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ella's pov:

I felt a hand across my cheek mason slapped me what the fuck?I sit on the floor my hand in my cheek, my eyes filled with tears what did mason do? I got up watched his eyes filled with sad expression "I-"mason saidd putting his hands in my cheek but i removed them "don't say anything mason" i sad wiping my tears and leaving the room going back where we were sitting then after some minutes mason came in staring at me i feel his eyes on me but i ignore it and started to look around the club the scrolling in my phone

We were ther for hours and I was tired I feel all the time mason staring at me but i ignored him then me and my dad got up to leave mason and his dad too we walked outside and i said goodbye to mason's dad and not to mason i got inside the car fast and start looking out the window,we got back home i went to my room and wear something comfy and hop in the bed

                           ~after 2 weeks~
I was eating breakfast today we have a meeting I didn't even talk to mason or see him in the eyes if he came in my house to talk with my dad i just came to fill my water bottle or gets some snacks and get in my room even he was staring or not,my dad say that we have a meeting tonight so I wasn't even worried about that much i just found a dress and wait till the time to be ready I ate breakfast wash the dishes and went back to my room

I wake up from a big sleep,It was already time to get ready i did my hair and makeup then i wear my dress

I wear some black heels and a white little bag (my fav color is black) i got downstairs and went to my dad office it was nobody there so I just sit there waiting for others then Mason came in I didn't even look at him he came and sit next to me "I...

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I wear some black heels and a white little bag (my fav color is black) i got downstairs and went to my dad office it was nobody there so I just sit there waiting for others then Mason came in I didn't even look at him he came and sit next to me "I'm so sorry tesoro I didn't even mean that" he said putting his hand in my thigh and squeezing it first I ignored it "Please forgive me amore" he said "Why did you slap me "i asked letting my phone down in my lap " I didn't mean it I was drunk,please forgive me amore" He said and I sigh "I forgive you but if you ever hurt me again I'm not gonna forgive you anymore" I said He smashed his lips in mine and start putting his tongue inside my mouth i pulled away "Mason you gonna ruin my makeup" I said wipping my lips cause it was all lipstick he start kissing my neck making me moan

He gave me an fast kiss and then dad came in with some mans,we sit all mason next to me and they startet talking about bussines as always then a hand came inside my thighs going to my clit it was amson staring at me and smirking he then eject my pants to the other side and put two finger inside me i bite my lip to stop moaning i was literly shaking "ella darling,are you okay" dad asked me "y-yes I'm o-okay dad"i said grabing mason's hand and lulling away but he grabed my hand with his free one and astart putting three finger " drink some water you aren't okay" dad said giving me some water i drink it and then finally mason stop i would fucking cut his hands

After the meeting i grabed my phone and started going to ny room but then some hands grabed me and pulled me fast in my room smashing his lips with mine it was Mason he picked me up and slowly put me in the bed he start ejecting my dress and kissing my chest then down then down until he reached the clit he ripped the pants and throw them in the floor

*after the sex*

It was already 7 am and i woke up feeling strong arms wrapped around me i turn around and saw mason slepping pacefully I played with his hair when I slowly got up but he pulled me closer to him "stay here" he sayed with his deep morning voice "I need to go to the bathroom"i said but he keept pulling closer until i can't breath "mason I-i can't breathee"i said "imm sorry tesoro" he said opening his eyes and giving me a kiss we got up i went to the bathroom and ohh shit I got my fucking PERIOD

I got out from the shower wraped a towel around me and started brushing my teeth face and brushing my hair then i wear something comfy make my bed and got downstairs to eat breakfast mason leaved the house earlier i eat breakfast and grab a soft blanket some snacks my bottle water and hop in the couch to watch netflix then I got a message


How are you tesoro?
I'm fine I'm on my fucking period
Do you want something i can do for you😉
Mason you are so obsesed with sex stop you are being like a big baby 😒
I want to smack that beautiful ass of yours
Shut up bye!
Bye tesoro❤️

After the text I started to watch an other movie,
it was already dinner so i got up went to the kitchen watching my ppaarents  in the dinning room so i sit next to them "hello mom and dad" i said "hello darling"they said "dad wants something to saay to you"mom said "yes"i said
"So we need  to go to maldive for a week "my dad said "omg really but with who"i asked then mom replied "our family,mason and his parents we have a meeting there"mom said with mason wtf? Anyways i was so exited i asked when we  were leaving they told me tomorow morning at 5 am so i ate dinner fast and went to  my room to pack my things

I packed  all my stuff for one hour so what i need to do i need to pack my hand bag and sleep my phone started ringing when i saw the caller id it was mason

Hello tesoro
Hello mason
Did you got the news today
Yes i've got it
I'm super exiting to  see you in my arms tesoro
What do you mean by to see you in my arms
We gonna sleep together didn't your parents toldd you
N-no they didn't,but why with you
Don't be scared amore Imm not gonna kill you,you already haved sex with me
Shut up mason
I'll shut up if you let me taste your pussy again

With that I close the phone and hop in my bed to sleep how am I gonna sleep with mason for a week?

                       ~Hello stars~⭐️
In this chapter is when ella gett her big new how is she gonna make with amson for a week we don't now so go to the next chapter love yall!🫶

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