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Lucy, I don't like you like that. Stop telling people we are dating. it's creepy

Jack, you and I both know you like me.

no, I really do not like you.

yea and who do you like?


no you don't

yes I do and I have since the day I laid my eyes on her. so get over it, and stop being delusional.

Jackie, what has she said that makes you hate me? they're all lies!

first, don't call me that it's weird and second she hasn't said anything to me about you. I just don't like you. so please stop.

she's a whore. once you realize that you'll come running back just like her ex did.

I'm nothing like her ex, I'm not an idiot, and I'd never cheat on her. Also never call her a whore again.


*Jack has blocked all calls, texts,
and facetime from Lucy*


Today we had our first table read that lasted about two hours and I met some of the new cast, including the girl who plays Anika, Davyn Nekoda and she's truly the nicest person ever. I can tell her and I are going to be great friends.

Jack asked if I wanted to hang out for the rest of the day and of course, I agreed. Currently, we were sitting in my room watching New Girl as usual. "Who's that Marcel guy that commented on your post?" Jack says as he looks at his phone and then glances up at me 

"Uh, I met him about two years or so ago but I haven't really talked to him since but he's also an actor," I say shrugging "Well according to news pages he's your boyfriend," Jack says laughing slightly 

"Oh god, no," I say leaning my head back and laughing "Would you ever date him?" He questions "why? Are you jealous?" I tease him 

"Psh, no," He says rolling his eyes "Hmm are you sure? Because I think you are," I say still teasing him and I see his cheeks turn bright red "no I would never date him," I say looking at Jack "Cool, cool," He says nodding his head 

"Are you talking to Lucy?" I ask him truly wanting to know and he turns his head abruptly "What? no," He says with disgust lacing his face "She texted me," I say grabbing my phone to show him the messages 

"What the fuck!" He says scrolling and reading the messages "I know you said I'd never use you for fame and shit but I truly, deeply, never ever would use you for anything," Jack says sincerely while he sits up to be closer to me 

"I know, you're nothing like that," I say looking him in the eyes "and I would never ever date her, in fact, I actually blocked her today because I told her to stop telling people we were dating and she basically said no, and then I told her I liked someone else and then she was saying horrible stuff about her so I got mad and that was really the icing on the cake" he shrugs and my eyes widen 

"Oh, wow," Was all I could force out and he just looks at my face with admiration in his eyes "Jack," I say looking at his beautiful brown eyes that seem to get prettier "Thea," He says slowly with a smile 

"You know you have pretty eyes," I blurt out and his smile grows "And you have a pretty face," He says and I can feel the heat rise to my face 

"Stop, you're making me nervous," I say covering my face with my hands "No, don't do that," He says while moving my hands away from my face

I smile at him and his eyes move from my eyes to my lips and back up to my eyes, I feel my heartbeat increase, and he slowly places his left hand on the side of my face while continuing to look back and forth from my eyes and lips 

Now my heart is pounding against my chest and I lean closer to his face as he does the same, I can feel his hot breath on my face as we get closer and closer and my heart beats faster and faster 

Just as our lips were about to touch I hear my door open and we jump apart "Oh my, God I'm so sorry, continue what you were doing," Stella says while closing my door quickly and I stand up and follow after her and Jack does the same 

"You need anything?" I say trailing behind her "No, please continue," She says walking into the kitchen. There is no way I can be alone with Jack now, it's gonna be too awkward. "Uh, I should probably go, you guys can uh talk, see you tomorrow Thea, bye Stella," He says waving while putting his shoes on and quickly leaving the apartment 

"Omg, omg, omg," I say quickly while I pace back and forth "Did you kiss?!" Stella asks shocked "No but we were about to," I say and she groans "Damnit, I shouldn't have come in, my ship would be sailing," she says and I stare at her

"Don't ever say that again," I laugh "Sorry babe," She says laughing "Are you gonna talk to him about it?" She questions and I shake my head no quickly before I walk to my room and fall onto my bed groaning 


Author's note

So sorry for not updating the last two days but I have been super sick and I went to the hospital yesterday so I've been resting, but I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote! and follow my TikTok; weasleyspie.wp and emplicitys 

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