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"You're serious about this?" Y/n let out a sigh. She looked at her cup and then the bottle but instead of pouring another drink, she set them back on the bar counter. 

"More than anything" I said in a whisper, my heart sinking horribly. 

"Come back after work hours... I'll give you my answer then"

Y/n didn't say another word on the subject before sitting back on her office chair beginning to play with her computer. Then she took a few folders out of her desk drawer and opened them up before going to fix something else. At this pointed I knew she wanted a distraction, trying to make herself look busy so I could leave. I took the hint and walked out of the room.

Instead of walking to my office in the lab section I go outside the building. I try to get there as fast as I could, feeling my feet moving quicker almost trying to run in the halls. But I don't. I keep my composure walking past the normal folk and when I spot the entrance I speed up my pace.

Kate and Peter are still there. Good. Both anxiously waiting for me to return "unharmed". Im not going to tell them about our little match at the office but rather that a new development has been made. I'm sure they will be just not happy, if not more. 

As soon as the two spot me they move away from the pillar and run towards me, confusion plastered in their faces mixed with happy smiles. 

We were in the same page here since I felt the same. I was happy y/n was back, alive and well, but confusion on everything else made my head spin. 

"Well" Parker was the first to speak.

"What happened?" then Kate.

"Y/n... she isn't our y/n anymore" I tell them. Both give me that look wanting me to explain some more. So I did.

I told them that y/n had actually been in Budapest this entire time, spending some time in Italy. But I made sure to tell them about y/n's memory loss. How her cold demeanor was something I never felt before, not even when we were in the red room together. Hell not even as kids. 

The smiles in both Peter and Kates face where starting to become lesser, so I gave them the better part of the news in hopes of cheering them up.

"I told her I would try to make her fall in love with me again. She said she will let me know by the end of the work day if she agree's with my terms" I say.

"What terms?" said Peter. 

"I said if I didn't make her fall in love she could do whatever she wanted with me" I said. Kate raised a brow and a mischievous smile crept. 

"That's still a win for you isn't it?" she laughed.

"A win is a win" Parker laughed patting my shoulder. 

He was right. A win was a win. Whatever y/n wanted to do with me no questions asked. Only thing was, y/n wasn't one to take advantage of any situation. If she had something she wanted to do with me then it wasn't going to be for pleasantries. The worse outcome would be that she tells me to leave her alone and move on. The best was if she killed me. No matter what, the ending would be me losing y/nn forever. Was that really a risk I was will to take?

"We should let the others know about--"

"No!" I cut Kate off. "We can't tell them"

"What? Why?"

"Because we don't know what y/n is thinking. Let me get an answer first--"

"But we can take y/n to the compound, try to fix her memory issue and--'

It's All Lies, Darling (Yelena Belova X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now