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Peter, and Kate managed to get me out of my house and convince me to look for y/n. It didn't take much convincing now that I think about it, but I still wanted to prepare myself just in case all this turned out to be some messed up dream. Maybe I was still home sleeping my drunkness away. 

But I wasn't drunk. This wasn't a dream. We were on our way to the location where Peter fought y/n. 

At first glance one would think it was a regular alleyway. Nothing but a narrow walk way with dumpsters off to either side, a fire escape for either building, and the more you walked forwards the wider the space opens up towards the back. But that cement wall made for a dead end. 

"So explain how she just disappeared" asked Kate. Both her and Parker were looking around for more evidence. I knew it would be futile as y/n was known to leave no traces of her behind. The necklace was just a hiccup. Peter must of grabbed onto it and accidentally pulled it off. Maybe it was loose and fell. 

But when you look around, there wasn't even a hint of people. No foot prints, no litter, nothing but silence, and eerie back alley vibes, as Kate would say. Not even the local cats were scrimmaging for food. The place almost looked abandoned. 

"I told you I don't know. One second she's going for a punch, the next poof. She vanishes faster than someone caught in thanos snap." Parker shook his head. 

I look around some more. Checking out the stability of the wall. It's solid, at least 8 feet tall and spread wide across connecting to the far ends. There are no cracks, no holes. My guess would be she ran and jumped onto the wall, climbing it before going to the other side. 

I take a few steps back, then launch forward as fast as I can. I kick up with my right foot, barley making it high enough to grab onto the top. I pull myself up and straddle the wall. It was a bit harder to do. I have done nothing to keep myself in physical shape so Im a bit weaker. My muscles are already aching with the bit of strength I used. 

I'm 24, I shouldn't be out of breath right now. 

"See anything?" Kate shouted. Peter used his webs to climb on top of the wall to also get a view of another neighborhood. Nothing that stands out. Nothing that made one think someone was there prior to their arrival. 

"Nothing" I shout back. 

"Where did she go?" Peter looked at me. 

"Lena, a hand" bishop says. I look down, and reaching out my arm. Kate does the same thing, taking a running start, before kicking up the wall and jumping to grab me. She manages to get a good grip on my arm and both Peter and I help her up. I scoot over so she could sit in the middle. 

Looking around my hope begin to decrease. No cameras so it's not like I can ask Kate to hack into them to retrieve any video files. And there are no people around so it's not like I can ask them if they've seen someone that remotely looks like y/n. 

And like clock work that feeling was back. The feeling of despair, and no matter how hard I try to shake off that feeling, I'm still left alone. But when my hand finds the necklace wrapped around my neck, I remind myself that this is y/n we are dealing with. 

"You said she vanished right. No tricks. No smoke bombs, no flash of light blinding you?" I ask. 

"No" Peter shook his head. "Just--"

"Poof" I say.

"Yeah... poof" he repeats, sounding almost defeated. 

Never in all my life that I have known y/n had she ever just vanished from a fight. She would use tricks, an illusion, something to mess with ones perception in order to escape from a lose situation. Smoke bombs were her favorite because all she had to do was pull a small ball out of her pocket and toss it to the ground. The smoke hiding her presences, as well as distracting the target. She'd use it to her advantage to take out the enemy. Not run away. 

It's All Lies, Darling (Yelena Belova X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now