Chapter Two: Classes

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Amy woke up for a brand new day, she looked over to the window to see her cat laying there before smiling at it gently. "It's time to get ready." She said to it before getting out of bed getting dressed.

The testing for the first day was to figure out who will go in what class, Amy was excited to figure out what her schedule will be. Amy brushed her hair as she stared at the paper of Shadow's classes, she was trying to figure out if she'll have any of them with him, "we both finished at the same time... Maybe we'll match?" Amy muttered staring at his classes that were for straight A students only. "I better go or I'll be late!" Amy grabbed her things and shoved the paper Shadow gave her into her bag before running out.


Amy opened up her locker and put her things inside, she sighed as she pulled out her notebooks before closing the locker. "Hey." Amy jumped startled by seeing Shadow suddenly there! "Oh- Hey!" Amy said nervously.  Shadow tilted his head analyzing her, "classes?" Shadow said looking at her curious if she had received her classes yet, "uh- no. Um. Did you want yours back?" She said hurrying to grab his papers out of her bag before handing them to him but he grabbed her hand gently. "No, your classes remember?" He said narrowing his eyes seeing how flustered she was.

It only made him more cautious if what she said was real that she just wanted to be friends, "sorry yeah! I forgot.. Um, anyway.. I didn't get them yet-" Amy was about to apologize again but he handed her papers of her classes and dorm, "wait you got them?!" Amy giggled happily taking them from him so she could look, "you have all the same classes with me expect for one." He said pointing at her Chemistry class, "the lines were long for your classes so I went and got it for you." Shadows said turning away from her, she watched his tail wag.

"Haha thank you again it means allot." Amy smiled warmly, she thought it was cute how his tail was showing a different emotion than his cold gaze was giving the entire time. Shadow glanced back in time to see her smile, some reason it made him feel warm. "I put my info on the back. So don't be afraid to reach out.. Uh friend?" Shadow said awkwardly, Amy laughed noticing how tense he was, "continue calling me Amy." Amy said looking at her papers wondering what he meant for info and it was his number! Amy's cheeks blushed a bright red, "uh.." Amy wanted to give hers as well just because it was a kind courtesy of course! Nothing else!

Amy quickly went against the locker writing her number on his class papers he gave her, he watched her confused trying to understand what she was doing. "Here!" Amy said holding the papers a bit to close to her face leaving a small print of her lipstick on it before handing it to him, "I said I don't-" Shadow was going to refuse but Amy shoved them into his hands before hurrying off embarrassed. He stood there dumbfounded looking at the papers confused before seeing the kiss mark over her number making him blush for a moment not understanding why she had to kiss it.

She was really giving him mix singles and he can't tell if he hates it. The image of her flustered face made him grin as he wanted to see more of the faces her cute face would make.

Amy was to focused on how embarrassed she felt she ran into the wrong bathroom! She hurried to one of the sinks and splashed her face with cold water trying to cool off, "damn what am I thinking!?" Amy said getting the wrong idea, she shouldn't be this excited over Shadow, she felt as if she was betraying her Sonikku but then she remembered what Blaze and Cream said... "Sally.. I didn't see Sally in his arms yesterday -" Before she could think more on it she heard someone coming in. 

"Sonic what do you think about Amy?" Amy blushed hearing Sonics name and quickly dashed into one of the stalls confused on why they were entering the bathroom! "I don't know... She's different I guess." Sonic said fixing his fur in the mirror, Amy slowly climbed up the toilet to peek over and saw Silver sitting on the sink counter as Sonic was at his side, "different as in?" Silver said curious as he was enjoying a lollipop, "it's just she's-" Amy's foot slipped falling into the toilet making a huge splash, Sonic and Silver looked over confused, "dude I think he's taking a dumb." Silver said trying to hold his laugh, Sonic started laughing, "we'll give you privacy bro!" Sonic said as he and Silver walked out laughing. 

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