Pool day

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Ella's pov

I woke up the sun bright in my face, I look at the clock and it was 7:56 am why did I wake up this early  I turn around and i see mason sleeping peacefully in his stomach and his hand around my waist ,I smiled and kiss him in the lips the he grabed me behind my neck with his other hand and kissed me deeply,I pulled away for air and then he open his eyes "goodmorning love" he sayed "goodmorning" i say I got up but then mason grabed my waist and pulled me to the bed "stay here amore" he said with his sexy morning voice "but i can't sleep I think our parents wake up" i say

"And if they wake up" he said and then i replied "i need to got to my mom and you mom cause we have planned to go to the pool today "i said playing with his fluffy hair "without us" he said smiling soft "if you guys want to come then come we are not stoping you "i said smiling "we we'll see" he say I got up washed my face brushed my teeth and put my hair in a clip for hair I went inside the room and saw mason shirtless with his trousers "I-im going to my parent's room" i say looking at his abs "okay amore" he say smirking knowing iw as staring at him

I went outside the room and knock to my parent's house my mom open and i saw amson's mom "goodmorning mom and goodmorning julia" i say entering the room and smiling soft "goodmorning hun"they both said
"Where is dad and matthew" i asked mom "They are to our room" julia said "oh okay so are we going to the pool" i asked "yes we are going hun"my mom said "oh okay I'm leaving to be ready bye" i waved at them and ran to the room mason was sitting in the bed scrolling in his phone

"are you leaving somewhere amore" he asked turning his phone off and giving me attention "yes we are going to the pool why"i said looking at him "just asking,i told your dad and my dad for us" my eyes widneed " w-what did you say to them" i say my voice shaking "I told i love you and you love me" he said smirking "what did they say" I asked "they weren't mad they were happy they told our moms too "he said "but how..."i said "now be ready or you gonna be late" he said I got to the wardrobe and get some bikini's to wear

"i said "now be ready or you gonna be late" he said I got to the wardrobe and get some bikini's to wear

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Then i went to the bathroom to change

I wear a white shirt button and then wear my gucci black sandals i put my hair down and went inside my room then I saw mason looking me up and down "what" i asked grabbing my phone and sunglasses  he got up and pinned me to the wall "you look soo sexy,I want to rip them off of you amore" he said kissing me he then putt his hand under the shirt and squezed my ass I moan in his mouth then i pull away "I'm gonna be late bye" i said giving him a quick kiss and leaving the room I went to my parents room and i saw my mom and mason's mom already ready "darling come her we need to talk" my mom said I went to the bed and sit "we know about you and mason darling,if you are happy and my son is happy with you it's okay " mason's mom said

"Yes it is alright if you are happy as your mom i want your best for you darling,you are know grown up and you can chosee about yourself" my mom said "so are you happy with mason and do you love him" mason's mom and my mom asked me " Yes i love him and I'm happy with him" i said smiling soft "congratulation then darling" my mom and mason's mom said i hugged them and then we start leaving to the pool,when we went inside the pool was big and nobody wasn't there so we put our towels to the chairs and we relaxed there we talked laughed and drink

Then we got in three of us and the water wasn't cold that's not bad,we swim then the boys came my dad,mason, and mason's dad they were all in the swim clothes and a towel to their sholder mason was staring me and smirking they came put their towels to the chair mason next to me dad next to mom and mason's dad next to julia mason's mother and they came into the water just putting their legs in not all "didn't you guys say that we have work" mom and mason's mom said laughing "we wanted to spend the day with our wifes Is that a problem" my dad said laughing "that's probably fine" my mom said "congratulations darling and mason" my dad said and mason's dad said "thank you dad and mr,de luca "i said smiling "oh please call me matthew darling"he said with a smile "okay" i said "thank you dad and alessandro" mason said "so let's have some fun" my dad said as the three of boys came in the water smirking "what are you doing guys" mom said

Then mason grabed my waist picked me up then dad picked up mom by her waist and matthew grabed julia by her waist to throw us to the water "no no no no-"i said but went cut by throwing to the water I got inside all and then got back up "that's not even funny guys,if we didn't now how to swim" i said grabbing my sunglasses from the water "we will help you" they said and start laughing "haha very funny" i said mimicking them "I'm gowing to relax Imm tired " i said getting out from the water "I'm coming too" mom and julia said

Mason's pov:

As we therow them in the water we started laughing then ella back up from the water and start getting her sunglasses from the water "that's not even funny guys,if we didn't know hoe to swim" she said grabbing her sunglasses "we will help you" we say and we started laughing "haha very funny"she said mimicking her then she said "I'm going to relax I'm tired" she said getting out from the water as i stared at her body while her butt going up and down i want to smack that little ass of hers then mom and alessandra got out from the water

Three of us my dad alesandro and me stayed to the water a little more and then got out

                         ~Hello stars⭐️~
This chapter is when they go to maldive,See you in the next chapter bye love.❤️

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