Chapter 16 Seraphim's resolve

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"You are confident! You are the child of reina and your ancestor was the one who sealed me away so i think I'll take great joy in crushing you!" Sabrina groans and leaps off him.
"Fight her all you want i have my own plans!" The wall to the base blasts open as sabrina's forces pour inside as sasha looks at Sabrina and her body moves on it own rushing at the pim.
"Sasha wait!-" a soldier blocks Astrid's way as she cuts him down, they start to get overwhelmed.

"Oh one of the little runts wants to fight alright then-!?" Sasha appears and clashes with Sabrina.
"Your a fast little runt aren't you!?" Sasha's eyes focus and paralyze Sabrina as sasha dashes at her.
"You...think that this can stop me!" She forces her body to slam down her weapon knocking away Sasha, but before Sabrina could attack a Bullet grazes her shoulder as Sabrina steps back the old man from before steps in front of sasha.
"That is enough sister."
"....haha...hahaha! So this is where you ran off to Orson! The failed son!"
"I may be a failed son but you are nothing more then a lapdog to our father." This irks Sabrina greatly as she pulls out a rifle.
"You are nothing but a weak disgrace!" She fires at him as Sasha slashes the bullet orson keeping the girl behind him.
"I'll handle this sasha i may be old but i can still fight!" He and Sabrina rush each other orson able to keep up with Sabrina well.
"What's wrong sister thought the old man would be weak?"
"Oh you just know how to grind my gears huh how about this grandpa!" She kicks up dirt partially blinding orson before she gut punches him sending the man reeling back as she gets ready to fire sasha immediately springs into action throwing her kunai into the air before slashing at Sabrina missing as she aims at sasha she teleports to her kunai.
"Where did that brat go!?" She suddenly looks up as Sasha axe kicks her.
"I am sick of you! Die already!" She aims at sasha but before sasha could escape she feels no more kunai as her heart drops she starts to accept her fate before her father steps in the way of the round....three more followed as orson dropped to the ground.
"D-dad?" Sasha holds his head in her lap as she panics.
"You...your fine! I just have to make a wish or or sing a healing song! No no magic i just have to use magic and you'll be okay." She blinds herself with her own tears as Sabrina laughs.
"This isn't some fairy tale kid he is dead and you will be joining him soon."
"You! are a monster!"
"Yeah but monsters are the ones who survive this world and besides i did him a favor now he gets to see his wife again especially since im the one who killed her hahaha!" Sasha's mind begins to break down as she is filled with that doesn't even begin to fully state how much fury she was feeling as the very blood around her began to float and boil as she stands up the true nature of her abilities are revealed as all her magics were sealed her Hemomancy took full shape as a red aura surrounded her, her personality changed along with it.

"What's wrong kid did you finally snap?"
"Hehehehe! Hahaha! Yes I finally did auntie!" She pools blood to her and forms a kunai with it as she giggles.
"And now im going to take great joy in killing you." This definitely unnerved Sabrina but she regained her composure.
"And do you really believe that you could beat me?" Sasha giggles again before appearing behind Sabrina.
"I don't need to believe because i know i will." As she finishes her sentence Sabrina is blasted with blood magic opening multiple wounds as sasha kicks Sabrina sending flying through multiple tents.
"Hahaha! Oh this will be fun!" She dashes forward to continue her assault seraphim is blasted back  by grimdark just before she can get burned by his breath Selena yoinks seraphim out of the way with her wires.

"Someones worried~i got this love!"
"I know love! you just worry me sometimes!" Seraphim laughs and she charges at grimdark again.
"You certainly are confident child but let me ask you something? Why haven't you transformed? Unless you believe you are truly above your dragon heritage!"
"I don't need to be a full dragon to beat you grimdark!"
"Oh? Well in that case you should have no issue transforming to show me its ancient dragon culture after all if you can truly beat me without a dragon form you will gain recognition beyond your dreams!" Seraphim knew it was a bait even a toddler would but something made her want need to prove herself as she took a moment she took a breath and tried to summon her form like she had read before she tried to pray to her families dragon patron but...just like all the other times nothing happened she was brought to tears by her own perceived inadequacy as grimdark relishes in her anguish.

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