Home alone

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Ella's pov:

After some hours of shopping we got back home we knock on the door and the maid open it "welcome miss.romero "she said and we got inside we saw my dad mason and his dad in the living room talking they were so cutee "hellooooo" I said their eyes were all on us "how did the shopping go" my dad said "It was sooo...good and tired"I said "okay I'm gonna go and let my bags in my room and come back downstairs love yall" I said giving them a air kiss then i got in my room and putted my bags in the floor

I got in my closet got some comfy clothes and wear them

I then got downstairs and sit in the couch then the door opens and in the house came Victoria mason's sister "ellaaaa" she yelled "viccc" I yelled got up and run towards her and she runs towards me running I hugged her tightt she was like my littl...

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I then got downstairs and sit in the couch then the door opens and in the house came Victoria mason's sister "ellaaaa" she yelled "viccc" I yelled got up and run towards her and she runs towards me running I hugged her tightt she was like my little sister,she was In LA for some stuff I don't know why this is the reason she didn't came with us in maldive "how was your vacation"she asked "It was good how was yours" I asked smiling soft "It was literly good I'm gonna tell you something later"she smirked and winked "ohhh"I knew she gonna tell me for a boy and I winked "so aren't you gonna talk to us " the other laughed "Oh I'm sorry" she says and run to hug them all we all sit me next to mason dad next to mom julia next to matthew and victoria next to me

We all were talking when It was literly 12:54 am "ella,mason and victoria you three are gonna stay home alone for 1 week without us beacuse we have some work in new york to do " my dad said "where we gonna stay " I asked "where do you want guys you can stay" he said "Okay we can stay here cause i don't feel packing things anymore "I said they laugh"okay but no party's,no funny bussines and don't break anything"She said when she said no funny bussines then she turned around me and mason "we are not gonna do anything mom"I said rolling my eyes mason smirked

Me and Victoria got up went to kitchen to grab some snacks so mason and victoria are going tonight to pack their things and they are coming tomorow cause my parents and their parents are goig tomorow in new york,we sayed goodbye to De lucas and I said goodnight to my parents and went to my room today in the shopping I bought outfits dresses jewerlys and shoes much bag I put the clothes in the loundry and shoes with jewerlys in my closet then i wear my pjs did my scin care and sleep

                         ~The next morning~

I woke up my mom shaking me "ella darling,wake up we are leaving"she said "okay" I said and getting up,we went downstairs hugged my parents said goodbye and then they leave I didn't sleep anymore so I started my day it was 7:34 am so I think mason and vic are coming now so I wear a outfit did my natyral makeup my hair some jewerlys slippers grabed my phone and got downstairs

I got in the kitchen did some breakfast eggs bacon tomato and orange juice,I was scrolling in social medias when the doorbell ring I open it and It was de luca's sibling mason and vic "vicc" I yelled "ellll" she yelled we hugged tight for long "ar...

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I got in the kitchen did some breakfast eggs bacon tomato and orange juice,I was scrolling in social medias when the doorbell ring I open it and It was de luca's sibling mason and vic "vicc" I yelled "ellll" she yelled we hugged tight for long "are you gonna take my girl now" mason said vic giggled " she is so cutee" she said pulling away I hugged mason but he pulled me by the waist and kissed me I missed those lips his touch his body in mine omg "eww can you guys stop,I'm here" she said waving at us we pulled away and laughed "okay come in" I said letting them in they got their lauggage inside and I told vic where her room was and mason wanted to sleep with me

We got then downstairs and start eating breakfast we talked laughed and eat our breakfast we were done and we put our dishes to the sink me and vic got to the kitchen to do the dishes and mason got to the counter and sit scrolling in his phone me and vic started talking while I do the dishes "I'm gonna tell you the story later " she said and winked at me and I smile and winked back "wich story" Mason asked coming towards us putting his hands around my waist "I want to tell the story to el not to you" she said putting her hands to her chest " and she wants to keep it as a secret" I said turning to mason smiling with my hands to my chest

He turned around me and give me a quick kiss "I'm going to the living room" he said and walked away,me and vic got some snacks and got to the living room sitting in the floor and she start to tell me the story "omggg he got your number" I whispered "yes "she said smiling "I'm so happy for you" i said "I hope I get a realtionship as you and my brother" she said "don't worry you will get it "

We sit there talking for hours and It was almost dark so mason came in and you can tell he was asleep "how did you sleep" I asked "good,your bed was so comfy" he said rubbing his eyes and sitting in the couch "what are we eating for dinner" he asked "I don't know you chose" I said "can we get pizza pleaseee" vic asked and I giggled "of course" I said grabing my phone and typing pizza's number,I order them and then we sit there watching tv

The doorbell ring and I got up but then mason pulled me by my waist and pulled me to his lap "what are you doing I need to go and pay the pizza's "I said looking at him "I'll go get them and pay" he said "n-" I said but he cut me off kissing me and getting up going to the door

He then got in and put the pizza in the table we all sit and started eating,after that I got the bin's and put them in the bin it was almost late so we all got up and went to our room

I put my pjs on did my scin care and then hop in the bed with mason he pulled me to his chest and said goodnight "goodnight amore" he said kissing me and pulling me to his chest then "goodnight " I said and closed my eyes

                             ~Hello stars~⭐️
This chapter is when Ella ,Mason and victoria stay home alone for 1 week

Love yall❤️

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