☆ Nightmare ☆

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"Goodnight, my darling," Jesper hummed as he turned off the light, snuggling closer to Wylan.

Wylan giggled and cuddled even closer to his boyfriends chest, "Goodnight, Jes."

Jesper smiled as he laid back onto the pillows. The sheets were soft and airy creating wind whenever each other them moved, but Wylan's body heat seemed to override the chilliness. Wylan's arms were locked around his boyfriend's chest as if he were going to run away. He wasn't going to, of course, Wylan was the love of life. Jesper smiled once again as he kissed the top of Wylan's head, before relaxing to finally fall asleep. Wylan soon found that it would be a better idea if he did the same. He let his body relax, letting his curls brush against Jesper's chest, sending goosebumps along Jesper's back. Wylan sighed as his shoulders eased their way down as his breath got slower and less calculated. Soon, Wylan seemed to be in a world of dreams, but for him wasn't the best thing. 

"Wylan!! We need more of what you had before!!" Kaz shouted, as Wylan appeared on top of a building holding many vials fills with odd kind of colours. Without thinking, Wylan threw one of the vials, this one filled with a vibrant green liquid, towards a gunshot that echoed throughout the various building tops that the Crows stood on. 

Wylan quickly ran to Kaz, who was very clearly occupied with a man wear an odd mask, thought about it for a few moments, then ran to Nina, who was making sure if Matthais was doing okay.

"Nina!! What's going on? Where are we?" Wylan gasped, looking around at the cloudy sky of Ketterdam. 

"Saints, Wylan!! We're getting rid of these people, Kaz said that they tried to kill Inej. So, instead of just leaving him to do his job, we insisted to come along and help. As you predicted, it was a trap. Now, please, go help Jesper. He needs it," Nina rambled on, trying to heal Matthais at the same time. 

Wylan nodded as he stared at the blood spurting out of Matthais' gut, which seemed to be slowly slowing down. He quickly looked around, snapping his head at every sound he heard. Suddenly, someone grabbed his shoulders and spun him around to look at him. In an instant, Wylan reached for the first thing he could see, and threw it at the person who held him. He quickly closed his eyes, and fell into a small bundle on the floor, hoping the person would go away. 

After a few moments, he looked up to find his boyfriend laying on the ground with a rather large wound around his upper chest area. Wylan stared for a few seconds, with wide eyes, before reacting. 

"Wha- What happened? How did this? Wha-" Wylan stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes. 

Jesper grabbed his face, looked him straight in the eyes and sputtered, "You did."

Wylan looked at his boyfriend frantically, quickly snapping his head side to side. Tears started to drip down his cheeks, staining his freckled face. He rushed to place his hands over the wound, but it was too late. 

Wylan shot up from his bed, moving everything along with him. As he started to regain his senses, he realized his cheeks were covered in tear and he couldn't control his ragged breathing. Jesper woke only moments later, from the sudden movement of the bed.

"Hey, hon. What's going on?" Jesper asked, trying to get a good look of Wylan's face.

"N- No. I can't. I-I killed you. You shouldn't ever l-look at me," Wylan breathed, his tears spilling even more down his cheeks.

"Hey, Wylan, it was only a dream, okay? It was only a dream, I'm still here, see?" Jesper comforted him, taking Wylan's hand and placing it on Jesper's chest so he could feel the heartbeat, "I'm still here. It was just a nightmare, okay? Everything is okay."

Wylan sniffled, but wiped his tears from his eyes, "Okay," He quickly wrapped his hand around Jesper once again before tears littered his cheeks again, "I thought you died. I thought you were gone. I never want you to leave. I thought I killed you. I would never, I promise, I wouldn't."

"I know, I know you wouldn't. And you didn't. I'm okay, see, all fine. Aaaaaaaaall this, is still here," Jesper gestured to his whole body, "It's okay. I promise," Jesper lifted Wylan's hand, took his pinkie in his, connected both of their thumbs and kissed Wylan's hand, "See? It's bound. I promise, I'm okay."

Wylan hugged Jesper's chest, taking in the warmth like he had done earlier that night, "Okay. Good, I don't know what I would've done without you."

"Let's not think about that, because you aren't going to live without me. I'm right here, don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not be," Wylan muttered, snuggling into Jesper's chest again.The cold sweat had now all gone, leaving Wylan very cold, but Jesper had fixed the problem in no time. The warmth radiated off of Jesper's body onto Wylan's, warming up the cold boy. 

Wylan couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, but he didn't mind. He was with his boyfriend, and he was happy. That was all that mattered to him. 

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