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"Wake up," I hear someone say in my ear and I jump and fall onto something hard "ow," I say sitting up and rubbing my head, I look around and see I fell off the couch where Jack and I slept "Why?" is all I say while giving Stella the death stare 

"because you and Jack looked too cute and I had to ruin it," She says smiling as I stand up and look down at Jack who is still asleep, I pull the blanket back over him and I turn back toward Stella, behind her I see Mason sound asleep 

"Where's Jasmin and Jenna?" I ask her confused because they were here when I went to sleep "Oh, Jenna and I slept in my bed and Jasmin slept in yours," She says with a smile "We left Mason out here with you two," She says smirking 

"Should we make them breakfast?" I question "Probably, but I can't cook," Stella says while laughing quietly "okay, I'll make it," I say knowing she wasn't gonna help anyways "Okay, text me when it's done I'm going back to my room," She says before walking away 

I walk out toward the kitchen and open the fridge and grab the eggs and bacon. I set them on the counter as quietly as possible so I don't wake anyone, I walk over toward the bottom cabinet near the fridge, grab two pans out, and set them on the stove 

I mix eggs and milk in one big bowl, while I put the bacon in the pan, after I finished making two batches of bacon I start cooking scrambled eggs, "You're a chef now?" I hear someone say with a laugh causing me to jump "Jesus," I say looking over at Jack as he leans on the counter 

"Sorry," He says laughing "it's fine, but yes today I'm chef," I say and he laughs "hope your hungry," I say while finishing the eggs 

"That I am," He says still watching me "good, now go try and wake Mason," I say while pushing him away with a smile "he might punch you so be careful," I say and he looks back to me with a terrified look on his face 

"Food?" I hear Mason say loudly while I grab plates out of the cabinet "yes, food," I hear Jack say and all of a sudden Mason comes running out "Well good morning," I say to him while he stands there like a lost puppy

I walk toward the table with six plates and set them each down, "Mason, go get Jasmin," I say to him and he nods before walking away. I text Stella like I said I would a few seconds later she and Jenna walk out of her room with Jasmin and Mason coming out of my room not too far behind 

I grab the pan of Eggs and the plate full of bacon and set them in the middle of the table, "What do y'all to drink?" I ask them, Mason, Jenna, and Jack said apple juice while Stella and Jas said they wanted water. I grabbed the carton of apple juice out of the fridge and set it on the table and then I grabbed Stella and Jasmin cups of water 

"Is there anything else anyone wants before I sit down?" I ask looking at them "yes, Salt, Pepper, hot sauce, and ketchup," Mason says nodding aggressively "Oh, right," I say in a 'duh' tone knowing I should have already put those on the table 

"Now we can eat," I say laughing as I set down all the rest of the stuff. Jenna and Stella were sitting closest to the wall on the opposite side of Jack and me, while Jasmin and Mason sat on opposite ends of the table 

"This is good," Jasmin says closing her eyes with a smile "Thank you," I say with a smile before eating some of the eggs 


Everyone left about three hours after breakfast, we didn't do much besides sit in the living room watching New Girl and laughing. Jas and Mason were the first to leave because they had fittings for the movie, then Jenna left and then Jack left. 

"Sooo..." Stella trails on as we sit in the living room on our phones "So what?" I say not looking up from my phone "You and Jack..." She says and I quickly turn my head toward her 

"What about Jack and I?" I question "What's going on there?" She teases with a smile "nothing, I met him like three weeks ago," I say laughing and shrugging it off 

"Yea but the way your smile grows anytime he talks makes me think otherwise," She teases "My smile does not grow," I say scoffing "Mhm," She says not convinced 

"He's my friend, he's sweet and nice, and that's it," I say turning away from her "Mmm, okay," she says softly "You should have seen you two this morning, it was so cute," She says and I try not to smile 

I remember being tired last night but I didn't remember falling asleep, but I did remember waking up in the middle of the night with Jack's arms around my waist but I was so tired that I shrugged it off and went back to sleep before I was awoken by Stella. 

"We were just sleeping," I say not even paying attention to my phone "yea, in each other's arms," She says laughing "you guys would be so cute," She says and I can just hear the happiness in her tone 

𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑺 // 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑴𝑷𝑰𝑶𝑵 ¹Where stories live. Discover now