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It was nearing dusk when I finally returned to Camp Half-Blood. There was just one think I had to do before I left for Greece.

I stood close to a big oak tree and watched from afar as campers and satyrs departed from the Mess Hall in groups of two or three, and made their way towards the amphitheatre. Despite the imposing threat of Erebus rising, many of them seemed quite happy, carefree. Laughing and horsing around with their siblings and resurrected friends. They were children.

I frowned slightly at the thought. A faint memory slowly tried to creep forward- a glistening sun, the peaceful sound of wind in the trees, the dirt and grass beneath my shoeless feet. There was a boyish giggle, I turn around in my memory and caught a glimpse of golden hair and golden eyes and a sweet smile.

I blinked away the tears of how small and innocent Apollo had once been... we had both been innocent back then. Back in the days long before we had met father. When it was just Apollo, mother and I.


We never really saw mother again, not after father took us to Olympus. So blinded by the power and beauty of the gods, that I had failed to see that Apollo and I had lost the one thing that was most important to us.

The light from the memory faded into coldness and became distant one again, and I returned to the present, to Camp Half-Blood. To the Age of the West, where the Olympian gods live at the top of the Empire State Building, and certain peoples are not taking Erebus' threat seriously enough!

Zeus. King of the Gods. He demanded absolute loyalty, and one does not dare disobey him. And yet here I was, about to do exactly that.

When Apollo was born, I promised our mother that I would keep him safe, protect him. But how am I suppose to protect him from someone like father? How do I protect my stupid and foolish little brother from the King of the Gods?

I closed my eyes and tried to will the thought away. If I go to Greece, if I fulfil this prophecy, it won't just be my father that I defy, but the Ancient Laws themselves- I could be stripped of my power and immortality as punishment, thrown into the darkest depths of Tartarus like a common criminal. I didn't feel as confident about me rash decision as I had been earlier, there was a reason why gods' don't go on quests.

But if there was one chance, just one chance that this Amulet of Helios could save my brother, heal him, restore his power; then maybe Apollo could stop Erebus. The light will vanquish the darkness.

Maybe then... my sacrifice will be worth it.

Sacrifice. Isn't that what the prophecy had said; 'sacrifice your pride for the thing you most seek'?

Apollo may be annoying, and I may hate him for it, but he was still my little brother and there is nothing- absolutely nothing- I wouldn't do to save him.

Because on Olympus, we only really had each other.

...Well, I guess Apollo had Hermes, but he didn't count and it was beside the point.

I opened my eyes again with renewed determination and focused back on the Mess Hall. I perked up a bit as a group of girls in silver parkers and combat boots left. I smiled at seeing them chatting with their sisters, boasting about an archery competition from the sounds of things.

They started trailing off, down the path to the amphitheatre, and I spotted Zoë coming up the rear of the group, talking politely to Frayanna. I called out to her mentally, using my skills of telepathy to call her name. She stopped abruptly, her sharp eyes scanning around her. And for a brief moment, our gaze connected, and she gave a curt nod of acknowledgement. Zoë waved her sister on, and then came and stood before me in the shadows just beyond the reach of light emitted from the Mess Hall.

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