Chapter 6 A Flawless Plan

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The Boiling Lands is the body of an ancient dragon colonized many centuries ago it rests southwest of the mainland of Rendfall, the people who live there were changed by the land they inhabited gaining a strange but advanced knowledge of the magic of the world forming four magic tribes.
They soon formed a council to bring the people together working with the other countries but only having a lasting trade with Ashvale supplying them with the resources to make their magic crystals in exchange for different supplies to help build up the cities but there is a secret that even their closest allies don't know about.

It was a night when the leader of the capital city of the boiling lands was standing on the city wall feeling a strange presence approach A white-robed man and a larger-looking man stand in front of the gate as the leader leaps down to face him.
"Please Miss we just need refuge."
"Then why come here? Randamu would have been more than happy?" He steps forward revealing they are both carrying a baby in their arms as she gasps.
"I...sure you both can stay but you must tell me more about yourself and why you came here" She leads them inside to get settled as time passes she gets to know the man and his..rather large companion.
His name was Roy sent here to keep the children of his family safe from the war that was soon to come in serenity that was a name she hadn't heard of in years another world more advanced than even Ashvale could dream of but...why here of all places? They were still dealing with raiders every other day she couldn't keep them safe but Roy...dammit something about his pleading she couldn't help but say yes that is why she joined the council to help people. Did she know she would be helping him raise an orphanage of kids at first it was a couple of girls then he brought around another two boys and she helped keep them safe during the times he was gone something separated the kids at first but he was able to track most of them down at least.

Eventually, 6 were gathered Hideko and Bronya were the first very adept at magic surprising even me then, later on, were Yuri and Gray a half-dragon and a werewolf respectively Yuri was certainly a trickster, and Gray well...he liked to sleep but was very protective of yuri and finally was seraphim and Selena the hothead and the silent dancer seraphim certainly worries me, especially with her fascination with weapons.

And everything seemed to be fine until a few weeks ago it was a normal meeting as always.
"Alright, then another runaway willow back nothing serious today at all" The door slams open as the leaders see Soma and Ash enter.
"Hello hello, leaders of the boiling lands as you probably already know I plan to unite all of Rendfall together under my banner I wish to talk to the head of you all."
"Well, that would be Makio here" Their gazes all turned to me as I sat up. A child planning to unite 5 radically different places together was something not even we could do if we banded together but I'll hear her out.
Not far away Yuri was listening in from a window and leaps down heading home immediately.
"Gang! Gang!" The others all meet with him in the living room.
"What's wrong Yuri?" Gray walks closet and hugs Yuri.
"Soma the uniter was talking to Makio this is bad"
"How is it bad this is what we wanted Gramps said she was one of us no?" Seraphim chimes in.
"I didn't hear it all but that conversation couldn't have gone well if worst comes to pass we may get locked down like when Hideko had that magic meltdown." Hidkeo shrinks but Bronya holds her hand.
"Well there are still two left, if we get locked down we may lose our chance to find them," Hideko says as they all agree.
"Then we have one shot at this everyone bronya wake him up." The silver-haired girl nods she whistles using her magic to awaken the large automaton as he walks over.
"What seems to be the problem children?"
"Hokki the last two children can you find them?" The bot does a quick scan before nodding.
"Northeast in the red wastes! the territory of the bandits!" they all immediately lose a bit of hope except the one person crazy enough to fly into a magic storm as she twirls her spear seraphim points at herself.
"Ha! Sounds like a cakewalk for me!"
"Seraphim! This is crazy even for you." Selena the elven girl standing beside her scolds her lover not wanting her to do this but knowing Seraphim she already had her mind set.
"Me and Hokki just have to find these two we can leave tonight before the barrier is set." Yuri mulls over the plan before nodding.

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