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Somehow dinner had gotten its rhythm back and the chatter began to fill the table once more. It was nice, seeing my old team mates, but also hearing about the things they have done since I left the team made me happy to know they were still doing well. All managing to find some form of happiness and move on. I was--am happy for them.

The conversations never brought up the accident or the anything regard what happened after. They took Wanda's advice, enjoying the company of what Thor would like to say 'the return of our sister who was lost but found her way back home.' It was quiet when he said it as though speaking to himself, but I heard him, giving him a small smile letting him know I felt the same. 

Tony the father figure, Wanda the mother, Natasha the over protective older sister, Me her girlfriend, and Thor her big brother who was fun to tease from time to time. Finding the lack of earth knowledge amusing. 

Y/n loved every single member of the group, but she was very picky on the people she wanted close in her life, giving them a role in her family she wish she had.

We would talk about it a lot. Mainly at night during those late night conversations. The ones where you just lay there and think about anything and everything, trying to find the meaning behind it all. I didn't care for such things. Living in the now and focusing on what I was doing currently. But not y/n. She loved to reminisce. Loved to put meaning into things.

I couldn't fault her. In the red room there was no meaning to anything. Not to the world around you, nor meaning to the life you were about to take. 

So it always made me smile when I saw y/n trying to learn how to be affectionate from Wanda. Learning that not all physical touch was meant to cause you harm. A hug didn't mean they wanted to throw you across the room. A hand shake wasn't a sign to grab them and attempt to break their arm. And a kiss didn't mean you were trying to bite your head off. 

She mainly only ever practiced affection with me. It took time but after a while it became second nature to hold my hand, hug me, kiss me, and caress me. But from time to time I found that romantic gestures weren't really her things, though she would try for me. 

But anyone else only got a smile, a wave, or a quick hug depending on who it was. Kate was one of the lucky ones because she made a deal with y/n. She would allow y/n to punch her once for a life time of hugs whenever she wanted. 

Kate woke up 2 days later. Y/n felt so bad after that she allowed her to cuddle with her on the couch when watching a movie. 

But it was her relationship with Tony that really made her feel like she was a part of something more. It was mainly during dinner when I got a first had look at how pure their relationship was like that of a father and daughter. Tony trying to mentor y/n, but still being protective. 

I would watch y/n's eyes being to sparkle when she spoke of her new idea's for that suit and the change in her tone--lower, more urgent--matched with the nervously shifting muscles in her face as she tried to hide her excitement. The eager desire in her goal peeked through the corners of her mouth fascination around her eyes, the energy in her jaw. I would watch y/n, mesmerized by the transformation. I myself could mimic most emotions and pass them off as mine, but mimicking only went so far, and I knew I could never match her passionate feeling. 

But she was quiet now. Not talking to anyone. Not even me.

Natasha tried talking to her, asking her questions and silently trying to figure out what was going on. 

She turned to wanda tapping her on her hand. Both of them had a silent conversation, but their facial expression gave everything away.

 I turn to see y/n twist her neck slightly up, her eyes shutting as her hand clenched into a fist. On the outside it looked like y/n was just releasing some tension in her neck muscle, but the way Natasha and wanda were looking at each and then at y/n. They or rather wanda was in y/n's mind. 

It's All Lies, Darling (Yelena Belova X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now