Chapter 2 were roomates now?

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Both Astrid and Sasha made it back to Astrid's apartment. It wasn't anything special just a "slightly messy one-bedroom apartment." "Astrid even I know this place is a damn mess." "Ahh, it's fine just a few piles of trash nothing too SERIOUS!" Sasha uses her power on Astrid as Sasha's eyes start to bleed."ALRIGHT ALRIGHT LETS CLEAN UP!" One cleaning scene later. "See that wasn't so hard Astr-" Astrid is already asleep on her bed as Sasha sighs."Guess even she has her sour spots." she sits on the bed bouncing a bit as she giggles finally getting to experience a real bed when Diva appears. "You seem to be enjoying yourself" "AHH!" She falls and hits the ground as she whimpers. "Apologies for that, it seems I have startled you" The others appear and surround Sasha."S-stay away! I-i won't go back!" Azura steps forward and kneels offering a hand in a similar way as Astrid did before as Sasha takes it cautiously.

"We don't mean you any harm, we work for Astrid here," Azura says to calm Sasha down. "You do? Who even are all of you?" As she asks a younger-looking one approaches her yawning."We are her paths different versions of Astrid...pulled from different uhm-"Different timelines is what she was gonna say"Diva finishes as Pam falls asleep in Sasha's lap.
"Timelines what are those?" Sasha asked curiously as she patted Pam's head.
"Think of them like branches on a tree different decisions lead to different branches." Diva does his best to explain and credit to Sasha she receives the information very well.
"Can you tell me more about Astrid?"
"Hmm, you are curious about her? I did notice you blush when you two first met" As Diva comments Sasha blushes again.
"She reminded me of the knight from my stories, she even held her hand out like one, I want to be close to her, my magenta knight."
"Interesting name I'll tell you all we know about her for starters Astrid was an orphan here in the wastes her true parents are unknown."
"Oh just like mine I... was an experiment for some very scary people here...they did something to my eyes they burn whenever I think hard."

"I believe they call people like you a charmer," Diva says as Azura gives him a side-eye.
"Hey don't hit on her," Azura says.
"No not like that Azura, I mean the magical kind of charmer they can influence different creatures, although ones that can control humans are rare."
"Maybe she is a special kind like a human charmer"
"Hmm, why stop there though? Maybe she is some sort of universal charmer?" Pam says as she yawns Diva looks surprised and ponders.
"That isn't a bad guess but I think that is enough speculation Sasha you seem tired why don't you rest?" Diva says as Sasha yawns herself not even noticing how tired she was before as Pam gets off her.

"I-is there another bed for me?"
"Nah, im sure Astrid won't mind we have to go handle something so just go ahead" The paths all disappear as Sasha nervously gets onto the bed and looks up at the ceiling.
"(Well at least it isn't a cell I could get used to this-!?)" suddenly Astrid pulls her close while sleeping as Sasha blushes hard.
"I'll...keep you safe..." Astrid says while deep in her dream as the blonde girl returns the hug.
"I'll keep you keep you safe too my knight" She falls asleep in Astrid's warm embrace and ends up in a nightmare

Sasha was strapped down to a table it was a familiar table she had been here before it was the lab where she was experimented on and she suddenly heard people talking it's time for the next test sir. She hears someone say
"ok make sure it works this time, if it doesn't show results soon we will have to start over from scratch and kill the previous subject." A deeper-sounding person said. Causing Sasha's pupils to flicker red almost like a fight or flight response.
As a scientist approaches her she struggles desperately against the restraints.
"S-sasha will do better! no more needles please!"
"Im sorry but orders are orders" he brought the syringe close to Sasha's eye as she yelled out in terror before slowly coming back to reality thanks to Astrid.

"Hey hey! Sash!"
"Please don't hurt me anymore!" I'll be good!" Astrid hugs Sasha finally pulling her out as Sasha pants.
"Hey, Sasha are you okay?"Astrid asked concerned. "No, I had a nightmare," Sasha said still panting and shaking from fear.
"Well, that's okay want to help me cook breakfast?"Astrid asked as she got up when she did Sasha saw that it was morning once again.
"What's breakfast?" Sasha asked confused.
Astrid then told her what breakfast was while making it in the kitchen.
"So you learned that from your parents what were they like?"Sasha asked
Astrid froze when she asked that.

"They were amazing" she flashes back to her childhood.
"Hey, kiddo good morning you are ready to make breakfast." Her father said a small Astrid had climbed up on the counter to help her father cook breakfast. So what do you want kiddo? He asked I WANT PANCAKES PLZ!!. The little girl shouted. Calm down kid Dad will make you pancakes. Her mother said trying to calm down her rowdy child. Ok, Mom I just can't wait. Astrid said calming down. Then they made and ate breakfast it was very delicious. when suddenly Toni walks in hey guys sorry to disturb breakfast but I have a mission for you Dante. Toni says her father then gets up and leaves not before giving his wife and daughter a kiss.
"After that, they went on a job and I...didn't see them again Uncle Tony said they were killed and I..." she sighs as she tears up when Sasha hugs her.
"Even a knight needs help sometimes."
"Thank you sash" Suddenly they hear the door unlocking as Astrid grabs her sword to defend them both when Tony enters.

"Woah there kid im just checking on you, I've got another job lined up and im sure you're gonna love it." Astrid sighs and shakes her head.
"Tony learn to knock next time please, I could have killed you"
"Haha fair enough aren't joking are you?"

End of Chapter 2
(A/n the picture above is how I believe Sasha looks)

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