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Her office was the same as the previous C.E.O. I have only ever been here a hand full of times and those time had almost nothing to do with work. That guy was a serious creep, but nothing I couldn't handle. Mainly because there were other people who were more willing to do anything to get on their good side and move up on the social ladder. To each their own I guess. 

I got chills just thinking about it. 

But y/n didn't say anything. She walked to her desk that had a huge shelf covering the back wall filled with alcohol. She sure was quick to replace everything that the previous owner had. Mainly model airplanes and other displayable objects. I mean, I guess showing off your expensive alcohol collection is another way to take up space. 

Y/n poured herself a drink in a cold glass she got from her mini fridge. She took a small sip, before turning to me. 

"I'd offer you one but I don't think it's wise to drink on the job" she said monotonously. Letting out a breath she took another sip before rotating her wrist and watched the auburn liquid rotate around the glass. She eyed it carefully. 

"I could say the same about you" I tell her. Y/n let out a soft chuckle nodding her head in agreement. But it didn't stop her from finishing her drink and pouring another ounce. 

"Technically speaking im not starting my work duties until next week so" she shrugged taking another sip. "Think of it as an early celebratory drink." she lifted the glass up slightly, "Cheers" she said before downing the auburn liquid and then it happened.

It was fast, barley managing to dodge the glass that had been thrown at me. It smashed on the floor behind me and when I looked at y/n I couldn't even express my shock as she launched at me a fist already swinging. I didn't have time to dodge that one.

Her fist hit me square in the jaw making me stumble. She went for one more punch but I did dodge that one, blocking another hook from her left, one from her right, and blocking her knee attack. Her attacks had power, almost sending a shock wave of pain through my body and down my spine. She was really intending on hurting me. Going for my weak spot.

Peter was right. Something about the way y/n moved like so many times before was the same. The way she stepped to the side, one step forward, one punch, two, three, a rotation of the body to dodge. If one were to take a closer look it would look as if she was dancing, a boxer on the ring getting their rhythm down. 

But it was because y/n was light on her feet she could make you stumble, and lose balance. Make you second guess what type of moves she had up her sleeve and question when she was going to change style. She could go from boxing, to MMA, to Taekwondo, to her favorite more deadly krav maga. And when she changes to that style y/n was ready to kill. 

She gave me a few good hits on the side of my stomach before I blocked her hit and pushed her back. Wasn't trying to hurt her but I was getting real tired of these attacks. 

Once more she went for a right hook, but I grabbed her arm, pulling her towards me and moving behind her placing her in a choke hold. She placed her left foot on the desk and kicked herself up, flipping behind me and grabbing me by the neck forcing me to hit my face on the desk, but I stopped it just before the impacted.  

I tried to elbow her but she blocked me, spinning me around. She picked me up and slammed my back against the desk and grabbed my arms before pinning me onto the desk. She brought my wrists together, getting a good grip on both with one hand. She was really close to me. I could smell her alcohol breath as her free hand trailed down my cheek, and down my neck. 

Her hands were cold. No longer soft and gentle. Before she could take the necklace I smash my forehead into her nose causing her to stumble back. 

"Owe, what the fuck" she said bringing her hand to her nose. She quickly removed it checking to see if she was bleeding. She wasn't but she did that a total of 5 times before she moved to a mirror next to her bar. "That was so rude." she said like I just betrayed her by hitting her. 

It's All Lies, Darling (Yelena Belova X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now