Thalia's Guilt

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Admittedly, it took us a while to discover that the ship was controlled by one of those peculiar remotes from something called a Wii Console- of which I had no idea how to use. I promptly ignored Thalia's inevitable; 'I told you so!', as she and Castellan took turns helming the ship.

"So you really believe that this... Amulet of Helios is the weapon as mentioned in the prophecy?" I gave Thalia an affirmative nod from where I leaned against the deck railing, the sound of the rhythmic waves lapping at the hull of the ship was curiously relaxing. Thalia looked back down at the piece of paper that held the prophecy, and silently reread it again- for what seemed like the millionth time. Her eyes scanning back and forth across the page, as if searching for something that probably wasn't there. "And you are sure that Helios will have it? And that he is still in Greece."

I ignored the urge to roll my eyes at her continued anxiousness. "Yes, I am sure, Thalia. Besides, Athena was the one who figured it out, she must be right."

Thalia looked thoughtful and glanced to where the Hermes' boy was standing at the rudder- out of earshot. "What are you most proud of, Lady Artemis?" the girl asked quite suddenly.

I blinked in surprise at such a question, then quickly frowned when I had no immediate answer. What was I prideful about? A line in the prophecy had said that I would have to sacrifice my pride for the thing I seek. I'm searching for the Amulet of Helios, so that I can destroy Erebus and hopefully save my stupid brother. But what kind of pride will I have to sacrifice?

Thalia was still staring at me expectantly but I could only give her a helpless shrug in return. She seemed to understand and decided to drop the subject, and instead turned her gaze to the horizon where the dirty wash of the sea blurred and smudged with the grey cloudy sky. And although I probably wouldn't admit it to Thalia- and certainly not to Castellan- but I was quite... concerned by that particular line in the prophecy. The rest of it seemed utterly clear, except that one line...

'Sacrifice your pride for the thing you most seek'.

All Gods were proud to some extent- Athena being one of the worst for suffering under a severe case of hubris. But for me to sacrifice my pride... I glanced at Thalia- my huntress... Would I have to sacrifice my Hunters? I don't think even a trip of this importance would be worth it if I had to sacrifice them, I would rather turn home now and let Erebus take over.

I looked to the helm, where a certain traitor stood casually, admiring the Wii controller and its millions of buttons he would undoubtably be tempted to press. I was proud of my titles; Goddess of maidens, chastity and virginity... would I have give up my rejection of men's company...?

I gaged at such a disgusting thought.

What if my pride was something I couldn't sacrifice? The prophecy would remain incomplete and we might never find Helios' amulet. Does that mean we have failed even before we have began?

It would be a wasted trip.

"Hey, Lady Artemis, can we talk?" Thalia had move to my side. She seemed a bit hesitant and slightly worried. She fidgeted nervously with her hands, and wouldn't meet my eyes. This wasn't like Thalia- it must be serious. I narrowed my eyes, and momentarily thought of the Hermes' boy. I really didn't approve of Thalia's close friendship with him...

"Its about Percy." Thalia caved. Oh.

The name alone, now triggered so many regrets; I should have never saved him in the woods, I should have finished him off in Alaska. I should have never blindly trusted him. By the Fates, he was more trouble then a demigod is worth.

Instead of relaying my hostile thoughts to Thalia, I folded my arms over my chest, and gave her my best 'I'm-listening-even-though-I-will-probably-dislike-what-you-have-to-say' face. "What about him?" Even I noted how strained my voice was. Thalia flinched slightly, but she didn't run off in fear and humble apologies like most do. No, Thalia had too much fire in her to back down, especially about this.

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