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Ella's pov:

As we got back at our hotels room after some hours we took a shower and then started to be ready for dinner we are going to dinner I took a shower then got out sit in the mirror doing my hair my makeup and finally wearing my outfit 

As we got back at our hotels room after some hours we took a shower and then started to be ready for dinner we are going to dinner I took a shower then got out sit in the mirror doing my hair my makeup and finally wearing my outfit 

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I wear this outfit then put some gold jewerlys and then  parfume,I got done and did some photos to the mirror Then mason came out the shower with his towel around his waist and his fluffy hair wet he was looking me up and down

"What" I asked putting my eyebrows up " you look so sexy" he said smirking and walking towards me "i know" i said blushing then taking some steps back then my back pinned to the wall "don't even touch me,I just did my makeup" I said then he puts his hand on my waist "you can do it again amore" He said smirking then smashing his lips to mine, i kiss him back then pulled away "get ready we gonna be late "I said walking away he didn't respond and grabed his clothes walking to the bathroom to wear them then he came out omg this sexy man is breathtaking I swear he was wearing black jeans with black belt,bleck button shirt in his throat his three button open showing the tatto,black shoes ,his gold rolex and hi black fluffy hair with cologne fucking hot

"Are you done staring love" he said smirking "I-i wasn't " i said looking away "let's go we gonna be late " i say as we leave the room then we got to my parents room I hugged them then mason's parents came to the room ME AND MASON hugged them "you look so beautiful darling "mom and mason's mom said "thank you guys you both look good as always" i said hugging them we then leave and got in the car driving to the restaurant,we got in and then we got to our tabel and ordered our food i started talking with mom and masonn's mom and mason with my dad and his dad started talking then the food came and we started eating

*after hours*

We got back to our hotel after eating dinner dessert and those things,I wear my pjs took my makeup off and got in the covers then mason came out of the bathroom

"Mason" i said "yes,love" he said looking at me "what are we" i asked "Ella Romero,for the first time I meet you I couldn't get my eyes off of you,you were soo beautiful you stole my heart,For the first time I meet you,you were mine,ella will you be my girlfriend" he asked grabbing my hands "yes,I will" i said he then kissed me "goodnight my love" he said pulling me closer "goodnight mason" I said

*after some days (the last day)*

I woke up getting ready to leave to go home in ou actual home,I packed my things yesterday so we just leave today in the morning and now Imm at the plane we got in and we sit I was super tired so I sleep on the bedroom,

I sleep for so long and somebody was shaking me"amore wake up,we are here" mason said kissing my forehead "how much i sleept" I asked giving him a quick kiss "so long but that's okay you were tired " He said smiling "come we are here we gonna go home" he said then I got up wear my shies and leave the plane I was so happy we are going home now it was good in maldive

We all got in the limo and got to our house we say goodbye to mason and his parents and we got inside our house then grandma and grandpa were there "grandparents omg,youa re here" I said yelling and running at them to hugg "oh dear,we missed you so much" they said hugging me "I missed you too guys " I said smiling

We talked for hours how have we been and this things then I got a masage looking at the contact name it was Mason

"How are you amore" he said
"I'm good thanks,how about you" I asked
"Good,did you sleep"he asked
"No,i stayed with my grandparents they were here when we came" i said
"You know you need to rest" he said
"I don't feel tired anymore "i said
"Bye,mom is calling me❤️" i said
"Goodnight amore❤️"he said

I turned off my phone and then got to the kitchen when mom was calling me,after we were done it was late so we all got to our rooms and grandparents got to their house, I did my scincare wear my pjs took a shower and hop in the bed

*next morning*

I wake up and start my day doing my makeup scincare wearing my outfit and eating breakfast today was sunday so my dad mom and me we could spend the day together

I wear this comfy outfit and went to the living room siting in the couch drinking water and scrolling on my phone in social medias then mom came and we talked laughed and we decided to go shopping but with julia mason's mom I called mason to get h...

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I wear this comfy outfit and went to the living room siting in the couch drinking water and scrolling on my phone in social medias then mom came and we talked laughed and we decided to go shopping but with julia mason's mom I called mason to get his mom in our house then he said he would come with his dad too cause they have some work to do with my dad i thought they didn't have work but in mafia It isn't easy

After some minutes they came I was alone in living room then the doorbell ring I got up open it and saw mason and his parents "julia "i yelled running to hug her she hugged me back "how are you dear"she asked"I'm good how are you" i said "I'm fine thank you darling" she said
"Hello mathew" i said shaking his hand he replied and they came in the I gave mason a quick kiss and then I pulled away but he grabbed my waist and pulled me for a kiss "not here mason" I said between his kisses  "okay okay" he said annoyed and pulling away I laughed then got in the living room we all sit then i got to my room to get ready

After some minutes they came I was alone in living room then the doorbell ring I got up open it and saw mason and his parents "julia "i yelled running to hug her she hugged me back "how are you dear"she asked"I'm good how are you" i said "I'm fine...

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I wear this outfit did my makeup and hair and then for end some parfume,I grabed my purse and phone and leave my room running downstairs "okay mom come we are leaving " I said grabing her hand then matthew mason's dad putt his hand around julia's sholder "sorry mr.matthew but we have to get your wife " I said grabbing julia's hand "were are you going girls "dad asked "we are going out that's why I called mason to drive her here " I said smiling "okay bye have fun" they said then mason gave me his card and we leave

                            ~hello stars~⭐️
Thsi is the new chapter I don't know if i can do the next chapter tomorow cause itms my b-day💕love yall

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