A Forgotten Future

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Astrid walks around the strange forest as she feels a strange pull keeping her moving forward.
"Okay Astrid what happened, we went into Pim Tower we fought him and won, and then..." she holds her head suddenly moving her hand away as she feels horns.
"What the hell!?" She finds a pond and looks into it, her entire body looked different as she has grown reverse horns and even a tail, her skin is darker and her eyes changed they still have their blue color but now her irises are completely white along with her hair.
"This feels...familiar oddly enough hmm." Suddenly dark green wisps of magic shoot by her, Astrid chases after them as she starts to hear fighting she sees a woman fighting off the wisps by herself with a glowing sword.
"Is that all you got!? I can fight you Mechones all day!" The woman looked to be the same species that Astrid was now completely amber eyes matched the glow of her blade as she seemed to be banishing the wisps.
"I can help!" She summons her cannon and fires at a wisp driving it off.
"Stay out of this!" Astrid suddenly feels something behind her as the woman yells out.
"Jump down!" Astrid does so as a shadowy beast nearly misses her as Astrid rolls down the hill she stops in front of the woman.
"How the hell did anyone even manage to get in here?" She squats down and inspects Astrid looking into her eyes the woman is shocked grabbing up Astrid into a deep bear hug.
"MI BEBÉ!" She shakes around Astrid kissing her forehead repeatedly.
"Woah! Hey, who even are you!?"
"Im your mom silly!"

It cuts back to the fight at the bunker as Ruda sees the massive pillar of magic shoot up and then disappear at pim tower she smirks.
"It seems my job here is done! It was fun meeting you all,im sure we will have even more fun some other time." As Ruda tries to run away black chains stop her as Hideko holds her in place.
"You aren't going anywhere!" suddenly a bolt of magic cuts Ruda free as she runs Hideko turns to see that bronya is the one who stopped her.
"Let her run, we need to focus on killing Grimdark." As they say that seraphim slams down next to them as Grimdark laughs in triumph.
"I KNEW MY DEFEAT BEFORE WAS A FLUKE, YOU ARE STILL NOTHING MORE THAN A WEAK CHILD." Seraphim reverts as Selena helps her up, The rest of the children of apocalypse gather around Seraphim.
"Fuck,im sorry I ran out of juice."
"That's not your fault seraphim, we gave it our best shot." Yuri stands up with Soma as they both come up with one last scheme.
"Can you make an anti-dragon bomb?"
"Yes, but I would need a special material and some lightning magic and-" bronya pats Idunn's shoulder.
"I can use my new magic but we need something to hold him down-"
"Or someone." Soma steps forward.
"Im not used to using the full extent of my oni's power, but I could briefly use it to hold that giant lizard down."
"Not alone you won't." Ash grabs Soma's arm.
"I lost you once soma...I won't do that again." Soma nods as they walk out to face the weakened ancient dragon.
"What's this? A shaman and a fox come to defeat me how humorous!"
"Grimdark, it's time we put you to rest." She takes a deep breath as she lets her power overtake her for a moment as the oni's body fully forms but before it could rampage Ash grabs Soma's hand as their magic combines the oni's body ignites as a phoenix pattern appears on its back as it swings a flaming war hammer
"That's so fucking cool."
"Yeah yeah" Idunn and bronya work on the new weapon as Idunn uses the frame of a grenade, she puts a dragon scale inside as bronya uses her runic magic to enhance it.
"Now we will send him back to hell."
"Soma, ash! It's time!" The flaming oni grabs ahold of Grimdark.
"Were up Yuri!" Yuri hops onto Seraphim's back
"Seraphim...good luck."
"Don't worry Lena I'll come back!" She boosts herself up as Grimdark sees their plan he refuses to fall not to children!
"I WON'T BE KILLED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!" He bites into the oni's shoulder and throws them away as Seraphim dives down.
"Hahaha! Alright grimy let's dance!" Grimdark tries to roast Seraphim with his flames but she flies around it until she reaches his mouth and chucks the bomb inside.
"Yuri your up!" He draws his pistol and fires at that explosive as it reacts grimdark's entire body erupts finally ending the Abyssal dragon as they all cheer.

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