First kiss

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Ella's pov:

*after making out*

I woke up in some big hands wrapped around my waist,it was amson i looked at the clock and it was already 7:00 pm i hope nobody came in andd saw us llike this i got up wear my outfit then wake up mason "mason wake up" i said shaking him gently "hmmm"he said with his voice tired "wake up" i said "just 5 more minutes"he said " no you can't we have to eat dinner "i said with my hands across my chest "i ate my dinner Imm not hungry anymore" he said looking at me and smirking i start blushing "shut the fuck up and get up "i said smiling soft "i don't want too" he said putting his hands on my waist and pulled me in the bed and kissing me i kiss him back and pull away "come on let's go" i said

We ate dinner mason and his family stayed a little bit more and they leave,i got in my room took a shower and wear my pjs then i did my scin care and hoped in my bed clossing my eyes

                           Next morning
I woke up by my mom shaking me "honey get up" she said shaking me "mom please some more minutes" i said tired and turning around the other side of my bed "no you have sleept too much its already 12 pm " she said "okay okay I'm awake" i said getting up "goodmorning mom" i said "goodmorning darling"she said kissing my forehead "okay get ready and come downstairs to eat breakfast "she said "okay,see you "i said smiling soft "bye" she said and got out of my bedroom

I got up and i get inside the bathroom washing my face and brushing my teeth,I put my hair in a ponytail and got inside my closet i grabed a comfy outfit and wear it

I put my apple watch grabed my phone and my watter bottle going downstairs to the kitchen filling my watter bottle with water and ice and make some breakfast,I make some egg toast with avocado two peace and sit in the dinning room doing some works...

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I put my apple watch grabed my phone and my watter bottle going downstairs to the kitchen filling my watter bottle with water and ice and make some breakfast,I make some egg toast with avocado two peace and sit in the dinning room doing some works in my laptop then dad came in "goodmorning dad" i said looking at him "goodmorning sweetheart"he said kissing the top of my head then he went to the living room and sit in the couch while i ddid my work i was so uncomftorble in the chair so i grabed the dishes put them in the dishwasher wash them and then grabed my watter bottle,phone and laptop and sit next to my ddad in the couch "Darling,tonight I havea meeting at the ball and you need to  come with me" he said "But why me can't you take mom" i said "no they are alll getting their children"he said "what time"i asked "6:30 pm" he said it was almost 3:00 pm so i got up and went to my bedroom, I went inside my closet finding a dress for tonigght

I put my apple watch grabed my phone and my watter bottle going downstairs to the kitchen filling my watter bottle with water and ice and make some breakfast,I make some egg toast with avocado two peace and sit in the dinning room doing some works...

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I find this beautiful long black dress with thiss heels and other bag it shows my body soo beautiful then i sit in my mirror doing my makeup and hair and i was literly done in 5:54 pm so i put my dress on and got to my jewerly box gettying some gold jewerlys some rings,earings,and a necklace aand for the end my rolex gold watch i put some parfume and pack my bag my phone,tampons for emergency,parfume,dior lipgloss,charger and then i went to the living room watching my mom while she watch tv

"Omg,darling you are looking so beautiful" my mom said while she get up and huggs me "thank you mom" i said smiling then dad came in and then he  tells me that I'm looking good i thanked him and he asked if i was ready i said yes and we said goodbye to my mom and dleave tot he car,we sit behind while the driver ddrived to the ball

After some minutes we were there and we got out the car then my eyes meet mason's eyes who he was smirking looking me up and down we got to them aand talked "You are looking gorgeous Ella" mason's dad said "thank you Mr.De luca"i said "oh please darling call me matheo"he said smiling soft then i looked at mason shaking his hand my dad and mason's dad walked together talking while me and mason walked together,then a hand wraped to my waist looking at the hand it was mason's hand "what are you doing mason" i said whispering "i don't like how those guys are looking at you tesoro" he said leaning to my neck I pulled away to not start cause i knew he won't stop

We sit to a vip room then i was little bit thirsty i didn't want to drink beer and those things so i got up and went to the bar to get some water then a guy came and sit next to me "what's your name darling" he asked "My name is Ella"i said smiling soft and shaking his hand "what's your name" i asked "My name is Alexandro" he said then Mason came

Mason's pov:

I saw while ella got up and walked to the bar to get some water i watched as she walked away her ass going up and down while she walk her body so beautiful making me to fuck her in here infront of everyone so I forced my self to stay where i was this girl is gonna be the death of me,we start talking about mafia bussines while my eyes went to ella talking to a guy she was shaking his hand and she was smiling whot the fuck is this guy?I got up and walked towards ella and that guy "who the fuck are you" i asked the boy my hands in my pocket "who are you"he said "I'm her boyfriend"i said
"Maso-"ella said but i cut her off and grabbed her arm and oulled to a room i slamed her against the wall and put my hand in her both sides

"What the fuck are you doing mason"she said her arms across her chest "who the fuck was he" i whispered said "maso-" she said but i cut her "WHO THE FUCK WAS HE ELLA" i yelled making her flinch i was drunk little bit "HE WAS JUST A FRIEND,AND WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY TO HIM YOU ARE MY BOYFRIEND HAVING SEX DOSEN'T MEAN YOU ARE MY BOYFRIEND MASON" she yelled at me but then i slapped her i didn't mean

                          ~Hello stars⭐️~

This chapter is when mason slapped ella but what happend next we don't know go to the next chapter see ya❤️

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