Feelings

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Amy followed Shadow as he lead her to a park, "where are we-" Amy asked but he continued on not stopping to even check if she was caught up, she sighed wondering what to do since it'll be late soon. 

"Come.." Amy looked up surprised seeing Shadow waiting on the bridge his hand reached out to her, she felt her cheeks become warm as she slowly took his hand walking side by side with each other, it almost felt like a date. They wandered further in the park where there was a fence that was broken up, "this way." He said lifting it open for her, "wait- this is restricted area. I don't think its-"

"Suit yourself," he said going further inside, "w-wait up!" Amy quickly followed but ripped a bit of her dress, "dammit." She groaned but ignored the rip and continued to follow him which lead deep inside a forest, there was a small river that he was crossing on the rocks. "Where exactly are we going?" Amy said slowly trying to balance herself on the rocks, "be careful they are slippery." Shadow said turning to look at her, he couldn't hold his laugh seeing her flailing her arms to keep her balance, "hey! Don't laugh!" Amy said embarrassed as she tried to take another step but ended up slipping, Shadow was quick to react and quickly hopped over catching her as he landed perfectly on a small rock, "gotcha."

Amy stared up at him surprised seeing him so quick to catch her so easily, it reminded her of how Sonic was always so fast to be there to protect her which killed the mood, Shadow stared into her eyes for a moment before pulling away, he could see Sonic in her eyes when she looked at him it made him disgusted. "Let's keep going." He said taking her hand again as he careful lead her across, they continued on which felt like a decade to Amy since she hasn't been active in a while, "we're here" Shadow said gently tugging her to be at his side, Amy nodded quickly catching up with him, when her eyes widen.

There was a small Chao garden, there was so many Chao's flying around walking along the river. "This is beautiful." Amy said slowly sitting down admiring the Chao's that huddled together, "it's more beautiful at night but they are most definitely adorable to look at." Shadow said sitting next to her, "are you saying you next time we come it's a date?" Amy said looking at Shadow mischievously, she meant it as a joke but his serious expression made her worry, "aren't you dating Sonic?" Shadow said looking away, "no... I thought we were going to out.. But he had other plans.." Amy said pulling out her phone to show Shadow, Sonic's hedgegram.

"what made you think he was going to-" Shadow wanted to ask more but realized Amy was silently crying, she stared at one of the photos on Sonic's hedgegram seeing Sonic and Sally kissing. "Rose..." Shadow reached over wiping one of Amy's tears away, she didn't even pull away she just continued to sob, Shadow hesitated before sitting closer before gently wrapping his arms around her pulling her into his arms. He just let her cry into his shoulder, no words were said as he let her, let it all out.


It was the next day, Amy felt off the morning was dreadful she didn't bother much with her hair. Staring at her reflection she looked dead, "what am I doing?" Amy groaned thinking about yesterday when she walked home with Shadow, how he was a gentlemen through and through no matter what was presented. Even with her torn dress he gave her his sweater to wrap around her waist to hide it. 

Amy felt her cheeks become warm from the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "I need to get ready for the day!" She said trying to stop her thoughts from going any further, Amy opened her closet and she saw a blue dress sitting in her out of all the red, "..." She stared at it remembering Rouge got it for her to give a new appearance for Sonic since all she wore was red but what was the point now? Amy sighed grabbing the dress, she slowly got ready to school hoping the slower she was the faster the day would be over but we all know that's not how it works.

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