Chapter 5 The Dragon of Oblivion

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Soma slams into the roof as she stares down Sasha unimpressed by her frail look as she steps forward Sasha steps back keeping Astrid behind her.
"Aww look at you a dog protecting its owner a shame I have to kill you both...I don't care" Sasha uses Soma's overconfidence to make a move dashing at the uniter and slashing at her but Soma has the skill to back up her confidence as she grabs the kunai and throws Sasha back forcing the blonde to teleport back.

"I won't let you let you win or hurt Astrid!" She continues to attack but even though she got a bit of training from Astrid not even she was a match for the uniter as she gets grabbed by the throat by Soma.
"I know this is quite odd to say but You remind me a lot of ash surprisingly what is your name?"
" name is Sasha"
"Why are you working with a mercenary like her?" Soma kicks Astrid waking the mercenary up Sasha is filled with pure anger and uses her eyes and freeze Soma in place but as they lock eyes Sasha is pulled into Soma's mind opening her eyes she sees nothing but darkness.

"What? Happened?" She gets up and looks around for a bit before seeing a child run past her she is surprised and confused when another runs past and Sasha chases after the child hoping for an answer.
"W-wait! Please where are we!?" As she follows light begins to fill the room as she sees the small child run over to an older man seemingly her father.
"Father father I aced my test all my classmates were so proud of me!" The young girl shows the test to her father he examines it and pats her head.
"You did wonderful soma keep this up and I'll give you something extra special for your birthday it's around the corner after all" the young uniter giggles with glee.
"Oh! We are having an aptitude test next week Father im gonna ace that one too!" Her father looks worried hearing that but pats her head anyway.

"That's soma? but she is so happy here what happened?" As she asks the memory shifts to a broken one the same young soma standing over a dead body as black flames surround her the glitched memory breaks even further as the young soma stares down Sasha along with many more eyes all around the blonde as an ear piercing shout rings.
"GET OUT!" Sasha is ejected out returning to the present as her eyes bleed profusely from the overexertion as Soma holds her head in pain Astrid finally regains herself and slashes Soma's chest.
"Let go of her!" Soma reels from the slash as she grabs and throws Astrid and Sasha.
"Astrid grab my hand!" Astrid quickly does as Sasha throws her kunai and teleports them both to a safe walkway as she pants from exhaustion.
"Shit your eyes!-"
"I am fine we need to leave soma is.." she coughs hard as Astrid picks her up calling Pam and Azura.

"That girl!-what the hell did she do!?" Soma's mind was on fire as she yelled out.
"I'll kill them both before people start to question my abilities." Before she can though a fireball is launched at her but a spectral shield protects her as someone flies over speeding and circling the uniter they laugh out.
"So much of the uniter of Rendfall can't even beat two girls! How embarrassing!" They spin before revealing themselves as a woman with silver hair and draconic wings floating above soma.
"You talk big for a glorified bird state your name."
"My name? Haha! I am the crimson wing of the boiling lands! The names Seraphim apocalypse!" She swoops down grabs Soma and brings her up and kicks Soma to the ground before landing next to Astrid and Sasha.

Astrid throws a dagger that Seraphim blocks with her wing.
"Nice reflexes im not your enemy though."
"Then who are you?" She holds Sasha close and keeps her dagger ready to throw.
"Names Seraphim im an ally I promise you will have to come with me though..." Astrid shuffles back slightly.
"I can heal your friend~"Astrid looks at Sasha's weakened state and sighs.
"Alright, but anything shady and I won't hesitate."
"Ooo feisty~ I like that try not to stab the person trying to help you through next time gives a bad impression." She gets ready to help them when suddenly a flaming arrow barely misses them and cleaves through a building before exploding as Soma readies another.
"God she is persistent fine I'll handle it" She leaps off the railing and flies over to Soma.
"You won't escape from me."
"Yeah, not with that attitude!" She creates a colorless orb fills it with draconic magic and slings it at soma.

Before the orb could blow Ash stepped in the way using her staff a barrier appeared blocking the attack and knocking Seraphim back as she lost control of her wings as Astrid saw this she held her arm out swapping Seraphim and an object's position bringing her to safety.
"THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! Do it again!" She begs Astrid.
"We don't have time let's move!" She and Seraphim start booking it.
"Damn your no fun!"

As they run Soma tries to give chase but Ash stops her.
"You are gonna run yourself into the ground before you get it!"
"Ash please they are gonna get away they tried to kill me!"
"Then maybe you should take the hint and stop this madness!"
Soma growls and turns around.
"Im heading back to the train as this conversation is over." Ash sighs as she looks to where Astrid and Seraphim ran and wonders to herself.

Sometime later at the outskirts of Ashvale Seraphim, Sasha and Astrid regroup.
"Alright boss lady, where is your base of operations?" Seraphim says as she sharpens her spear on her claws.
"Please talk like a normal person and my house is in the wastes northeast of her...and you?"
"Oh I live with some friends in the boiling lands"
"The boiling lands!? That's all the way south why come to Ashvale!?"
"Well it was technically for a job but im part of a legendary group called the CHILDREN OF APOCALYPSE!"
"....never heard of them" Seraphim is immediately destroyed as she slumps.
"Fair we are kind of a secret but we are the children of the mythical heroes!" Astrid does a spit-take shaking Sasha who was resting in her lap.
"That dumbass prophecy!?"
"Well it's not so dumb I came to find the remaining children four others are left and I believe you and the blondie here are two of those four." Astrid was skeptical but kept listening as Sasha stirred awake and they caught her up to speed.

"So how do we get to the others?"
"Well we need to get back to the boiling lands...problem is I snuck out and they have a barrier up preventing anyone from getting in or out."
"So we are stuck?"
"Nahhh Yuri will find a way for now I gotta find the last two."
"Have you?"
"Well yeah, the problem is we just kicked their ass" Both Astrid and Sasha look confused before it clicks.
"Dammit soma and that blind one are the last two"
"Yep! Meaning we have to fight the uniter to recruit her!" Astrid looks even more skeptical as Sasha is completely eating it up.

"So if you are who you say are shouldn't the apocalypse family have like a mark or brand?"
"Oh yeah, the mark of an apocalypse here" She pulls her eyelids as her pupil changes to her family's mark.
"That's amazing Miss Seraphim!"
"Yuck don't call me miss it makes me feel old." Sasha laughs as Astrid loosens up a bit.
"Okay so tell the truth are you two dating?" Seraphim points out how close the two are as they both blush and stammer.
"No, we aren't in a relationship! We are just-"
"Partners! We kill people together!" Seraphim laughs hard.
"Alright alright, im done teasing you two you both seem ready let's head back to your home if im right our guide should be arriving soon."
"Im sorry a guide?" Astrid asks as they head back to her home unaware of the mystery guide waiting to greet them.

End of Chapter 5
(A/n the picture above is how I believe Seraphim looks)

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