☆ Stutter ☆

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Wylan wrung his hands together, feeling the sweat slip through them. His face was burning with redness, the burning shame not seeming to go away. Jesper snatched a look at him, worry furrowing his brows together. His warm grey eyes laid upon Wylan again, frowning even more, this time laced with concern for the man standing next to him. He took Wylan's hands apart, taking one into his own.

"But they're sweaty," Wylan mumbled, clearly ashamed.

"I don't care. I'll hold your hand whenever, unless you don't want to. I don't want to force anything onto you," Jesper smiled warmly.

"No, no, it's okay. I-I like holding your hand," Wylan smiled, gripping his boyfriend's hand tighter.

"Stutter," Jesper noted, chuckling, "Cutie."

Wylan bent his head down in shame, his smile disappearing from his face completely. Jesper squeezed his boyfriend's hans as he talked to the man behind the counter. They were out buying some chemicals for a new job Kaz had for the both of them.

Vials were laid on every shelf in the sop. Red and golden tapestries lined the walls. Lanterns and candles lit up the room and were carefully placed away from the chemicals. Paper lines the tabletops, messing the place up. The floor was a dark wooden colour, but it was mostly covered by large red and gold carpets. The room they were in was small, scruffy but rather open. Warm light filled the room, making it seem like an open space.

"That'll be twenty-five kruge," the gruff man behind the counter ordered, his ginger moustache moving along with his words.

"O-one sec," Wylan put his finger up as he fished his money from his many pockets that lined the side of his trousers.

Jesper let out a chuckle which normally made Wylan laugh along with him, but now it made his eyes water and his skin turn a bright red. He made sure not to speak again as he paid and made his way out of the store.

"You alright?" Jesper wondered, worry lacing through his words.

Wylan just nodded, keeping his gaze locked onto the stoned floor. His face was still red with shame, the hotness rising up to his face and not seeming to disappear.

Wylan forced himself to put in a smile and look his boyfriend in the eyes, "I'm great. Let's just keep shopping. We need to get you some new metals anyway."

Jesper looked at him skeptically, but thought nothing of it once more.

They continued to shop for the rest of the afternoon. Jesper, who was thoroughly enjoying himself, walked along side his boyfriend, whit blouse open widely and skirt flowing freely behind him with the wind. He had his favourite top hat, placed on a slanted angle, on top of his head as he always did. His silver rings glittered in Ketterdam's rare sun. His fingers were filled with them, apart from his right ring finger which had a beautiful yellow paper ring, which Wylan had mad just a few days before. The ring had been folded into a heart shape, creating the illusion that a heart was placed on top of the yellow ring.

Next to him, Wylan had only one ring. It was made of steel, one that Jesper had made for him. Stones had been melted into it, making it into a marble feature. He had worn that one ring today, over the many Jesper had made for him, because it fit magnificently with his socks. Also because Jesper had made it for him, and he liked it very much, but it still fit with his marble socks. Along with these marble socks, he wore some black boots, some brown trousers with many pockets and a beige blouse that had been Jesper's before his boyfriend had worn it. He also stolen one of Jesper's vest so they could be matching on this sunny but chilly day. He had a tote bag slung over his shoulder, disorganized with paper and vials, waiting to be filled.

Worry started to slowly disappear throughout the day as Wylan slowly started to forget about the incident that happened only hours before. Until now.

They were walking hand in hand when Jesper come up with the idea that they should get something to eat. They walk into a store nearby, hoping to find something to grab.

"Jes!!" A voice yelled from one of the tables.

Both Wylan and Jesper whipped around to find a small lanky man walking up to them, arms wide in front of him.

"Ralph!! Hey, man, how are you?" Jesper chuckled, a smirk appearing onto his lips, "Wy, this is Ralph, one of my University friends. Do you remember him?"

"O-oh, yeah. N-nice to meet you R-Ralph," Wylan forced a smile, earning a chuckle from his boyfriend.

Tears welled up in his eyes and his palms became sweaty once more. His red was burning with shame and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He looked at Jesper for a slight second and looked back to the floor, "I'm going outside. See you later."

Jesper looked at him oddly, "Wy, what- why- are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Wylan mumbled walking out of the shop.

Tears spilled out of his eyes and onto his cheeks the moment he stepped out of the shop. He walked all the way to an alley not too far from the shop, keeping his head down all the way.

"Wy!" Jesper exclaimed from far away.

He continued walking.

"Wy!! Where are you going?" Jesper yelled after him.

"Anywhere!! Anywhere but there!!" Wylan cried, tears spilling through the wind.

"Wy, what the hell is going on?" Jesper asked when he reached his crying boyfriend.

"You!! Stop!! Saints it's terrible, can't you see?!" Wylan exclaimed through sobs.

"What?" Jesper looked at him, clearly very confused.

"I hate my stutter and you saying it's cute hurts me so much!! I hate it, I hate it so much!!" Wylan snapped.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea," Jesper gasped.

"Of course you no idea, you're so oblivious! Saints," Wylan sighed, tears continued to spill onto his cheeks.

Jesper pulled him into a hug, kissing on top of his head, Wylan's hair tickling his cheeks, "I am so sorry, sunshine. I promise- I swear on my life, I won't do it again."

"No need to go that far," Wylan sniffled onto Jesper's shoulder.

"I swear on my life."

"Thank you."

"Next time, babe, please tell me. I want to make you the happiest person in the world, and I would hate for you to be surrounded by this sorrow," Jesper smiled, leaning back so he could see his boyfriend's face, "Of course, if you aren't comfortable with that, it's alright, but I just want you to be happy."

Wylan nodded, a genuine smile appearing onto his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too, Wy. I always will."

A/N: Hiyaaaa!! I hope you guys liked this chapter. This is actually based on personal experience. I also have a stutter, but it's an anxiety one, there's a better word for it somewhere, but yeah. It can be sometimes hurtful when people do things like this so yeah, anywayyyyy, have a wonderful day/night/afternoon!! i love you guys so so much!!!

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