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Ella's pov:

I woke up the sunshine in my face it was got weather today and then i remember i was going in a mission with mason i really don't know what we gonna do there but I'm just gonna go behind mason,anyway i start getting ready to go downstairs to eat breakfast when i saw mason and his parents in the dinning room with my parents "goodmorning mom and dad,and goodmorning mr.de luca and mrs.de luca" i said smiling soft "goodmorning darling" mason's parents said "goodmorning honey" my parents said "Goodmorning mason" i said smiling "goodmorning ella"he sait smirking at me,i don't know why this guy just smirk at me

I got to the kitchen filling my water bottle with water and go sit next to my parents "So ella,you are gonnaa go to the misioon after breakfast" my dad said "okay dad" i said eating my breakfast

We were done with breakfast,me and mason got ready for the mision and we leave we got in a black range rover car and he started the car,the ride was silent when we pulled to a "warehouse" we got out from the club and i follow mason where he was go...

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We were done with breakfast,me and mason got ready for the mision and we leave we got in a black range rover car and he started the car,the ride was silent when we pulled to a "warehouse" we got out from the club and i follow mason where he was going when we got to a door with two bordyguards they opened the door for us and inside was all black and it was a chair in the middle with a man sitting there tied blood all over his face what did they do to him

"Why did you broke in the warehouse ,bastard" mason said the man didn't respond "do you have a fucking mouth ,or i'll kill you"mason said "i will prefer to kill me than tell you"the man said chuckling "then i will kill you" mason said getting his gun and turning to face me "turn around"he said to me i turn around when i heard the gun's voice "let's go" mason said but before we go i turned to see the man blood all in his forehead his eyes widned out staring at me his mouth blood it was like horror

"Are you okay tesoro" mason said looking at me worried while he was driving "th-th-... I'm fine" i said my hands shaking he grabed my hands and squezed them gently "tell me what's wrong" he said "it's just the guy in the warehouse that you killed him he was scary" i said looking out the window "he isn't here anymore,just forget him tesoro" he said turning his head to the street driving

We arrived in the house and we sit in the living room with my parents and mason's parents talking what he did but my dad and his dad wasn't mad cause the man broke into their warehouse,that man was still in my mind how he was staring at me i asked claire the maid to get me a cup of water cause i was literly shaking she came and gave me the cup i drink it when my mom saw me shaking "darling are you okay" my mom said "I..."i didn't finished all when it got all black and I passed out

Mason's pov:

We got inside the house and we sit with our parent's in the living room talking about what i did but they weren't mad cause the man broke in their's warehouse ,we where talking when i saw ella was shaking she asked the maid for a cup of water then the maid came and gave her the cup of the water while she drinks it her mom then realise that she was shaking and then asked her "darling are you okay" she asked her "I..."ella didn't finished her words then she passed out we all got up and start shaking her but she was not getting up we call the doctor and then we put her in her bed and then leave her room while the doctor checked her

After some minutes waiting in the living room the doctor came downstairs "doctor is she alright" her mom said while tears keep in her face "she is alright she had a panick,then she passed out" the doctor said and then say goodbye and leave he say that we can go to her room we all go in there and we saw her awake her mom rung to her and hugged her while she hugged her back "are you okay darling" her mom asked "I'm okay mom" ella said smiling soft omg this girl is so damn sexy i want to fuck her infront of everyone

"Are you okay honey" her dad asked "I'm fine dad"she said then her mom started talking "Why were you shaking"she asked "Um...I- it was the man from the warehouse that mason killed i can't forget him,he was staring at me with his bloody eyes all out his mouth all blood" she said getting comftorble in her bed "why didn't you tell us you were afraid of blood ,we could send someone else with him darling"her dad said "dad i didn't now he was about to kill him,if i knew i wouldn't go"she said "it's okay,you need to rest honey" her mom said "i can't,i just can't forget him"she said playing with her fingers "darling, just stay you didn't see anything and you can forget him easly"my mom said to her "i try mrs.de luca" ella said smiling soft omg her soft pink lips

"Can i talk to ella alone please"i said looking at everybody "sure honey"her parents and my parents said they leave while i walk to her bed sit and grab her hand "I'm sorry i didn't know you where afraid of blood" i said "It's okay it's not your falt it's my falt i didn't tell you guys earlier" she said smiling soft "just try to forget him tesoro" i said putting a piece of hair behind her ear

~Hello stars⭐️~
In this chapter is when they go tot heir mision so read this book til the end and we will see what is gonna happend .Love yall!🫶

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