Gold & Horses

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"But I saw him, we saw him. Ask anyone who was there, Lady Artemis. Hylla. Reyna!" Back in Ancient Greece, Homer once said that the gods envy men. Right now, I don't envy Thalia, or anyone in this room for that matter. Being in a room full of broken demigods can be overwhelming depressing sometimes. Mortal's are damaged creatures, damaged by the cruelty of The Fates.

Jason walked to his sister, gently resting his hands upon her shoulder, then moving one to her neck, using he thumb to wipe away the tears."Thalia, please, I understand you miss him, we all do but whoever you thought you saw; it wasn't Percy. He's dead." Thalia furiously shook her head, the tears becoming harder. Her brother only pulled her closer, resting his chin upon her head.

"You're wrong." The hostile voice was so sudden, that I could see it made everyone jump—well, almost everyone. Thalia's whimpers ceased and even Annabeth quietened for a moment. Jason's head snapped to the side, his clear blue eyes glaring down the foolish man who dared to speak, and I mentally facepalmed.

"What did you say?" Thalia's brother huffed dangerously.

"You heard me. Percy is alive, he's the reason why any of us are alive." Castellan straighten to his full height, his own eyes narrowing in an effort to look more intimidating.

"Are you the one encouraging this?" Jason hissed. "You think this is some... game? That you can just take advantage of someone's grief in an effort to get back in... what... everyone's good graces?" Jason's face scrunched up and his shoulder's slightly curled forward.

"The only thing I'm encouraging is the truth, and the truth is that Percy Jackson is alive, trust me." Castellan tried to reason but it was no use; he knew that, I knew that and I'm pretty sure everyone with half a brain knew that.

Jason's face, and even his stance, faulted for a moment and then a sarcastic smile crept its way out. He looked around at the other occupants in the room and let out a laugh. Well, more like a cold, half-hearted bark. "Trust you?" He growled as he flipped a gold coin and levelled the transform sword at Castellan's neck. "Trust you?! After everything you've done?!" I was surprised that Luke didn't reached for his sword that lay limp by his side, he could easily unsheathe it and match Jason in combat prowess—so why didn't he? Instead he just stared down at Jason with an almost superior aura.

Chiron sighed heavily when it became apparent that neither of the two boys were going to move. "Jason, lower your sword." Jason was hesitant, for obvious reasons, and his eyes flickered over to where Chiron sat expectantly. Jason huffed but complied. Chiron wheeled forth, to the centre, and stared down anyone else contemplating disturbing the peace... or at least what was left of it. He cleared his throat, "Lady Artemis," immediately all eyes were cast upon me. "maybe you should inform us of our current situation?"

Right... "Well... as you know; both camps were attacked by mysterious shadow creatures, so I have taken the liberty to rally some allies with the Amazons in case there is another attack." I gave a slight nod to Hylla, who politely returned it. "However, my Hunters and I were also contacted by Perseus Jackson who has offered his help as well, on the condition that we try to give Castellan a second chance..." There were a few hissed comments of mistrust but other than that no one made another attempt on Castellan's life, regardless of their lingering doubt of Perseus' survival.

"It still doesn't explain how he's alive, though." A grumpy voice mumbled from the back corner, a voice I nearly mistook for Hades' until the crowd part to reveal the owner. A young man, dressed entirely in black.

"Nico?! Is that you?" Nico...? Didn't Bianca have a brother with the same name? I surveyed the man closely, he was well worse for wear, and much skinnier then I remembered, but then again, the last time I was anywhere near this so-called demigod, was about seven years ago. The man in question gave a small twitch of a smile to another tall blond—whose features closely resembled that of my brother—as he leaned heavily on the offered arm. The spawn of Hades' eyes were soon back to the unrelenting task of drilling holes into Castellan.

"Well?" he managed to croak out. "Why don't you explain to everyone in this room, how you were able to escape the Underworld?" His hollow black eyes narrowed. Castellan only glared, obvious irritation boiling away under his skin, screaming to be let loose but he surprisingly kept his cool.

"For the last time; I. Don't. Know." I rolled my eyes, there was no way in Hades anyone could pay me enough drachmas to stick around and make sure Castellan didn't get himself killed. Whilst the two boys both stood their ground in yet another heated battle of masculine stubbornness; I inched around the outside of the misshapen circle to where Thalia stood, comforting Athena's daughter with her presence.

"I'm going to Olympus for a while, to report on what has happened. Stay at the camp, look after the Hunters and wait for further instructions." My Lieutenant gave a tight smile and a curt nod before looking back to the escalating argument. It made me pause, "and makes sure Castellan doesn't get himself killed." I muttered as an afterthought as I moved to where Hylla and Reyna stood huddled in the corner.

I let out a heavy sigh. "I'm returning to Olympus." I bluntly stated as Hylla glared down at me with her self-appointed air of supremacy. "I suggest that you contact the rest of the Amazons and tell them to report to Camp Jupiter." The warrior queen just folded her arms.

"I will. But know this, goddess; I'm not doing this for you. It changes nothing." With that final statement, she left, taking her disrespectful attitude with her. Why the Hades can I not get the same respect as I use to?

"Five chests of gold and thirty of the finest horses."

"Pardon?" I blinked up at the remaining Amazon sister, and for the briefest moment she just gave an understanding smile to the route her sister had taken.

"Five chests of gold and thirty of the finest horses." She repeated. "That was the deal Percy made with us.... Just in case you were wondering." She tilted her head slightly before following after Hylla, leaving me completely speechless. Five chests of gold and thirty horses?! Where the Hades did Perseus get that kind of bargaining chip?

<line break>

I landed on Olympus quickly and swiftly, wasting no time in tracking down Zeus. Passing a perfectly sculpted garden, where the nymphs frolicked and danced to the music of the satyrs, and among the stores of lower-town Olympus were several spirits and minor gods—whose names I may have accidentally forgotten...

"WATCH OUT!" Someone yelled in a panic but I was too late to react and soon found myself, once again, knocked to the ground. I groaned upon realising who was clumsy and stupid enough to bother me.

"I really regret not killing you when you were mortal, you know that, right?"

"Oh, Styx! I'm so, so sorry!" Hermes was up in an instant. "H-here... ah, let me help you." I waved away his offered hand that appeared to be shaking uncontrollably with nervous ticks. I rolled my eyes as I brushed myself off. Hermes had always been like this; ever since the first (and last) time he tried to prank my Hunters and I.

"Hey, hey... Will you just shut the Hades up for one moment—please! Or I swear..." That immediately cut off his mumbled excuse of an apology. Seriously, I can barely hear myself think when he so much as open his mouth! "Now. Do you know where Zeus is, it's important?" He hesitated as he examined the broken wing on one of his sandals.

"Ah... I think he's at Apollo's. Why?"

"None of your business." I briskly stalked off. "Oh, and I suggest you get some flying lessons... for everyone's sakes!" I yelled over my shoulder. In return I could faintly hear him complain that it was his shoes' fault and not his flying but by then I was already in the progress of teleporting to my brother's palace.

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