Chapter Six: Let's Think About It

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From then, Shadow has continuously been beside Amy, Sonic hasn't had a chance to catch her alone at all. At random times Shadow would bring her flowers, other he'd be leaning against her like a cat, Amy enjoyed his sudden clinginess but she noticed everyone still whispering about them.

"Hey Amy! Have you seen the school newspaper!?" Cream said rushing over to them holding the newspaper, "what?" Amy said turning in her seat taking it.

There it was, what Amy said on the little interview with Cosmo, a picture of her and Shadow arriving to the party and another of Amy exposing Sonic. "You'd choose me over Sonic?" Shadow said his eyes softening staring at the newspaper, Amy blushed shoving him back, "shut it!" Amy said a bit annoyed. "Why would Cosmo-"

"Why wouldn't she? She's part of the schools paper, she's willing to spill any information she got to get herself a scoop." Cream said annoyed, "we have to tell her to not spill-"

"Well, she's already got everything out, everyone knows about Sonic cheating- I'm sure Sally is going to get hit with something especially since her whole reputation was put as a side piece." Cream sighed sitting next to Amy who was now feeling so much regret. "Hey seriously, don't worry about it too much, Sonic got what he deserved and Sally- I hope she finds better." Cream said trying to cheer Amy up but it only made her feel worse since she still had lingering feelings for Sonic, hearing he wasn't better option didn't sound right at all. "Can we hangout afterschool?" Shadow asked hugging her from behind startling Amy, she wasn't used to someone being so all over her, she was used to being the one on them but someone fonding over her felt like a dream!

"Of course!" Amy said completely turning red, Cream laughed and Shadow just grinned nuzzling her neck. Though Shadow's been all over her for a reason and it wasn't a good one. He was purposely getting Sonic angry every time he was around them, even with the one class he had with them he used that to a huge advantage just to show off he could kiss her or show Sonic her blushing face he hasn't ever seen before. 

Shadow knows if Amy found out he was being this way to get under Sonic's skin she wouldn't be happy, but he wasn't only doing it because of Sonic.. Amywas just..

"You're so cute." Shadow couldn't resist it whenever she'd look so flustered, she covered his mouth watching her eyes widen staring at him completely flushed with emotions. "Shut it!" Amy said pushing him away. 

Sonic of course hated seeing Amy fond over Shadow, he wanted to be in Shadow's shoes but he continued to think about how he messed up with Sally and how disloyal he was the thought of breaking Amy's heart even more weighed on him. Yet Sally's words of whatever she told him lingered in his head, he knew once he talks to Amy things could clear up or get worse...


Shadow was waiting at the school gate for Amy, she had to head back inside because she somehow forgotten her phone when she ran to her desk grabbing her phone out. Suddenly the classroom door slammed shut startling Amy's attention to it. "Huh? Sally?" Amy looked up seeing Sally standing there at the door, "hey- what's up?" Amy said concerned since Sally had such a serious look on her face.

"You know, your little stunt almost broke me and Sonic up." Sally said glaring at Amy, she kept fidgeting with her pocket as if she was holding something. "Ah.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say what I said about you and.. I didn't meant to get between you and Sonic at all," Amy said putting her phone in her pocket she avoided eye contact with Sally feeling uncomfortable by the way she was staring at her. "Sorry? You ruined my reputation, everyone now thinks I'm just some one of Sonics whores he keeps at the side," Sally said with a hiss suddenly walking up to Amy, Amy backed away but bumped into a desk, "you only did that because you were jealous Sonic was with me!" Amy glared at Sally, she didn't know why Sally was getting aggressive with her, she wasn't the one Sonic was having a makeout session with in the storage.

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