First meeting

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Ella's pov:

I wake up by my best friend shaking me (sarah her best friend's name) "wake up sleepy head"
She said hitting me with a pillow "sarah  stop itt"i said i was annoyed in that time but i just have too "okay okay I'm awake" i rubbed my eyes and slowly got up,I got in the bathroom washed my face brushed my teeth and hair and got to my closet to wear some clothes

I wake up by my best friend shaking me (sarah her best friend's name) "wake up sleepy head"She said hitting me with a pillow "sarah  stop itt"i said i was annoyed in that time but i just have too "okay okay I'm awake" i rubbed my eyes and slowly g...

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Then i got back to my room putting on my apple watch and getting my phone from the nightstand i got downstairs with sarah  and saw my mom in the kitchen eating breakfast

"Goodmorning mom" i said,"goodmorning honey" she say i got to the fridge getting some milk and then some cereals cause i wasn't feeling eating food "where is dad,mom" i asked mom as i eat a spoon with cereal "he is at the office talking with his friend" she say looking at me and sarah while we eat our cereals then dad came out from his office "goodmorning darling" he said to me kissing the top of my head "goodmorning love" he say to my mom kissing her forehead they are cute couples "and goodmorning sarah" dad said to sarah while hugging her,sarah was like my parents daughter and i was like her parents other daughter and our family was friends

"Goodmorning mr.romero" she said then dad sit next to my mom and started talking "my friend Matheo is gonna come tonight for dinner to visit us with his family" dad said looking at us "oh,that's alright what time" "at 7:30 pm" dad said looking at my mom "okay so i better go find an outfit i know i'll take hours while finding my outfit"i said while i was done with my cereals and they all laughed but then sarah's mom called that her family was going somewhere so she need to leave "bye el" she said hugging me "bye sar" i said hugging her back

She got out from my room and i start finding my outfit i found a beautiful white short dress

Then i hop in the shower,when i was done i wrap a towel around me and got inside my room sitting infront of my mirror and start doing my hair curly,i was litearly done with my hair i start with my makeup and It was 7:00pm i didn't know i will take...

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Then i hop in the shower,when i was done i wrap a towel around me and got inside my room sitting infront of my mirror and start doing my hair curly,i was litearly done with my hair i start with my makeup and It was 7:00pm i didn't know i will take this much longer doing ready i wear my white dress some white heels and wear my white apple watch got my phone and leave my room walking downstairs when i was at the last stair i saw my mom and dad already ready my mom with a beautiful long black dress and dad in a black suit

"Wow you are looking so beautiful,cute couples"i said at them laughing they laugh too and then they respond "you look beautiful too darling" they said to me we sit in the couch waiting,after some 30 min the doorbell hit the maid open it and then came in two couples as my parents age then a beautiful girl and then a hot sexy attractive man he was looking like 23 years old,his black fluffy hair ,his brown eyes ,his veiny tattoed hands with rings he was so sexy

"Hello my friend "dad said while shaking matheo's hands and my mom shaking julia's hand then i shaked their hands too and when my hand shaked mason's hand (the boy who ella thinks he is sexy ) he was smirking "hello ella" he said with his sexy voice "hello mason" i said smiling softly

Then we sit in the couch mason sit infront of me while staring at me,when the maid came in to call us for the dinner we all got up and we started walking to he dinning room we all sit and maids fill our plates with food the food was delicious we started eating and my parents with mason's parents started talking about mafia bussines then victoria the mason's sister said "can you please show me where the bathroom is" she said whispering "sure" i said smiling soft we exused ourself and got up i start walking with her behind me but my body was warm feeling some eyes on my body i knew he was mason i told her where the bathroom was and got back to the dinning room mason staring at me

"So darling,you and mason have to go to a mission with us " my dad said to me and mason "but why " i said i didn't want to go cause i hate blood if i see blood i will be traumatized and i will not sleep all night "Mason has to do a job but you need to stay beside him" dad said i was confused he was not a fucking child "okay"  i said i turned around to face mason and he was smirking we was done with the dinner and we sit in the living room talking for that mission when it's gonna happend i was so boring it was already late so i say goodnight to everybody and got to my room i wear my pjs took my makeup off put my hair in a bun and hop in my bed putting my phone and apple watch to charge and finnally closing my eyes.

~Hello stars~⭐️
This chapter i tried to make it long but i don't know if that's long enough,what gonna happend after the mission?

Love ya'll❤️

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