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Ella's pov:

I woke up by my mom shaking me "ella hun, wake up we are gonna leave and de luca's are here" mom said shaking me gently "okay mom Imm coming" i said and then mom leave i got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and my hair then washed my face, I went inside my bedroom and wear my outfit

I packed my purse grabed my lauggage and went outside my room giving my room a cheek for the last time I'm gonna miss it,i gave one of guards my lauggage i hold my purse phone and water bottle and went downstairs I look up and i saw my parent's ma...

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I packed my purse grabed my lauggage and went outside my room giving my room a cheek for the last time I'm gonna miss it,i gave one of guards my lauggage i hold my purse phone and water bottle and went downstairs I look up and i saw my parent's mason's parents and mason in the living room "Goodmorning everybody" i said to everyone before leaving my purse in the couch and went to the kitchen to fill my water bottle i love water so that's why i get the water bottle everywhere with me the say goodmorning to me and I went to the kitchen

While i was filling my water bottle I feel some big hands in my waist hugging me from behind I look at my sholder and saw mason kissing my neck "goodmorning amore,you look so beautiful" he said turning me around and giving me a qucik kiss on the lips "goodmorning,you look good too" i said smiling soft he was wearing some grey trausers,a black hodie,his rolex in his hand ,white nike socks and white air forces,his hair fluffy and his beautiful face in love with him

He gave me a kiss it was passionate this one but then i pulled away "our parents are gonna caught us let's go" i said trying to go but then he pulled me by my waist and pinned me to the fridge than start kissing my neck then up to my lips I moan but not much cause our parents can hear them then mom yelled from the living room "mason ,ella come we are leaving" my mom saidd "coming mom"i say "we gonna continue this later when we arrived you gonna beg for more ,bellisima" he say I gulped i turn around grabed my water bottle and start leaving with mason behind me when he smacked my ass "hey that hurts" I say rubbing my ass "Imm sorry i can't control myself amore" he said we went to the living room I grabbed my bag and we leave to the limo

In the limo was so boring so I scroll in my phone after some 32 min we arrived to the airplane It was private airplane jet,We got inside me first and omg I didn't bealive my eyes how beautiful it is "omg this is so beautiful" I say with myy mouth open "close your mouth amore a fly can go inside" mason said from behind in my ear "shut the fuck up" i say "watch your pretty little mouth of yours darling"  he said and then i sit in the couch it was so comftorble then the plane start,some girls came to ask us if we need  something to eat our something else but they was flirting with mason I wanted to kill them right here and throw them throgh the airplane

I turned my head to the window when my phone ring I saw a message from mason i looked up at him staring at him whiel he smirked then looked to the message


Somebody jelaous,huh?
No I'm not you are not my bf to be jelaous and I'm not your so you  can do what you fucking like
Watch your mouth bellisima,and you are MINE
I'm not YOURS shut up
We'll see when we go to the hotel amore,just wait

I closed my phone and sleep

After some hours somebody was shaking me i saw mom "honey wake up we arrivved" mom said "oh okay mom where is my purche"i said then my mom gave me annd we got outside we went to a limo and the driver start driving i sit there while we arrived to the hotel they gave us the key we went straight to the elvator and then we got to our floor my parents room was at the end of the hallway,mason's parents was to the other side infront of my parents room and my room and mason's was to the first door they were little bit far our parents room but that's okay Imm not little child to be scared me and mason got in the room and omg that was big comftorble and cute

I sit there while mason took a shower tthen he came in the room with a towel wrapped around his wait water droping by his fluffy hair I didn't know i was staring "Do you like what you see " he asked smirking at me "No i saw better" i said looking back at my phone "oh,do you mind telling me who it was "he asked coming closer when he came to the bed and sit infront of me
"I-i don't want too" i said looking at him then he pressed his lips to mine it was passionate i didn't break it so i grabbed his neck and pulled him even closer my clit all wet he put his hand in my waist and pulled me to his lap

* i don't now how to write the s*x scene so You can imagine what happend*

                            ~Hello stars~⭐️
In this chapter is when ella and mason go to maldive what happend next? Sorry but this chapter is short.

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