Chapter Five: Our First Date

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It was time, Shadow and Amy arrived to Rouges place, it was a huge mansion that had a huge gate all around it. "Is Rouge's family really important?" Amy said nervously looking at her outfit, it was a tight buttoned up top with baggy sleeves while she wore a skirt that was long but she rolled it up to be shorter. She thought she looked so ordinary if she went in there, Shadow on the side was wearing a red t-shirt with a black leather jacket. 

"Come on, we don't want to miss any more of this party right?" Shadow said grabbing her hand gently, sliding his fingers between hers. Amy's cheeks warmed up feeling his hand holding hers so tightly, "okay.." Amy said walking up to the front door. 

They knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it and greet them, "you guys finally made it." Rouge said opening the door, she looked rather annoyed since they were two hours late, Amy and Shadow nodded awkwardly, "Come in." Rouge let them inside to see her luxurious house, "every one is upstairs in my room already, come on." Rouge lead them upstairs down a long hallway until they made it to her room. "Just don't make a mess," Rouge said before walking away, "wait where are you going?" Amy asked.

"I was going to grab our food. I'll be a minute." Rouge said waving her hand before leaving. Shadow grabbed the door knob ready to open it but Amy stopped him. "What?" Shadow looked at her confused, "I.. I just.." Amy gulped nervously hoping it wasn't a trap or something, if it was she wants to be the one to open the door, Amy got in Shadows away allowing her to rush open the door she clenched her eyes shut expecting something to jump out which something did!

"Amy!" Amy's eyes widen being suddenly hugged by Cream, "you made it! I was worried you didn't!" Cream said worried, Amy sighed with relief patting Cream's head, "sorry.. I ran into-"

"It was my fault," Cream glanced over to Shadow seeing him step in, everyone in the room gasped surprised seeing we arrived together. Silver was sitting with Blaze and Knuckles was sitting on Rouges bed reading a book, Tails was also here but it looked like he was focusing on his phone. Cosmo was also here she was busy taking pictures and chatting with everyone. There was a few others she didn't recognize but she was glad she didn't see Sonic nor Sally. "I took Amy out for a stroll before arriving." Shadow said slowly letting go of my hand making Cream gasp, Amy watched Cream's eyes light up with excitement seeing her friend moving on from Sonic especially after this morning. "So it was true you guys are dating?" Blaze said surprised, she thought it was Shadow just trying to leave the conversation but if it's true...

"Yeah.. We're dating." Amy said nervously lowering her head, "what?" The sound of a low growl was heard, everyone looked over at Tails who had his tails spiked up he was clenching his phone looking at them both disgusted. "You really are together?" Tails said sounding insulted. "Yes." Shadow said firmly glaring at Tails who was making the room tense, Amy noticed Cosmo facing her phone toward them making her worried. "Alright! I got our food now move it!" Rouge demanded shoving Shadow out of the way, Shadow chuckled following behind Rouge who changed the subject.

Everyone was drinking their drinks, laughing off, Rouge's room was big that this didn't even look like a room! Amy didn't really feel like partying after she saw Tails reaction, she knew Tails is Sonic's loyalist best friend and she knew Tails would be texting Sonic like that, Amy watched Tails texting so fast she could tell it'd only be for Sonic. Amy sat at the window taking small sips of her drink, everyone was having fun she didn't want to ruin it with her sudden anxiety kicking in. 

Sitting on the side was the best option she thought, since if she showed she was anxious or got sad over something it'll ruin everything right? Amy took a deep breath staring into her cup remembering how she used to hangout like this, was it a mistake she took that summer break to grow out her hair? 

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