Chapter Four: Jealousy

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After what happened. Shadow was taken to the hospital, Amy felt terrible and the next 3 days she hoped she'd see him since she was told it wasn't to serious. Amy closed her locker and sighed wondering when the day will end since she didn't see Shadow for two classes, and everyone started whispering amongst themselves about Amy, she was worried if it'll turn into something worse. "Amy." Amy turned around seeing Sally standing there, her gaze wasn't on Amy but on the floor. "Hey.. Sally." Amy said trying not to sound cold but couldn't help it since she still feels upset over Sally dating Sonic.

"We.. We need to talk." Sally said seeming bothered by something, Amy hesitated remembering the photo she took of Sonic with another girl made her stomach turn, "about?" Amy said ready to spill what she saw, "I'm.." Sally got interrupted by a few of her friends walking by, "lets get going Sal!" One said making Sally hesitate but she sighed, "we'll talk at lunch." Sally said hurrying off to catch up with her friends leaving Amy concerned on what they were going to talk about. 

Amy walked to class looking through her phone to find the picture she took, the flash made it more seeable to see who the chick was but it didn't help if Amy didn't know who it was exactly, "Amy!" Amy turned around seeing Cosmo, she's part of the school paper, "can we talk!?" Amy quickly hid her phone concerned if Cosmo knows anything, "uh.. Sure.." Amy said following Cosmo to an empty classroom. "Okay! So Amy, I have a few questions so if you don't mind answering them!" Cosmo said excited as she pulled out a little notepad.

"You and Shadow, you guys a thing?" Amy blushed hearing Cosmo's question, "what?! No!" Amy said flustered, Cosmo wrote down Amy's reaction, "and you n Sonic? You guys aren't close anymore did something spicy happen?" Amy got the flash of Sonic with another woman other than Sally, making her hesitate, "no... Not really.." Amy said nervously, "Which one do you prefer more of? Shadow or Sonic? Or do you think you like them both?" Amy glared at Cosmo, "huh? Like them both?!" Amy said annoyed.

"Come on Amy! This is Shadow and Sonic we are talking about, all the juicy rumors going around about you and the both of them aren't nice I'll let you know~" Cosmo said trying to sound cheeky but it only made Amy more upset, "think about Amy, Shadow is unbelievable smart, handsome, skillful and very charming for a guy who looks scary all the time yet he's next to a delicate rose who was once obsessed over Sonic, the most popular hedgehog in school! He's sporty, handsome, not smart though sadly but he got the looks!" Cosmo continued on babbling about how Sonic was great and how many woman fawn over him.

Amy growled feeling a burning feeling inside her which wasn't good, "enough! I got it!" Amy said taking her leave, "wait! You didn't choose!" Amy turned and glared at Cosmo, "Shadow!" She snapped at her before hurrying to her class. When she arrived there it was again, the whispering and a few glares now it probably got worse, Amy sighed walking to her desk sitting far away from everyone but it seems everyone got the same idea. "Rose." Amy jumped out of her seat seeing Shadow entering the classroom, he smiled at her making her heart melt, yup she has to admit it, she'd choose Shadow.

"Or do you like both?"

Amy winced hearing Cosmo's word echo in her head, everyone got up and welcomed Shadow back but he ignored them all hurrying over to Amy, "Rose are you okay?" He asked taking her hand, Amy looked up at him surprised, "uh.. Yeah.. I'm." Amy glanced around noticing people glaring at them making her feel anxious. "Sorry." Shadow slowly released Amy's hand realizing he was reacting too much than usual, "Are you okay? Is your head...?" Amy asked seeing the bandages on his head still, he scoffed crossing his arms, "not to bad, It wasn't much just a small hit is all." Shadow said nonchalantly making himself look cool without meaning too.

Amy giggled, "that was quite the impact, but I'm glad you're okay." Amy said smiling at him, the class that was glaring at them just seemed to fade away for her, she didn't know why they were mad but they were. The silence was unbearable when she sat down trying to wait for class to begin, Shadow was busy on his phone so she decided to just leave him alone now which made her notice everyone continuing to whisper, what's with everyone?! Do they not know she can hear them? Amy groaned setting her head down into her arms. "You do owe me." Shadow broke the silence, Amy glanced over to Shadow confused, "for cooking class the other day, I still would like to try your cooking at least." Shadow said still staring at his phone.

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